Rapid Hybridization


Destroy target creature. It can't be regenerated. That creature's controller creates a 3/3 green Frog Lizard creature token.

GangstaFranksta on Arcades, the Strategist's Army

3 months ago

You should think about adding The Pride of Hull Clade because he is good but also cool. But I think you would benefit a lot from improving your mana base. I suggest it should look more like this:



8x Plains, 8 Island, 4 Forest


Adarkar Wastes, Brushland, Yavimaya Coast

Scry Lands

Temple of Mystery, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Plenty

Tri Color

Brokers Hideout, Seaside Citadel, Bant Panorama

Any Color

Command Tower, Exotic Orchard

If you wanted you could also add the gain 1 life lands: Tranquil Cove, Blossoming Sands, and Thornwood Falls. You may also consider adding Krosan Verge or Myriad Landscape just to help ramp.

It would also be really beneficial to have at least a Sol Ring and an Arcane Signet.


Remove Verity Circle. Seems like there are a lot of possibilities where it is just sitting on the field not providing any value. And it isn't even a creature so it can't block. You could replace this with one of the mana artifacts I mentioned earlier or like a Swords to Plowshares, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Path to Exile (I kind of think you need some more removal lol, but you could replace Verity Circle with whatever you wanted.)

Remove Alive / Well. Just straight up not worth. Replace with one of the cards I have mentioned.

Other than that I think this is a really good deck. I think you could use most of my suggestions and keep it close to $100.

NV_1980 on Masterful He

7 months ago

Your average CMC is a bit high compared to the deck's ramping/rock/dork capabilities. When you play-test it, this becomes apparent quickly. On average it takes five turns or so before you can really make a useful demon-summon. Some ideas on cheap-to-cast additions:

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

9 months ago

Minor rev and other rambling

It is getting oh so much harder to justify substitutions. Lotuscon is a week out and I feel the heat.

  • Replace Thran Dynamo with Tezzeret the Seeker. This sub is about artifact tutoring and mana. The deck needed at least one more way to tutor Isochron Scepter, and other artifacts. Tezzeret does this. But tezzeret is also versatile, and it has the potential to do thran dynamos job better than thran dynamo. The +1 ability can target man vault, grim monolith, and basalt monolith. It doesn't always do this better than thran, but lets talk about the downsides to thran. As mentioned above, less versatility. But the mana cost for thran is quite high. At 4 cmc I want to play game winning cards. Thran can help power out Unesh. BUT, if thran is in your opening hand and it is your path to casting Unesh, there are better plans in the deck and you should mulligan that hand anyway. Tezzeret can be any of our game winning artifacts, for 1 more mana than thran. Thran is nice for quality of life during the game, but it does not win the game. One other great thing about Tezzeret in Unesh, is that he actually can have some decent blockers to keep him around for more than 1 turn, so he is also still great DURING the game. Almost all of the upside of thran dynamo AND some on this card.

I have also thought about replacing Dream Eater with something less expensive like Sakashima's Student or Metallic Mimic. Dream eater is the most replacable sphinx in the deck, and it is HARD to justify a replacement still. For one, this creature is removal. Play this to remove a stalwart stax piece and win the game on the same turn. Also, Surveil 4 is almost another Unesh trigger by itself, and this ability benefits from our awesome cards Panharmonicon and Virtue of Knowledge. Dream eater helps in so many ways that I fell as though it can't come out.

I have also heavily considered Merchant Scroll and Fabricate. It is hard to justify replacing anything for these cards. In the current revision, I think we see the combos as fast as possible without inundating our ability to interact.

I really like the card Submerge. I think it is better than Rapid Hybridization. Main targets for this slot are stax creatures such as Collector Ouphe, and commanders. The 'forest' part of Submerge's cost is going to be online a lot (probably). Zero mana interaction is better than 1 mana interaction. As a kicker, some decks in the format can effectively use the 3/3 creature that rapid hybridization gives them. This substitute is probably coming, but I am still contemplating.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

10 months ago

GHoag you make a great arguement for Unsub. The versatility for the extra 1 cmc would be nice. Side-note, with sapphire medallion on the field it would be the same price anyway! So a little bit better synergy there. I have also been heavily considering Trickbind in this slot too. My thinking is that several competitive combos don't require spells to be cast, rendering all of our current interaction moot.

With the addition of Unsubstantiate or Trickbind, I am thinking it might also be worth to run Spellseeker to find an instant spell you actually need. This thins the deck without starving you of islands, and manicures your hand. Also, it notably hits Cyclonic Rift. I was thinking of taking out either Pongify of Rapid Hybridization for it. I am not completely sold due to the higher cost and would love to see how it plays. Maybe Mystical Tutor is even better in that slot.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on STRATAGY

1 year ago

Your above posts would work well in the deck description.

Most off-tribe cards seem weird, considering Aegar is a very clear tribal commander. I won't go into detail regarding which cards you could or should replace. My suggestion: Look at every card that is not removal, card draw or ramp, and think about why it's in here. If you can't find a proper answer, maybe find a replacement for it. My own giant tribal deck is , so it's no perfect example for where this deck could go, but in case you're interested, you can find it on my profile.

Regarding the described weakness, there are tons of great removal spells in red and blue. Chandra's Ignition is a very powerful boardwipe for Aegar. Chaos Warp, Rapid Hybridization and Pongify would propably be the best possible kill spell for the deck.

bushido_man96 on Should I Make These Replacements?

1 year ago

I agree with your assessment, DreadKhan, but do you think those spells are preferred over Pongify and Rapid Hybridization in cEDH?

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