Perilous Forays


, Sacrifice a creature: Search your library for a land card with a basic land type, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

Simerix on Mr Sandman, Man Me a Sand

1 year ago

Dud cards: Conclave Guildmage Conclave's Blessing Rallying Roar + a lot of the convoke cards

Why is Katilda, Dawnhart Prime in the deck?

I've seen Outlaws' Merriment flop a lot in Alex's deck

Consider conspire cards like Gleeful Sabotage and Wort, the Raidmother

Have you considered Plargg, Dean of Chaos  Flip Augusta would ball in this deck?

I always suggest a little bit of creature sacrifice in a deck like this. Here's some suggestions: Perilous Forays Martyr's Cause Goblin Bombardment Fanatical Devotion Evolutionary Leap Tooth and Claw Makeshift Munitions Barrage of Expendables. When you swing out, shit's gonna get killed so it's nice to make the most of your creatures. Plus these cards do great against board wipes.

Consider these land sacrifice cards: Sylvan Safekeeper Squirrel Wrangler Goblin Trenches Constant Mists Aura Fracture

Also consider adding anthems to drive the win home if you think you will struggle with winning.

Prosperous Partnership slaps and I suggest you reconsider it.

Additional card suggestions: Neyali, Suns' Vanguard Roar of Resistance Arasta of the Endless Web Intangible Virtue Divine Visitation Inspiring Leader Legion Loyalty

PrismMTG on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago

Alright, a 2 for 1 response comment.

First, @king-saproling. I really don't think that Crucible of Worlds is the right card to drop. Because this list runs so many fetches, effects that allow you to play more than just Forests from your graveyard are very necessary. What do you think about dropping Zendikar's Roil instead? The list loses some token generation, but with Titania you have more than enough of that, and Perilous Forays adds another layer to the recursion engine.

Second, @TheOfficialCreator: Sylvan Scrying is a good card that I'm pretty sure flew under my radar because I misread it for a basic land tutor... yeahhhh, oops. But anyway, I'm thinking of slotting that in for Far Wanderings because during playtesting, Far Wanderings preformed much worse than I would have hoped and the effect without the Threshold ability active is not worth the cost.


PrismMTG on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago


Perilous Forays: Definitely a card I need to slot in, I'm just wondering what it should be slot in for? There doesn't seem to be an easy answer, I'm wondered what your thoughts on it are.

Concordant Crossroads: Undoubtably a very powerful card, I'm just not sure if haste makes enough of a difference in this deck to justify slotting this in.

Crashing Drawbridge: If I am going to slot in haste, its going to be through Concordant Crossroads

Akroma's Memorial: Definitely an interesting suggestion and a possible card to help close out games. It being removed can be a problem though, and I'm wondering what would be swapped out for it

Null Brooch: Having lands into my graveyard is good, but its very hard to get useful creatures or spell backs from the graveyard and I'm not sure if my entire hand is a good trade for one noncreature spell

Stone-Seeder Hierophant: Definitely synergistic, but it works similar to Lotus Cobra, but slower

Animist's Awakening: A very risky card, its possible to hit almost nothing for a very large mana investment, cutting down on some risks has been a point of upgrading this list.

Kamahl's Druidic Vow: Same reasoning as above, but less likely to miss

Traverse the Outlands: Most of the time, it hits about 5-6, which is a decent 1-1 payoff, but it costs more than cards such as Roiling Regrowth and there are other cards I would rather play with 5 CMC

Boundless Realms: If a game goes long, you will probably have more cards on the field than you can search up with this. It's a powerful card, but it doesn't have the speed that this list runs.

Reshape the Earth: Powerful card, great for finding certain lands like Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, or Lotus Vale, but it is just too expensive CMC wise.

Pir's Whim: I will find a land card, but not everyone else will have an artifact/enchantment to sacrifice, especially in my pod. Its good, don't get me wrong, but there are more efficient cards imo.

Dryad's Revival: This is simply Timeless Witness, but Witness has a body that cards such as Ashaya, Soul of the Wild can use, or that I can sac to Greater Good, etc

Profet93 on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago

Perilous Forays is GAS! Wish I thought of it earlier. It acts as a sac outlet to prevent theft + exile, triggers your commander's ability by saccing the elemental token to mill lands, bringing in forests to creature more elementals. If you had an amulet of vigor (not a serious suggestion), then you could effectively get all your basics out and create a large elemental army.

Slashdance on Forest Tribal, LoL

1 year ago

Thanks for the comment, SmirkyDog593. =)

For Mortarpod to work, it seems we'd need to also add haste. In order to equip it to a land, it would have to be a creature, in order to sacrifice it, it needs to be a creature, and in order for our commander to bring it back, the land has to be a creature. So, if we have a continuous effect that turns our lands into creatures to do all that, then come back into play with summoning sickness. Thus, we are unable to tap the new lands for mana to continue to equip Mortarpod and going near-infinite enough to kill everybody. Unless, of course, we initiate an infinite mana effect prior to do doing so, so there's a lot more moving pieces to get that concept working. Unless I'm wrong, lol.

Spitting Spider honestly doesn't excite me for the cost, and it absolutely requires our basic commander/enchantment combo in play in order for it to work. That's not necessarily bad, but if I were that concerned about flyers I'd rather the removal not be as conditional. I think I'd prefer a good old fashioned Hurricane or maybe Arashi, the Sky Asunder that's the same cost as the spider. Silklash Spider is pretty efficient, too.

I do like your suggestion of Perilous Forays, thank you!

I also like Nemata, Grove Guardian, but the cost is high. I know we can get a ton of mana, but it's at the expense of maybe not doing something else. I'll have to think on it, but I like it!

Evolutionary Leap is pretty great, yeah! Thanks!

Altar of Dementia was already in the Maybe pile, so I agree. ;)

SmirkyDog593 on Forest Tribal, LoL

1 year ago

I cannot express how much I LOVE this concept. As soon as I played the first test and got the infinite combo I was estatic about it. I do have some suggestions.

Mortarpod would be good if you had a way to sack one of the two lands tapped to equip it. Insta kill all players. Sustenance is another Insta kill method as well.

Spitting Spider is a good flying removal creature Perilous Forays will let you draw out every forest in your deck.

Nemata, Grove Guardian creates saporlings and works in conjunction with the treefolks and Life and Limb cards.

Evolutionary Leap lets you get all your creature cards out if you wanted.

I would also suggest you put in Altar of Dementia as another way to win.

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