Precognitive Perception

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Precognitive Perception


Draw three cards

Addendum — If you cast this spell during your main phase, instead scry 3, then draw three cards. (Look at the top three cards of your library, then put any number of them on top or bottom of your library in any order.)

zandl on Card creation challenge

9 months ago

Legitimate Businesscoat

Artifact - Vehicle

Exile three creatures you own and control: Legitimate Businesscoat becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.

When ~ becomes blocked, leaves the battlefield, or at end of turn, return all creatures exiled with ~ to the battlefield tapped. If it's your combat phase, they enter tapped and attacking instead.


A card with addendum that is actually playable. (See: Precognitive Perception.)

mrweaselman on America Control

2 years ago

Chandra Ablaze does not seem very good in this deck, I can't see a time you really want to use her +1 and her -2 is pretty situational for control. Neither is really worth the cost either. Chandra, the Firebrand is alright, but I think that there are better planeswalker options. Chandra, Torch of Defiance is probably the best Chandra, although she's a bit more expensive. Ajani Vengeant is another pretty solid option.

Detention Sphere is better than Banishing Light in your colors. Mana Leak is probably better than Negate. You can always sideboard swap them if you have the space too.

Fire / Ice can replace Lightning Bolt if you find yourself light on card draw. You'll want to replace Drawn from Dreams with instant draw. A couple options are Precognitive Perception, Sphinx's Revelation, Chemister's Insight, or Thassa's Intervention.

Going over the land base, you may be able to go down 1-2 and replace them with draw, your high end is only 4-5 mana. Take out basics for 4 Mystic Monastery, 3 Battlefield Forge, and 2 either Celestial Colonnade or Wandering Fumarole. I'm not completely sure what your colored distribution is, so those numbers may not be optimal.

If you run any of the artifact bridges like Razortide Bridge you can also run Cleansing Wildfire, which may not be competitive, but is pretty spicy.

Optimator on

3 years ago

Drop Faerie Tauntings , Ashiok, Nightmare Muse , Traumatize , Trepanation Blade , add about one or two more ramp and two more card-draw at least. I almost always run 8 pieces of ramp and the prevailing wisdom is 10. Same for card-draw: I aim for 8, many aim for 10. Extra ramp is great with Oona's ability and card-draw can draw you into lands and just generally smooth everything out.

Reconnaissance Mission would be good. Treasure Cruise is often almost an Ancestral Recall and is budget too. Even though you're running Blue , Read the Bones is a great rate, as is Night's Whisper . Divination , Concentrate , and Tidings are all great on a budget, if a bit unexciting.

I love Keep Watch , Borrowing 100,000 Arrows , Theft of Dreams , Insight , Windfall , Plea for Power , Curse of Verbosity , and Manifold Insights but they are swingy. High ceilings, low floors. The mana cost on them is what makes them so good.

Midnight Clock is budget right now but it's starting to make waves. Get yours now while they're cheap. Ramp AND draw! Great on a budget.

Secrets of the Golden City and Kumena's Awakening should usually be City's Blessing-ed. I like Kimena's a lot on a budget (along with Patient Rebuilding ). Rush of Knowledge is decent if you have Oona out. Fathom Trawl is a guaranteed three non-lands, though it might be a bit lackluster with so many faeries. Not a bad card though. Mind Spring is great with ramp.

Drawn from Dreams and Dig Through Time are probably better than Diabolic Tutor until you have a game-winning card in the deck like Coat of Arms or some combo pieces (of which all are out-of-budget). I'd say drop Diabolic Tutor . Diabolic Vision is all right on a budget, as is Pilfered Plans , Forbidden Alchemy , and Notion Rain . We can probably do better, even on a tight budget.

Soul Ransom is kind of faerie-ish. Pact of the Serpent maybe?

With all your fliers, Rogue's Gloves and Mask of Memory are fantastic card-draw cards. Mask of Riddles is cute. Curiosity and Curious Obsession are decent but dangerous. Chart a Course is decent with fliers. Whispering Madness can be good with fliers too.

I have mixed feelings about Opt , Serum Visions , Sleight of Hand , Ponder , Preordain , Portent . They certainly don't hurt but they're bad late-game. I run them in some decks. Consider them if most of your card-draw is expensive. Brainstorm is a bit of a trap unless you have ways to shuffle your library and get rig of unwanted cards. This usually requires fetch lands like Polluted Delta and is better in 60-card formats.

Rain of Revelation , Archmage's Charm , Fact or Fiction , Succumb to Temptation , Precognitive Perception , Frantic Search , Pull from Tomorrow , Gush , Village Rites are all good for being instants so you can leave counterspells up and if you don't need them you can draw. That's one of the reasons a card like Anticipate looks weak but is nice for keeping counterspells open. Fact or Fiction is particularly good and is considered a staple in many formats, including EDH.

I would swap out Dimir Locket and Dimir Cluestone for Mind Stone and Prismatic Lens . Maybe Star Compass if it is in budget. I know you need your colors but 3-mana mana rocks that don't have huge upside are sooooo slow. Arcane Signet is probably out of budget, which is too bad. Is Wayfarer's Bauble still expensive? Probably. Worn Powerstone and Hedron Archive maybe? Oona isn't cheap and you want mana for her ability if push comes to shove. Trinket Mage is ramp because it can snag Sol Ring , making it the same rate as Explosive Vegetation and Hedron Archive .

Reliquarian on Morophon Eldrazi balanced

3 years ago

I'm not the most familiar with Eldrazi stompy style lists, but just at a glance I can see that the high cost of your creatures (which are your main route to victory from what I can tell) is going to be a limiting factor for this deck. You may have already found in your games that you can cast a few big eldrazi, but you still don't win because you have to spend too many turns trying to get them into play and you aren't able to use them before they are removed or dealt with in some other way. My suggestion is to include more ways to get multiple big eldrazi into play on the same turn and find ways to use them quickly (haste is a good way to do this, or by simply throwing them at your opponent's faces with Fling type of effects).

Some card suggestions to accomplish getting multiple eldrazi into play in 1 turn are: Elvish Piper , Quicksilver Amulet , Sneak Attack , Mana Echoes , Animar, Soul of Elements

Some suggestions to use your eldrazi quickly once they are in play are: Barrage Tyrant , Brion Stoutarm , Fervor , Rhythm of the Wild , Fires of Yavimaya

Additionally, if you are dropping tons of big Eldrazi into play to get closer to winning, you will need more cards in hand so I would include more immediate card draw like: Concentrate , Precognitive Perception , Harmonize

Hopefully those suggestions are helpful and fairly budget friendly (not sure how much you wanna spend on upgrading your list but those are solid options). Let me know if you have any questions or want any clarification. Thanks!

kylar_ on Yennett is an odd sphinx

4 years ago

troca opportunity por Precognitive Perception , shrine of the forsaken gods eh ruim, dispatch precisa de um deck mais focado em artefato, 19 eh pouco pra consistentemente ter 3 no campo, callous oppressor parece horrivel kkkk, painful truths nao funciona se voce jogar de graca do yennett, troca por um Read the Bones ou Notion Rain ou Dream Cache , o resto parece bem decente, mas vou falar um monte de carta impar que eu gosto: Burnished Hart , Thief of Sanity , Prognostic Sphinx , Scheming Symmetry , Acquire , Aether Gale , Wave of Reckoning eh especialmente bom pq nao mata yennett e mata o resto, Time Wipe , Plague Wind , Generous Gift , Mortify , Gilded Lotus , Imprisoned in the Moon , Mind's Dilation

Profet93 on Talrand, Drake Summoner

4 years ago

Let me start off by saying I hate being mana screwed, that being said, you should cut 2 islands to go down to 38 lands.

Cut Curious Homunculus, Docent of Perfection, Murmuring Mystic, Sphinx of Uthuun and Stormtide Leviathan. Talrand decks don't need creatures. The few good creatures to add are out of your budget. I know you have the polymorph package but the creatures you are getting arent even that good. If you want to make this optimized (even on a budget), replace them with the 5 following cards....

  1. Rapid Hybridization - Removal
  2. Essence Scatter - Counter
  3. Wizard's Retort - Or another counterspell
  4. Pongify - Removal
  5. Deep Analysis - Draw. Bonus points if you yell DEEP ANAL!

REMEMBER, the biggest issue with Talrand is being forced to tap out! Keep this in mind for below...

Cut Coat of Arms for Coastal Piracy - Winmore. Helps you if you have lots of drakes, otherwise its a dead card that can help opponents. Piracy helps you maintain gas.

Cut Heraldic Banner for Mind Stone - Doesnt help you bring talrand out any faster and the boost is minor. Stone brings talrand out T3 and replaces itself later.

Cut Arcane Melee for Gilded Lotus - Helps opponents, forces you to tap out and you don't need that kind of ramp. Lotus helps you ramp without tapping you out.

Cut Gravitational Shift for Misdirection - Shift is winmore. Misdirection allows you to interact while tappedout making opponents think twice before trying to remove your talrand. Note that misdirection can redirect removal, counter counterspells (should you not be the only blue player) and redirect some extra turn spells

For the 2 lands you cut, add Isochron Scepter and Future Sight - Scepter is just pure value (remember to make sure to have mana open to cast the imprinted spell AND another counterspell in hand to ensure they don't bait your counterspell!). Future sight, while redundant to Precognition Field , is very powerful. I understand it costs 1 more and reveals the card, but it allows you to play lands and everyone knows you are counterspell + draw tribal so it really doesn't matter. I would tell you to cut the field for future sight, but I think both might serve your deck well.

Cut Unsummon for Mystic Confluence - Confluence draws you cards and is more versatile.

Cut Boomerang for Capsize - Very powerful card, do not underestiamte it, and ALWAYS try to buy it back.

Cut Island (3rd island to cut) for Strip Mine / Ghost Quarter / Tectonic Edge , etc.... Cavern of Souls , Boseiju, Who Shelters All , urborg, coffers, field of the dead are all powerful cards that need to be dealt with.

Cut Island for Blast Zone - While it comes in tapped, it allows you to deal with problematic cards that resolve because you can't counter everything.

Cut the polymorph package aside from polymorph itself

Cut Mass Polymorph for Narset's Reversal - Oh no, you cast Thought Distortion ? What ever will I do.... get's around can't be countered. What's better than countering their Torment of Hailfire ? Copying it and returning it back!

Cut Reweave for Precognitive Perception - Not entirely sold on it, but it has strong potential, especially for a budget player.

Be sure to let me know what you think of the sugge

ChrisHansonBiomancin on

4 years ago

I like the control direction this is heading in, but I think you're a bit overloaded with counterspells while missing a couple key control elements.

One strength of playing control is that your opponent's removal spells become dead cards, but that means that your win condition needs to be resistant to removal since your opponent will likely be loaded with removal by the time you play it. AEtherling is practically untouchable once it resolves with a few mana up, and can quickly finish an opponent with its various abilities. Shimmer Dragon is another interesting idea if you went harder into an artifact strategy.

You'll probably want a little more board interaction as well to catch things that get by your counterspells, and ideally have something that can act as a board wipe. Perilous Vault is slow but reliable, and AEtherspouts is probably better than bounce-to-hand effects since your opponent will have to sacrifice their draws if they decide to put the creatures on top, giving you some card advantage. Void Snare might be better than Unsummon despite being a sorcery, as it can hit noncreatures as well.

Lastly, you might want a big, top-of-curve draw spell to give you a little more than just Witching Well for card advantage. Dig Through Time is probably the ideal option, but for a budget choice you could look at Precognitive Perception or Finale of Revelation . Also consider adding in 4x Radiant Fountain to your land base to get a little life gain in there (hard to find in Blue) - it would combo nicely with Disappearing Act.

Tata on Jund 5 Star Restaurant

4 years ago

The 3-drop slot looks overloaded, and in my opinion you have too many 5 and 6 drops.

I would cut a few of the weaker cards of the deck to make room for some 2cmc cards like Nature's Lore , Fauna Shaman , Farseek , etc. The weaker cards strike me as Archivist , Thieving Magpie , Tatyova, Benthic Druid , and Precognitive Perception .

I think you can also make room for Birds of Paradise - at least by cutting Avacyn's Pilgrim .

For such a creature-heavy deck, I am surprised you are not playing Selfless Spirit or Dauntless Escort .

Have you considered Heliod's Pilgrim to access your control magic package?

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