Prowling Serpopard

Creature — Cat Snake

Prowling Serpopard can't be countered.

Creature spells you control can't be countered.

SaberTech on An Open Palm Counter-Strike

1 year ago

The reason why I ask is because while testing the deck I was finding that I wasn't drawing that many creatures. It may have just been a peculiarity of the hands that I was testing (I also had a Sol Ring in my starting hand 4 out of 5 tests) but I was trying to see if there might be some ways to bump up the creature count a little.

Since it looks like your combo pieces are creatures and enchantments, I was wondering if Destiny Spinner might be an option over Red Elemental Blast or Veil of Summer. Prowling Serpopard was another card I was contemplating.

NonetheWeisser on Kaheera Cats and Chariots :3

1 year ago

9-lives We had Sacred Cat as a 3-4 of. She's great and helps with grindy match ups. Unfortunately, the format is too fast for her at this time. Therefore, Steppe Lynx was added and has been testing a lot better in competitive play. Prowling Serpopard is a great sideboard option, but there are other 3 drops that I would rather run over her in the main deck.

9-lives on Kaheera Cats and Chariots :3

1 year ago

My first deck was a cats deck! What about the simple Sacred Cat?! What about Prowling Serpopard?

StoryArcher on Don't Let Em Breathe (Quick)

1 year ago

Slashdance (love the name btw)

I appreciate the kind words. The fetch lands are there to make sure I get a trigger on the Narnam Renegade and to thin out the deck a little so that any draws I get from Werewolf Pack Leader get the most bang for their buck. You could probably go with straight forests to save some cash, but if you do I'd probably pull the Renegades for +1 Experiment One, +1 Pelt Collector and 2x Young Wolf. Going with more basic lands will protect you a bit from cards like Blood Moon and Magus of the Moon as well.

As far as some other budget options, Boseiju, Who Endures is also a very expensive, fairly new card. It's a very strong addition for what it does but is in no way necessary for the deck to operate. That could easily be a Forest as well. If you go all Forests, consider adding in a couple of Treetop Village or Lair of the Hydra and maybe a Dryad Arbor.

Sideboards are largely a product of your local meta and the one I have listed is just a handful of quality generic options. Prowling Serpopard, Scavenging Ooze, Beast Within, Damping Sphere and Grafdigger's Cage are just a few budget options out there, depending on what you're trying to stop.

TheOfficialCreator on Gishath's Jurassic Park

1 year ago

Insist, Spellbreaker Behemoth, Savage Summoning, Prowling Serpopard, Vexing Shusher, and Allosaurus Shepherd are all options to stop your creatures from being countered if that's a threat you're concerned about.

As far as stopping your creatures from being destroyed, Asceticism, Dense Foliage, and Heroic Intervention are good.

Stardragon on

2 years ago

hmm a single copy of Bow of Nylea would be good, its probably god weapon I use the most (and not just because im a green main) with Whip of Erebos coming in a close second that i use the most for it's utility and cheap cost, Kessig Wolf Run for either a mountain or a temple again for utility Skarrg, the Rage Pits for the same reason though i don't think you need both just which ever one you like more. and i love how simple the deck is but your or real form of removal is badgersaur and relies on discarding non creature or lands, so things like Hull Breach or Decimate could help with problematic things and Savage Twister in case you need a board wipe Starstorm works here to, there are others that could work but these are flexible in how much damage you want to do and i personally like them better than Blasphemous Act for there flexibility. Asceticism is expensive both mana and price and it doesn't add to the board state immediately but it's protection from spot removal and debuffs and a form of recursion.

If need be for a sideboard (I don't know if casual has a side board) i would put some of these for flying hate since that would wreck you since you have no fly protection things like Spidersilk Armor or Gravity Well. Indestructible destoryers like Burn from Within or Hour of Devastation would be ok as well. And if your opponent is blue Prowling Serpopard can help protect your badgers

For now thats it maybe after a night of sleep i'll be able to think of more but for know this should give so fat to chew on.

EVENcast on A Monster’s Guide to Volo [Primer]

2 years ago

rwn1971 I'm still trying to stick to one of each creature type, so the fact that Scavenging Ooze and Prowling Serpopard share types with Lotus Cobra, Temur Sabertooth, and Acidic Slime means they're off the table for me, but they're all fantastic cards for sure. I've only made two swaps recently, cutting a basic forest for Boseiju, Who Endures, and finally cutting Junk Winder for the awesome New Capenna card Shield Broker. I'm keeping my Ruin Crab for now, as it distracts and draws the hate away from my commander. I'm also keeping Deadwood Treefolk around. It's true that it's sometimes a dead card, but when its good its VERY good, and as the only piece of recursion, it's staying for now. The next card on my radar for a potential cut is Alchemist's Refuge because i don't think I've ever used it's ability in a game. This list is mana hungry, so while this card is good in theory (especially with Pathbreaker Ibex, which I'm still running), it hasn't done anything for me in games so far. I'm also keeping Primordial Sage, despite how tempting those Spirit Dragons are... I might change it up later, but the sage has saved me a few times now.

rwn1971 on A Monster’s Guide to Volo [Primer]

2 years ago

Update for my deck Ruin Crab , Junk Winder , and Deadwood Treefolk are out and Keiga, the Tide Star , Prowling Serpopard and Scavenging Ooze are in. Keiga as you said is to good. Prowling is just an amazing and Ooze is my graveyard hate.

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