Pendrell Mists


All creatures have "At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice this creature unless you pay (1)."

SufferFromEDHD on Brian Stacks' Armageddon (EDH)

8 months ago

Mana rock tribal meets land destruction. I'm in :)

Impending Disaster AND Planar Collapse I like seeing both of these in the same deck. Great use of Magus of the Balance!

Mudslide and/or Smoke would be useful tax.

Pendrell Mists + Burning Sands No creatures and no lands... is this not your deck in a nutshell?

Land Tax and Seismic Assault might be useful.

Humility if you truly hate your friends.

Sevinne's Reclamation recycles a good chunk of the deck.

SufferFromEDHD on The infinite Narset

8 months ago

Nice! Only suggestion would be to exploit your position with 0 creatures. Stuff like Humility, Pendrell Mists and Smoke are irrelevant to you but brutal on opponents.

SufferFromEDHD on Overgrown Garden

8 months ago

Modern WOTC sucks. It is full of pseudo intellectual weirdos. The kids that used to play Yu-Gi-Oh that transitioned into MTG. They brought the power creep and the endless over printed products. Timmy likes turning big dudes sideways. I like getting new reanimation targets but it's been in an unhealthy place for a few years. I miss 1 big set/ 2 secondary sets/1 core set/1 special release. GREAT formula.

I too am big on enchantments. Just did a building exercise on enchantress in each color.

Tainted aether is fun. Burning Sands is another one. Combos with the king of fun Pendrell Mists

Sadistic Sacrament = GG in your meta

SufferFromEDHD on Overgrown Garden

8 months ago

Well that explains a lot about your approach to deck building.

I'm intrigued by your late 90s shell. Energy Field, Pendrell Mists, Karmic Justice, Null Chamber...

SufferFromEDHD on tameshi stax combo

11 months ago

Solid build! A lot of neat tech in this list like that Mind Harness. Focused and brutal polymorph targets. Nice to see both Parallax Tide and Parallax Wave too. Get that Pendrell Mists into the 99!

Although it is a well oiled machine I'm still going to spitball a playset of discard engines that might be worthy of a spot:

Frantic Search Intuition #2 not sure what to cut.

Forbid and/or Rites of Refusal for Arcane Denial and/or Delay.

Turbulent Dreams for Flood of Tears

Vengeful Dreams for either Path or Swords

Dust Bowl awesome in the late game

SufferFromEDHD on Azorius Voltron Control

1 year ago

Cool voltron concept.

Riptide Laboratory to properly abuse that Snapcaster Mage.

Capsize would be a great spell in this draw/go strategy. Dust Bowl for similar reasons.

Mystic Speculation fits the top deck Counterbalance strategy.

Urza's Saga to grab that crucial Sensei's Divining Top, Relic of Progenitus removal and two powerful mana rocks.

Sentinel's Eyes cheap and reusable vigilance.

Narset, Parter of Veils round out the playset of powerful planeswalkers.

Pendrell Mists would be a useful stax tax.

blpace on Planeswalkers Perfected

2 years ago

Thoughts on Damn replacing Bontu's Last Reckoning . I tend to struggle with my artifact hating meta that saps my mana resourses and having a turn without untapping my lands is proving ruff even with the low cast.

I also tried the The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale and Pendrell Mists , but they don't seem to have much impact in the games in my meta that features a lot of ramp, unless I face a token deck...then the token players just focus me down in a rage. So I"m going to take them out. Any ideas for how I can add more ramp into the deck. I did swap Nissa, Vital Force for Nissa, Who Shakes the World as I run the original Dual Lands and when played, the extra ramp from forests are nice.

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