
Creature — Ogre Rogue


At the beginning of your upkeep, you may search your library for a Rat card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you do, shuffle your library.

HeavenlyAxe on

3 months ago

Hey Indie,

First off I really like the lands you have assembled and the suggestions from SufferFromEDHD are all good.

You are definitely going to want an artifact ramp package.

Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Arcane Signet, Fellwar Stone, Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo

Special Mention to Nyx Lotus, it could be good being in mono black. and Jeweled Lotus, pays for your commander for free on turn 1 even.

Sword of the Animist is not bad ramp at all and buffs yours rats

Commander's Plate might be cute.

Liliana of the Dark Realms, makes sure you always get a land drop and could make your swamps tap for four.

Chittering Witch if your playing with more opponents.

Crypt Ghast is sort of ramp, but doubles your swamps. Very good in mono black.

Dauthi Voidwalker is not on theme at all but is just sooo much value in a two cost card I have to recommend it.

God-Eternal Bontu is excellent draw power in the right situation.

Dont forget you can run any number of Relentless Rats

Gray Merchant of Asphodel will heal you up a lot and hurt your opponents

Krav, the Unredeemed is also great card draw.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, has card draw, removal, and proliferate all on one card

Deadly Rollick, potentially free removal

Defile, cheap good removal

Thrilling Encore saves you from a board wipe or lets you bring everything back after sacrificing it all to like God-Eternal Bontu

Phyrexian Arena some ok card draw.

Bojuka Bog if you are worried about graveyards

Mutilate, a good board wipe in mono black

Night's Whisper, Read the Bones, Sign in Blood, are a great draw package for mono black

Toxic Deluge a great board wipe for when things need resetting, and you could follow with Thrilling Encore and get it all back

Syphon Mind is great draw if your playing with more players

Victimize - is really really strong, get rid of one weak thing for two of your best things

Yawgmoth's Will - lets you treat your graveyard like your hand for a turn

Lord Skitter, Sewer King makes rats

Marrow-Gnawer - lets you make lots of rats

Infectious Inquiry - good draw and gives poison

Ogre Slumlord - makes rats when your creatures or your opponents creatures die.

Tangled Colony - if your opponent has to block it or it dies to like Blasphemous Act will make you rats

Vraska's Fall removal and poison counter

Drown in Ichor removal and poison

Bontu's Monument all your creatures cost less

Rat Colony can have any number and they buff themselves, and cost less mana than Relentless Rats

Typhoid Rats deathtouch rat opponents wont want to block

Crypt Rats can board wipe but can also win the game if you give it infect, doesnt work with your commander because toxic specifies combat damage but does work if you give it infect and deal damage with it's ability.

Ratcatcher tutors rats, and gives you card advantage

Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm - buffs your rats and lets you get rats back

Wave of Rats has blitz and reanimates itself

Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni rat that steals opponents stuff

Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion rat that steals opponents stuff

Adaptive Automaton is a rat and buffs rats

Okiba-Gang Shinobi rat makes opponents discard and has ninjutsu

Filth gives all your rats swampwalk pairs well with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

Dark Ritual lets your get a head start or some extra mana a turn you need it

Tainted Strike instant speed infect, funny in multiplayer because you can use it on anyone's creatures.

Phyresis Outbreak gives poison and might kill opponents creatures

Feed the Swarm enchantment removal in black

Vat Emergence gets a creature back and proliferates

Spread the Sickness destroys a creatures and proliferates

Pact of the Serpent strong tribal card draw

Living Death swap graveyards with battlefields, great after sacrificing your whole board to draw cards

Skullclamp sack small rats for card draw

Thrumming Stone if you go the Relentless Rats or Rat Colony route

Coat of Arms your rats will be huge

Bolas's Citadel this card is dumb lol, lots of casting power and then you hit Gray Merchant of Asphodel and keep going lol

Icon of Ancestry kinda draw buffs rats...is ok

Contagion Engine proliferate twice each time you activate

Eldrazi Monument gives creatures flying indestructible and +1/+1

Grafted Exoskeleton gives a creature infect, great with Crypt Rats

Sword of Truth and Justice proliferate sword

Bad Moon buff all black creatures, opponents too

Phyresis gives infect again good with Crypt Rats

Greed card draw

Vraska, Betrayal's Sting proliferate planes walker

I know that's a lot but hopefully gave you some ideas to work with!

legendofa on Mono Black Rats Deck (First Deck Ever)

5 months ago

I'll give some good general-use options for several budget levels.

$20+ Thornbite Staff, Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm

$10-$20 Contamination, Liliana of the Veil

$1-$10 Capital Punishment, Ratcatcher

Less than $1 Feed the Swarm, Fraying Omnipotence, Hex

legendofa on Mono Black Rats Deck (First Deck Ever)

5 months ago

Welcome to the club, Lardex!

If you're on Cockatrice and budget isn't a concern, Thornbite Staff allows you to create an infinite number of Rat tokens with Marrow-Gnawer. Ratcatcher and Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm are more good utility and aggro options. (If you're pulling this together in paper and budget is a concern, then it's safe to skip these suggestions.)

I'm not sure Spine of Ish Sah and Scour from Existence are pulling their weight here. Sure, they can get rid of anything, but is a huge investment to get rid of a single permanent, and you're in a color that has a lot of removal options for just about about everything.

Above all, have fun!

Quicksilver2785 on Marrow-Gnawer Goes Wide

7 months ago

I know you are going more budget with this but figured I could suggest a few Rats or cards that help a chosen creature type: Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm, Lord Skitter, Sewer King, Ratcatcher, Karumonix, the Rat King, Twisted Sewer-Witch, Skemfar Shadowsage, Kindred Dominance, Haunting Voyage, Crippling Fear, Aphetto Dredging.

legendofa on infinite rats

1 year ago

Pulling from my own Rat tribal deck (Modern-ish casual, not EDH):

Karumonix, the Rat King gives you an out against lifegain-heavy decks. I don't recommend going deeper than that with poison (i.e. don't add Ichor Rats or Septic Rats), but Karumonix adds a layer to your attacks and keeps rats coming.

I haven't gotten Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm yet, but I want to. It looks amazing. If your budget can handle it, I'm recommending it just in theoretical grounds.

I personally am not impressed with Swarm of Rats (Rat Colony is pretty much all-around better) and Pestilence Rats, but they might work better in EDH, where you always have access to a fear-granting effect. How have they worked for you?

Ratcatcher is a free tutor for a rat every turn. Highly recommended.

Memoricide is a little odd, since it can only hit one card that isn't in play. Is this a meta choice? Do you have a specific target for it that you know you'll see?

Unless you see a bunch of Voltron, Battlecruiser, or other decks with one big creature, I would diversify the removal a little bit. You have a lot of single-target creature removal. I'm a big fan of discard, so I'm recommending based on what I like at this point. Cabal Therapist, Mind Slash, and Sadistic Hypnotist turn your rats into hand removal. Feed the Swarm offers enchantment removal with a very evocative name for this deck. Try some of these in place of Cast Down or Ultimate Price or something. Also, Despise isn't great if you're just fishing. If you want a T1 discard effect, Thoughtseize is best, Inquisition of Kozilek and Blackmail are solid, and Dread Fugue is pretty good.

Following up on that, I see a good set of mass removal and graveyard recursion, and Marrow-Gnawer lets you rebuild quickly. This part looks solid.

Epicurus on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Gnat Collector

Creature - Ogre Druid

When ~ ETB, and during your upkeep, you may search your library for an insect card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you do, shuffle your library.

Threshold - Insect creatures you control get +2/+2 as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard.


This is a mashup of Ratcatcher and Nut Collector.

Make another mashup card. Doesn't have to be a creature, but must draw equal inspiration from each of the cards you're mashing up.

GrixCHIM on Ayara Rat Plague EDH

3 years ago

I see your deck is budget, and I wanted to suggest some budget inclusions for cards that would create tokens that also trigger Ayara's drain ability.

Chittering Witch creates RAT tokens!!

Abhorrent Overlord Generates a LOT of harpy tokens as your devotion to black will be large with Ayara in play.

Rise of the Dread Marn is a great way to refuel your board with black creatures after a board wipe or large death effect.

Lab Rats is a great way to slowly add more rats to the field with enough mana for the buyback price.

Josu Vess, Lich Knight can be brutal with Ayara on the battlefield if the kicker cost is paid.

Necrotic Hex can be a good board clearing effect that also makes black creatures.

Your deck could also use some cards to help find your enjoyed rat cards. Some budget options in black include Diabolic Tutor , Mausoleum Secrets , and Ratcatcher !

Some cards you're using aren't especially great in a singleton format. Cards like Compound Fracture and Hunt for Specimens could be replaced with Defile and Callous Bloodmage respectively.

Have fun playing EDH! The best suggestion is to play with others and learn what cards you like and dislike using and adapt with new cards that fit your budget.

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