Rage Reflection

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rage Reflection


Creatures you control have double strike.

Veethevvitch on Necessary Evil (Vampire Tribal)

6 months ago

griffstick True Conviction is quite important because it gives lifelink to all vampires + sanguine bond + exquisite blood makes a killer combo. Especially if many vampires are on the field! :)

However i totally agree that Fiery Emancipation would be better than Rage Reflection!

Coward_Token on Budget Thopter & Energy EDH - AAAA!

1 year ago

No prob

Rage Reflection is also a thing but it got a bit higher mana value.

MahBoi100 on I'm Gonna Didgeridoo You in the Ass

1 year ago


Hey! Been away on vacation, so sorry for late reply. I am a big fan of both Bloodforged Battle-Axe and Heirloom Blade. I've seen them both do wonders in many different decks. I could definitely run one or both of them. I run Rage Reflection partly for the defensive utilities. Additionally, I prefer it because it has minotaurs in the art lmao.

Thanks for the suggestions :)

MahBoi100 on I'm Gonna Didgeridoo You in the Ass

1 year ago


Hello, and thank you for your reply! Truth be told, I had Mogis in this deck for the longest time. I took him out, however, because he isn't a minotaur and thus doesn't benefit from the tribal synergies in the deck. He was also kind of expensive, especially since he doesn't always have immediate board presence. You're right that his ability almost always deals 2 damage, but I never found this deck to be attritional enough to capitalize on a grindy effect like that.

I also had Whip of Erebos in this deck, but, to me at least, it faced similar problems as Mogis did, both being relatively costly cards that don't immediately impact the board. The party wide lifelink is great though. I might put it back in if sustain is needed. For now, I want to try and play a minotaur every turn for the most part.

I have considered both Hammer of Purphoros and Fervor for the deck but haven't found immediate need for them. They are always great cards to keep in mind though, as is Cover of Darkness and Goblin War Drums.

I already have Rage Reflection in the deck and I don't want Berserkers' Onslaught for that reason. Wound Reflection is a good card, but not a card I really want in this deck. especially at 6 mana.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and suggestions. I appreciate it. :)

Stardragon on I'm Gonna Didgeridoo You in the Ass

1 year ago

Love this deck it's interesting to compare to my minotaur tribal deck and im curious as to why Mogis, God of Slaughter isn't in here? he's minotaur in all but typing has great utility a 7/5 BEEFstick "wink" with indestructible or hell just a enchantment that forces your opponents to choose life loss (which they will pick almost always) or sacing a creature. Both which benefits you as life loss is life loss and it ticks them ever closer to death and than your beefcakes attack putting more life loss and pressure on them, and if the for whatever reason sac a creature it one less defender to block your Angry steaks from trampling over them. Hammer of Purphoros and Fervor are other haste givers in case you dont have warcaller out and Goblin War Drums also give menace, Cover of Darkness and Intimidation both give you more evasion and Rage Reflection and Berserkers' Onslaught give you double strike. Wound Reflection also helps end things faster. Whip of Erebos can help you survive with lifelink if your finding yourself tight on life and can help bring a minotaur back for a turn.

Pls give me you thoughts on my minotaur tribal it's meant to be played differently than yours (a mid range aggro deck) and if you have any ideas let me know link: Slough of Slaughter

DemonDragonJ on The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Raze

2 years ago

I have replaced Rage Reflection with Fiendish Duo, because, as awesome as the reflection was, this deck does not rely on combat damage to win, whereas the duo's ability works very well with the various damage-dealing cards in this deck.

DemonDragonJ on Will there Ever be Creature …

2 years ago

Rhox Faithmender is a creature version of Boon Reflection, Archfiend of Despair is a creature version of Wound Reflection, and Nyxbloom Ancient is (almost) a creature version of Mana Reflection, so I am now wondering when there shall be creature versions of the two remaining cards in the "reflection" cycle: Rage Reflection and Thought Reflection.

Avatar of Slaughter is similar to rage reflection, but is not a perfect creature version of it, since it affects all creatures and also forces them to attack, and I wish to see a creature that has exactly the same rules text as the enchantment. There is no creature version of Thought Reflection, as far as I am aware.

What does everyone else say about this? Will there every be creature versions of Rage Reflection and Thought Reflection?

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