Peat Bog


Peat Bog enters the battlefield tapped with two depletion counters on it.

Tap, Remove a depletion counter from Peat Bog: Add (Black)(Black) to your mana pool. If there are no depletion counters on Peat Bog, sacrifice it.

77hi77 on Restrictions to make commanders interesting?

2 months ago

I've been looking through my decks lately, and it's really hitting me how weird my deckbuilding style is. So while I don't consider myself an experienced player by any stretch of the imagination, I might have some perspectives to share.

Similar to what legendofa said, I'm a huge fan of messing with the colour pie. So, one deck I'm working on is Evra, Halcyon Witness, which most people would see as a life gain commander, I see it as a really specialized version of Hatred, but instead of "Pay X life", X is set for you. So that made me think, can I build a mono-white deck that plays like a mono-black? How many options does white have for paying life and sacrificing your own creatures? I'd like to do something similar with the other colours, like how many one-drops can I use to make a funky aggro deck?

A deck I'm still in the theorizing process for is the answer to the question "how funny would it be if I built a deck where I can't cast the commander?". Right now I'm thinking Inalla, Archmage Ritualist but build the deck in mono-blue and just go blue wizard tribal. Maybe I'd allow myself a Fellwar Stone and one card that can let me steal another player's mana rock, so that casting my commander becomes an achievement to celebrate. From there it's a balance of building a viable 99 that has a chance to win the game, while sticking to the idea that I want this deck to be funny. This was very much inspired by watching Commander at Home whenever Olivia gets incoherent from laughing so hard at her own shenanigans.

My favourite deck I've built yet, which still needs quite a bit of work, is Defile Me Daddy Rakdos. Rakdos the Defiler is the commander, and most decks I've seen with him as the commander focus on how painful it is to be hit by him, then double down on that pain. I thought, it'd be more fun if I were to lean into the politics of a commander like that. So I put in a whole bunch of cards that demand deals: Scheming Symmetry, Infernal Offering, Sower of Discord, and other effects that either say "two of us will get a very nice thing" or "two of us will get a very bad thing". I see it as forcing you to get in character, you kind of have to play like a demon to pilot this demon deck.

I've also been eyeing proliferating commanders, mostly because the lands and mana rocks that use counters of some sort are really cool. Peat Bog, Altar of Shadows and Pyramid of the Pantheon, for example. Then balance it with non-standard proliferating wincons, so instead of +1/+1 counters and infect, I've been thinking of cards like Strixhaven Stadium, or the ult on a few planeswalkers (Vraska, Scheming Gorgon immediately comes to mind).

Hope that gave you some ideas! I'm on the exact opposite journey, because I'm too good at restricting myself, and whenever I try to bring friends into the game I can't really lend them any of my decks.

nuperokaso on Help me Man the Lux Cannons!

7 months ago

The big question is - what format is this deck trying to be and what is your budget? Obviously this will never be competitive, but if cards from any edition are allowed, you have hundreds of choices:

If you REALLY want to go all in on counters and play older cards:

- Hickory Woodlot, Saprazzan Skerry, Peat Bog, Sandstone Needle, Remote Farm are lands that produce two mana as long as you are able to proliferate each turn. Pentad Prism is an artifact that effectively produces mana when you proliferate.

Max_Hammer on Instant Lottery

1 year ago

I have some land suggestions for you! Not all of them are great, but some of them could be pretty snazzy.

SirChancelot on

1 year ago

Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar would be great for turning your Commander's ability into a mana source. Adding Pitiless Plunderer is great as well especially with the previous two cards mentioned. They actually infinite combo with Bloodsoaked Champion and either Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist. Mikokoro, Center of the Sea is good in mono black decks imo. Also Peat Bog and Gemstone Caverns would be good additions to the land base as well. Boseiju, Who Shelters All it also very good for protecting stuff.

If you like these choices then I can help out with what to take out! Looks fun though!

king-saproling on Shitty Gritty Landfall Shenanigans/Combo

2 years ago

Amulet of Vigor might be worth including since it works well alongside Scapeshift, Splendid Reclamation, Lotus Field, Mesmeric Orb, etc.

Others you might like are Bone Miser, Stone-Seeder Hierophant, Sakura-Tribe Scout, Burgeoning, Sylvan Scrying, Dread Return, Dryad Arbor, Deserted Temple, Golgari Grave-Troll, Stinkweed Imp, Golgari Thug, Kodama of the East Tree, Dark Ritual, Hickory Woodlot, Peat Bog

Asgeren on An Old-School Nightmare

2 years ago

Ah yeah, the sac lands are not very janky. Don't know of any other sac lands.. but maybe Peat Bog, Cabal Pit or Subterranean Hangar will be interesting to you, and they're all very cheap ;)

carpecanum on Grist, Bugmen Investigator

3 years ago

Not sure how important a turn 2 Grist is to you but Ebon Stronghold , Peat Bog , Hickory Woodlot and Havenwood Battleground could help. I use the Blue version as one of the few ways to get Thada Adel, Acquisitor out on turn two. Birds of Paradise and Gilded Goose would help as well.

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