Plague Wind

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Plague Wind


Destroy all creatures you don't control. They can't be regenerated.

Coward_Token on Fuck it, late Outlaw of …

3 months ago

Spoiler Schedule

Insatiable Avarice: In mono-B, this is draw three for three, which is a pretty good rate. K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth gets Demonic Tutor + draw two for

Fortune, Loyal Steed: From reading the story, I thought he looked like the "horse" from Elden Ring so this art was pretty startling

The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride: I kinda wish he got some serious flavor again. The original premise of "edgy hypno toad" was what made him funny, but now it just feels like WotC is milking that fan reaction for all it's worth.

Great Train Heist: solid Relentless Assault variant, but I kinda wish the last one said "each" for EDH purposes, even if I know it targets for the sake of crime:ing

Gisa, the Hellraiser: WotC throwing legendofa a bone, I guess.

Olivia, Opulent Outlaw: Why would becoming a criminal make Oliva gain white of all colors? I assume this is in preparation for Assassin's Creed, but it's still pretty weird. (For reference: White outlaws within Mardu's color identity)

Final Showdown: The best spree card? In voltron decks this is basically an instant-speed Plague Wind for seven mana that doubles as a situational savingspell. I think the first mode has a lot of situational uses, but it's something you have to keep your eyes out for.

High Noon: Rule of Law upgrade for Boros+, although Deafening Silence is still a thing

Arid Archway: idk if colorless decks needed a second Guildless Commons, but sure. Would rather have a mono-colored cycle tbh.

Tomb Trawler: I'm surprised how slowly Grenzo, Dungeon Warden is accumulating these kind of cards; Cogwork Archivist missed the mark in more ways than one

Roxanne, Starfall Savant: was kinda confused about the second ability until I realized she triggers on both ETB and attack. Powerstones obviously work too, plus e.g. Svella, Ice Shaper. Edit: Oh and Treasures too, obviously

Stubborn Burrowfiend: Ahhh! What the hell is the flavor supposed to be with that art?!

Kambal, Profiteering Mayor: Pretty cool with e.g. Saw in Half, Wedding Ring, and Tombstone Stairwell

Geralf, the Fleshwright: still not a good mono-U zombie commander but seems real good in the 99

Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot: so basically a multicolor Taigam, Ojutai Master/Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch  Flip? Not bad.

Caustic Bronco: Could have been Dark Confidant on steroids, but mediocre thoughness and no evasion keeps its attack trigger from being reliable

Calamity, Galloping Inferno: somehow just a normal horse, not Elemental or anything.

Eriette, the Beguiler: gogo Enchant permanent! Also, every Licid is now a Dominating Licid

Obeka, Splitter of Seconds: suck it, The Ninth Doctor!

LynxGoddess on Alela's Huge Goads

10 months ago

Tsukimi Sure thing! Feel super free to keep those pet cards around, big haymakers are really fun even if they can be a bit win-more. If you find the big expensive cards get stuck in your hand too often, you can go ahead and make som changes later anyways!

For now though, if you'd like to keep to the theme, you might be interested in Crippling Fear perhaps? It's a cheaper tribal board wipe, but might not have quite enough oomph. Or maybe lean in real hard for Plague Wind just because you can even though you'll probably never have the mana for it (except if you pull off coffers/urbog stuff), what do I know?

As for mana rocks, there are a few that might fit the bill:

Coldsteel Heart is simply both diamonds at once for starters.

Liquimetal Torque, Fractured Powerstone, Thought Vessel and Prismatic Lens all add colorless mana while lens can mana fix for you as well.

But perhaps Pillar of Origins or Pentad Prism might be the rock of choice here?

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Plague of Rats

1 year ago

This looks like fun! For mass removal you could try out Damnation, Languish, or Toxic Deluge. My personal favourite is Plague Wind. It's costly, but one-sided. I hope that helps!

jarncards on SaladFingers

1 year ago

I might run fewer/creatures, since stickfingers will until you reveal x creatures, not just x cards. The fewer you have the higher chance you hit one that destroys the table if you just overload on ramp and reanimates. Rather than these things Crawl from the Cellar,Ghoul's Feast,Gravepurge I'd focus on just reanimating and is easy to get and will probably serve you better. If you really do want it back in your hand Genesis Skullwinder and Eternal Witness do this while attached to a body.

Rather than sending to your hand these will just bring back Diregraf Rebirth, Victimize, Reanimate, Exhume, Unearth, Whisper, Blood Liturgist, Stitch Together,Dread Return.Geth, Lord of the Vault is expensive but can fill your yard as well as revive others. Finale of Devastation revives or tutors, and is a finisher.

Blossoming Wreath,Gnaw to the Bone probably heal less than lifelink, and there's a ton of ways to give lifelink.

Rampant Growth is slightly inferior to Three Visits and Nature's Lore as long as your dual lands have both typesOvergrown Tomb, Bayou, Woodland Chasm, although I'd definitely run all three if there's room. Culling Ritual would be an amazing ramp/wipe card you can use to nuke all tokens and then cast stickfingers. Sakura-Tribe Elder is just rampant growth that works as a blocker for one turn, and it is another creature in your graveyard. Lotus Cobra ramps too, particularly with your other ramp options.

And you'll likey have enough mana to use Decree of Pain, if not, other wipe options are Damnation,Pernicious Deed,Death Cloud,Deathbringer Regent,In Garruk's Wake,Killing Wave,Necromantic Selection,Plague Wind,Reiver Demon,Toxic Deluge. Torment of Hailfire works as a finisher too Endurance is basically the only way you can protect your graveyard that I can think of. I'd probably run Veil of Summer too.

Moodmark Painter gives the +x/+x buff and is on a body Garruk Relentless  Flip flips into Garruk, the Veil-Cursed, but its tricky to make this one work

Since you'll have access to really big creatures these can be nice for draw. Greater Good, Momentous Fall, Return of the Wildspeaker, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Morbid Curiosity, Life's Legacy, Disciple of Bolas, Doom Weaver, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds.

Mesmeric Orb,Stitcher's Supplier would be an amazing graveyard filler.

Zombie Infestation and Wild Mongrel is usefull for dumping creatures out of your hand

I think every single black deck should run Dauthi Voidwalker, and the more grave hate you have the more you could take advantage of Living End/Living Death if you use these as mass reanimates. they are the cheapest.

Life from the Loam and Bala Ged Recovery  Flip would be good helps for mana and options.

As long as you run Filth run Crop Rotation and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth too since it will make every creature you have unblockable.

Deathrite Shaman would benefit from more fetch lands Marsh Flats,Verdant Catacombs,Misty Rainforest would help mana fix as well as throw more lands into your graveyard.

You have a fairly high number of tutors, and a ton of ramp, so i'd consider Panglacial Wurm. It's a card you dont need to waste a draw to get and can be cast instant speed. And its fun to surprise people with it at least once.

Triton on Volrath Voltron Reanimator

1 year ago

My suggestion for potential cuts for Meteor Golem are either Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief or Steel Hellkite. Perhaps Plague Wind, seeing as it's a rather inefficient board wipe imo. If you need a boardwipe, maybe Mutilate?

I feel like Liquimetal Torque is best in colors that remove artifacts easily, more like green or red. It's far from a bad card though! I'd recommend Thought Vessel as a potential contender as well.

Hope this helps a bit! :)

Optimator on You break it you buy it.

1 year ago

Plague Wind - Attrition - Gift of Doom - Darksteel Plate - Hammer of Nazahn - Kaldra Compleat - Shield of Kaldra - Kaya's Ghostform - Malakir Rebirth  Flip - Armor of Shadows - Boon of Erebos - Feign Death - Supernatural Stamina - Undying Evil - Undying Malice -

I know you're not trying to go for board-wipe-tribal but here are lots of other ways to save your commander. I know you know about a lot of these.

You should seriously consider Blasphemous Act; it's one of the best wraths period.

Guerric on Lathril's Relentless Elves

2 years ago

As for things to cut, here is my list-

Cards to definitely cut- 1) Abomination of Llanowar he's just a big, dumb of elf with a target on his back for removal. There are better options. At least Drove of Elves has hexproof, but I wouldn't even play that. The only one I'd play is Jagged-Scar Archers, and that's because of its utility against flyers.

2) Elvish Rejuvenator He gets a land, but doesn't actually ramp you. And that is if you get a land- you might whiff. You have better options. If you really want this effect Sylvan Ranger costs one less mana and is guaranteed to not whiff.

3) Eyeblight Cullers 5cmc is just too much for something that only gives you three tokens on its death, and you have no mill synergy.

4) Golgari Findbroker This card was made for draft. It just costs too much for what it does. Its not just the four cmc, 2 and 2 is a high opportunity casting cost.

5) Harald, King of Skemfar He's basically a 3/2 with menace that replaces himself. The clause on Tyvar might seem good if you add him (which is good idea, btw- he'll be worth it even if he doesn't stick around too long), but even then you have to remember that he won't find Tyvar the majority of the time. Again, its nice he replaces himself and gives you some selection, but there are better options.

6) Jaspera Sentinel Dorks are great, but you have to tap two creatures for one mana, which is a bad rate in elves. There are better dorks suggested above.

7) Masked Admirers This is one of those cards that Wizards stuffs into every precon conceivable, even though its bad in most of them. We don't need it here.

8) Thornbow Archer He's only draining one life for each time he attacks. That isn't enough to justify his slot.

9) Voice of Many You get maybe three cards for four mana at most? He's not the worst and he does draw cards, but I've never liked him.

10) Voice of the Woods This might sound like a good use of your elves, but its better to pump your elves than to use them to summon elementals. Plus he costs five to cast.

11) Tergrid's Shadow We have a joke about this card in our playgroup, but in general it isn't what we want. Letting your opponents pick what they sacrifice means you'll rarely hit the thing you need to get rid of. You might as well just play Doom Blade or any other premium removal card in these colors. There are a lot!

12) Poison the Cup They just put this in the precon because foretell was a Kaldheim theme, but there are so many cheap (both in real world and mana cost) black removal cards that this one shouldn't make the cut.

13) Roots of Wisdom You're better off just playing Harmonize or getting one of the consistent draw pieces I suggested. This card won't do a lot for the slot in your deck.

14) Return Upon the Tide This just costs too much mana, and you have other better recursion pieces out there.

Cards to think about removing

1) Serpent's Soul-Jar This card could be good, but could also be a trap. Your graveyard is a resource, and exiling everything from it prevents mass recursion. Also, your opponents can target this with removal and you'll never get your stuff back. I'd probably just play Haunting Voyage, Patriarch's Bidding, and Living Death to get your goodies back for more fun!

2) Twinblade Assassins He does draw cards, and is probably at least as good as Phyrexian Arena while he lives. So you might keep him, but he costs 5cmc, so if you have enough card draw you might want to cut him.

3) Numa, Joraga Chieftain He can pump your stuff. But Kindred Summons, Genesis Wave, or the above mentioned Torment of Hailfire and Exsanguinate are much better ones!

4) Nullmage Shepherd This can allow us to remove problematic stuff. But tapping four elves is a bigger cost than we often want to pay. Something to think on.

5) Sylvan Messenger Again, this card does get us some draw, much like Lead the Stampede which I used to play does. I've just never found it good enough to include though. Nonetheless, you want at least ten pieces of draw, and this does count as that!

6) Eyeblight Massacre This will kill a lot of stuff, but will often leave what you most need to kill alive. Ezuri's Predation is a recently reprinted board wipe that is now more affordable and will wreck your opponents while leaving your stuff intact. In Garruk's Wake and Plague Wind cost a 25 cents each and will hose everyone but you, and because you are playing elves you can afford their cmc!

7) Ruthless Winnower Having played against this card I can attest that it is annoying, but your opponents will often kill it before it can have too much impact. If it were a lower cmc it would be a guaranteed in, at least it will take the heat off of more important cards. It is high at 5cmc though. Keeping it might be the right choice, but I'd at least consider it.

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