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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy target artifact or creature. It can't be regenerated.

FadingReality on Dragons, Dragons, Dragons

1 week ago

I like every single creature in the deck at this point. I have 5 suggestions: 4 for your land base and 1 for removal. Somewhat expensive suggestions but nothing too crazy.

  • I would cut any two of the lands that have "enters tapped unless you control two or more other lands" for Mana Confluence and City of Brass. These lands NEVER enter tapped and give you all your colors. Grand Coliseum is a decent budget option. It does enter tapped, but also gives the option for colorless mana and no damage. You are running a high enough count of the "enters tapped unless you control two or more lands" lands that some will enter tapped in the early game. Reducing them down to 1-2 is better.
  • I'd cut another of the "enters tapped unless you control two or more lands" lands for Polluted Delta but you are already aware you need delta so this is more of a reminder.
  • Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth is an AMAZING card you should consider. It is a essentially an untapped forest itself, but it lets all your lands tap for green, including colorless lands. In your deck, in addition to fixing green mana for the rest of the game, it will 1.) allow your colorless lands like Cavern of Souls, Haven of the Spirit Dragon, and Crucible of the Spirit Dragon to tap for green without a catch 2.) allow all of your fetchlands to tap for green without having to sac them and 3.)allow things like Mana Confluence to tap for green without dealing any damage.
  • I would swap Putrefy for Anguished Unmaking. Putrefy is a good card, but unmaking is pretty much strictly better. Has a wider target selection and exiles. Putrefy is best used in Black/Green decks. When some jerk plays the One Ring against you, you'll be glad to have unmaking.
  • dnthymamai on Smeagol will guide you | **Primer v2.0**

    6 months ago

    Some cards to consider that can replace Murder: Poison the Cup , Murderous Rider , Putrefy, and the strictly better Hero's Downfall.

    Love the LotR theme of the Deck!

    FadingReality on Dragons, Dragons, Dragons

    10 months ago

    Deck is coming along nicely. Running out of suggestions lol. I don't think any of your creatures are bad at this point. The only thing I can say is you might consider cutting Dragonlord's Servant for a general piece of ramp or mana becuase discounting by 1 is the same thing as ramping by one, except your other non dragon cards also benefit. Other than that one card, all your creatures look great to me.

    So let's talk about your removal. I understand that this isn't a control deck so you don't need to jam the deck full of it. I'm not even going to necessarily recommend adding even more, but I would suggest swapping 1-2 of them out for better options. I like every single piece of removal and interaction you are running except for Naturalize and Putrefy. Both of these cards are actually very solid and aren't bad choices at all. However, you are in 5 colors and therefore have access to the best removal there is. I will offer some suggestions below.

  • Tear Asunder: This card is already strictly better than naturalize. It exiles for the same mana cost and it can be made to target any nonland permanent. It's much more versatile. I'd swap this with naturalize and not putrefy. Also tear asunder is less than 1 dollar!!
  • Void Rend This is a little more color intensive than putrefy, but is still the same cmc overall. It is excellent against control matchups and hits all targets that putrefy can hit PLUS planeswalkers and enchantments.
  • Anguished Unmaking Exiles any nonland permanent. Also hits twice as many targets as putrefy, is the same cmc, and same color intensity. The only downside is loosing 3 life which is not a big deal in commander.
  • Thrym on Yurlok, of the Old School

    10 months ago

    You are playing 4 removals as instants. Why are you not playing more versatile spells like Assassin's Trophy, Putrefy, Chaos Warp, Terminate or Beast Within. Do you play in an indestructable meta and therefore these -x,-x spells?

    kremsers on Pollicle Plants

    11 months ago

    I've played Saprolings but not Treefolk. My instinct would be to pick one or the other to lean into.

    Sapling of Colfenor is probably worth a look, as it's cheap, it's a popular Treefolk commander (I know you've got a commander picked already, but it'd fit in the 99), and Treefolk often have more toughness than power. Orchard Warden for similar reasons.

    Assassin's Trophy is really good to have in this ident, although looking at the extremely low cost of your deck, I think you might turn it down for price reasons (it's about $7 USD right now). If you do, I'd go with Putrefy instead. Beast Within is really good to have whenever you have access to green.

    I'd take Arcane Signet and Talisman of Resilience over the two diamonds.

    Housegheist on Always time for second breakfast

    1 year ago

    I don’t wanna be picky, but that are more than your suggested 5 non-land cards from other sets (Agent of the Iron Throne, Putrefy, Mortality Spear, Netherborn Altar, Cranial Plating, Disciple of the Vault).

    What do you think abiut using Call of the Ring. It provides constantly card-draw at a neglectable cost and constantly tempting triggers. Galadriel, Gift-Giver and Horn of the Mark can do some work.

    May i ask you the reason of cutting Merry, Warden of Isengard? You will automatically tutoring him/Pippin, Warden of Isengard if you cast the other. Kinda-Cantrip.

    But i like your approach. I restricted myself to up to 10 non-LotR cycle cards (lands too, currently used 9). Maybe we can share some thought?

    Frodo & Sam (LotR only…almost)

    Commander / EDH* Housegheist

    SCORE: 3 | 110 VIEWS | IN 1 FOLDER

    Azoth2099 on Green/Black toxic/proliferate need recommendations

    1 year ago


    One more thing!!

    As far as cuts go, anything EXCEPT FOR the following should be cut in favor of a more streamlined strategy with some of the pieces that have been mentioned imo:

    Blightbelly Rat Bloated Contaminator Cankerbloom Fynn, the Fangbearer Phyrexian Hydra Scheming Aspirant Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon Thalia and The Gitrog Monster Invasion of Ikoria  Flip Chromatic Lantern Grafted Exoskeleton Snake Cult Initiation Carnivorous Canopy Drown in Ichor Infectious Bite Putrefy Tainted Strike Command Tower Inkmoth Nexus Karn's Bastion

    All of these are great picks that can easily slot into the deck's rework.

    eliakimras on Jund Dragons

    1 year ago

    Forgot to say what to take out for the three cards above: Green Sun's Twilight, Hull Breach, Lukka, Bound to Ruin. The Twilight is unrealiable until you spend a lot of mana into it. The Breach is sorcery-speed. The planeswalker does not do much here.

    Now some small upgrades you can make:

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