Phantom Ninja

Creature — Illusion Ninja

Phantom Ninja can't be blocked.

TeyoSelflessProtector on The Shirai Ryu Clan

2 years ago

Love the deck! Phantom Ninja and Reflections of Littjara are pretty fun. The ninja is on theme and the Reflections mean double ninjas.

Optimator on Yoriko and Some Tricky Ninjas

2 years ago

Fallen Shinobi might be worth a slot. Most of the MH1 ninjas are worth a look. Ingenious Infiltrator - Throatseeker - Phantom Ninja - Moonblade Shinobi - Mist-Syndicate Naga

Dream Cache and Brainstorm are some of the only ways in the whole game to put cards in hand on top of your library. Worth noting at the very least.

DrkNinja on Dead Silence

2 years ago

Ok so I didn't check to see if any of these were in the deck already but... here's my list of suggestions!

It's a lot of cards so...

Again some of these may be cut worthy but off the cuff this is what I came up with. Also I didn't include any ninjas... I figure they are easy enough to find

DSquirrel on Yuriko, the Sadist

4 years ago

you need some cheap unblockable creatures, Changeling Outcast, Dimir Infiltrator, Gudul Lurker, Phantom Ninja, Slither Blade, Triton Shorestalker.

some people like cheap 1/1 flyers, Faerie Seer

There are some good changelings that count as ninjas, Graveshifter, Venomous Changeling

Spark Double can copy Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow as it won't be legendary, allowing for huge damage potential.

Cunning Evasion protects form blockers

Neurok Stealthsuit is great for protecting single targets

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