Phage the Untouchable

Legendary Creature — Avatar Minion

When Phage the Untouchable enters the battlefield, if you didn't play it from your hand, you lose the game.

Whenever Phage deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature. It can't be regenerated.

Whenever Phage deals combat damage to a player, that player loses the game.

DemonDragonJ on How is Black Market Connections …

2 months ago

wallisface, Mark Rosewater has stated that black is the most selfish of the colors, and cards such as Phage the Untouchable and Reiver Demon have very strict casting costs.

legendofa on Multifarious Assassination

3 months ago

Reesedaniel82 If you're talking about copying Phage the Untouchable with Lazav, the Multifarious, I believe it does work. When a card refers to itself in its rules text, unless it specifically uses the wording "a card named xxx", it actually means "this card."

So Lazav would gain the abilities

"Whenever (this creature) deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature. It can’t be regenerated.

Whenever (this creature) deals combat damage to a player, that player loses the game."

Annexus on Crouching Kadena, Hidden Phage [MH3]

4 months ago

First of all, the deck is great. I love Kadena's playpattern and am always looking for inspiration.

I might be missing it, but are you hardcasting Phage the Untouchable for the whole cost? Or do you manifest it face-down, or morph it somehow? I seem to be missing that line, if it's currently there.

+1 on the upvotes.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Crouching Kadena, Hidden Phage [~$20] edition

1 year ago

I mentioned this in the other list, but I'll throw this out there two since the card is budget. Scroll of Fate seems like a great addition. It's great with Kadena on it's own, but even better when that manifest creature just so happens to be Phage the Untouchable :).

afrodude54 on Beamtown Bullies: The Worst Gift-Givers

1 year ago

I'd recommend Phage the Untouchable for sure. Instant you lose card, unless that's straight up not fun.

enpc on Killing by giving opponents "positive" …

2 years ago

TypicalTimmy: you can subscribe to threads without having to comment on them. There's a "Subscribe" button which does just that.

BigBadE: I think if you're going to build a 'killing them with kindness" deck then you're going to struggle if you limit yourself to black/red (assuming you're using Blim as commander). There are cards like Forced Fruition which can drown your opponents in cards. You can also look into cards like Suture Priest and Hunted Troll (i.e. giving your opponents creatures which then kills them).

many years ago, I played against a deck (it was 60 card multiplayer, not commander) which used Endless Whispers with cards like Bronze Bombshell and Phage the Untouchable to win the game. You could look into effects like that as well if it were what you're after.

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