Quirion Dryad

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Quirion Dryad

Creature — Dryad

Whenever you cast a spell that's white, blue, black, or red, put a +1/+1 counter on Quirion Dryad.

sylvannos on Wilds of Eldraine

10 months ago

WotC: "Why isn't anyone playing Standard anymore?"
Also WotC:

Beseech the Mirror

Okay but memes aside, this set really seems pushed. Did we really need strictly better Quirion Dryad? Was Druid of the Cowl just not good enough anymore? What even is this set lol? Warehouse Tabby already seems broken and I haven't even started to try and figure out why. I'm pretty sure it does something stupid with Rancor.

TheVectornaut on Hot Women Card Collection

3 years ago

I actually made an entire deck around this concept that works surprisingly well. Steve Argyle is a particularly great resource for this topic. In addition to Liliana of the Veil and Chosen of Markov  Flip, he's also done Deadly Allure , Guul Draz Vampire , Naya Battlemage , and Night Revelers . Other notable artists are Jason Chan ( Deathpact Angel , Fires of Undeath , Kiora, Master of the Depths , Mayael the Anima , Maul Splicer , Treasured Find ) and Volkan Baga ( Elspeth, Knight-Errant , Korozda Gorgon , Stoic Angel , Student of Warfare ). I ended up going with vampires + knights and some other cards I included are Hero of Bladehold , Knight Exemplar , Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts , Elenda, the Dusk Rose , and possibly the most ridiculous piece of Magic art ever created: Soul Collector . Some cards that came close to making the cut are Angel of Despair , Bloodflow Connoisseur , Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief , Knight of Dusk , Magister of Worth , Avacyn, Angel of Hope , Vampire Hexmage , and Veteran Cavalier .

Other cards that I like (sorted by type) include Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch , Lyzolda, the Blood Witch , Kemba, Kha Regent , Sunspear Shikari , Elvish Champion , Gaea's Herald , Quirion Dryad , Nimbus Naiad , Dreamborn Muse , Mistral Singer , Shipwreck Singer , Siren of the Fanged Coast , Akroma, Angel of Wrath , Archangel of Strife , Basandra, Battle Seraph , Razia, Boros Archangel , and Ire Shaman . Looking at this list now, it's clear I've spent far too much time researching this subject.

abby315 on Ashaya is REAALLLLLY good

3 years ago

Holy crap. She's definitely going in my Ezuri combo deck and slotting right in for the more cumbersome Umbral Mantle infinite mana combo. That's pretty nifty.

Also, to extend your two-card combo into a three-card win-the-game: Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Altar of the Brood.

KCF_Blackout on Abzan Lifegain

3 years ago

So, I'm thinking that if I was to cut this deck down to 60 cards I would remove 1 Life Goes On, 1 Ajani's Pridemate, 1 Quirion Dryad and 2 Wildwood Scourge. That seems like the best way to cut it down, without completely removing a card. You could maybe cut out the Dryad completely, and then remove a Pridemate and a Scourge.

ClockworkSwordfish on Animar's Prowess

3 years ago

What do you think about Quirion Dryad? Not too many of your spells are monogreen, so she'd get a boost from most of the stuff a creature with Prowess would, only in her case they're permanent. However, she also has the added bonus of getting a boost from most of your other creatures, too!

Izu_Korasu on Why Has WotC Changed How …

5 years ago

.... why is this thread still going, legendofa seems to have answered it rather concisely.

It's not like they are doing away with symmetrical effects, we get both Managorger Hydra and Quirion Dryad style spells.

Things change:

  • unblockable is no longer a keyword

  • shroud was too symmetrical so hexproof was born

  • protection is used only when the flavor demands it

  • life gain and slivers both became more caster based

WOTC has been making steps toward making the game more accessible to new players to help compensate for the powercreep and added complexity of cards and strategies.

That being said, effect like Prism Ring arn't evidence of the game being "dumbed down". New cards often require a higher level of skill to use effectively you cant just slam Dragon's Claw against burn and say gg, you have to structure your deck and do work yourself to make the Prism Ring worth a slot in the 75, which promotes critical thinking and a wider range of playstyles/experience lvs.

and again cmc of the spell matters, prism ring on legs makes sense for 2cmc, but if youd rather have Iron Star on a stick .....

Izu_Korasu on Why Has WotC Changed How …

5 years ago

aside from the theory above/new player focus, flavor wise "charms" (error charm = Emerald Charm , Grixis Charm etc) make more sense being triggered off of it's owners use rather then all spells cast on the plane it exists on. Prism Ring also shows that WOTC values the new mementos' as a less powerful effect, and turning into a 1/3 horse for +1 mana follows the r&D casting cost rules.

also ...

diamond knight isnt a charm/memento, its closer to Quirion Dryad (but trading an easier casting cost for less spell colors) or the Managorger Hydra style creature, nerfed to be 1 cmc less and a colorless artifact (all things have a "cost" when building a card)

lagotripha on OP Dragon!

5 years ago

I'd look at skewing things towards more creatures- mainboarding servants, cutting the number of Increasing Savagery / Bioshift / Forced Adaptationfor cards like

Deeproot Champion Merfolk Branchwalker Feral Hydra Grim Initiate Mistcutter Hydra Pollenbright Druid Quirion Dryad Runaway Steam-Kin Scrounging Bandar Stromkirk Noble Simic Initiate Vastwood Hydra Young Wolf

Keeping your creature count high massively increases the reliability of lists like this without breakning the bank. I'd also look at Temple of Abandon , Magma Jet , Cream of the Crop and Thunderous Wrath - the red and green miracles are really good with a little support, especially maindeck noxious.

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