Nylea, God of the Hunt

Legendary Enchantment Creature — God


As long as your devotion to green is less than five, Nylea isn't a creature. ( in the mana costs of permanents you control counts toward your devotion to green.)

Other creatures you control have trample.

: Target creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn.

Darb_the_Bard on Buttercup: Princess Bride

8 months ago

Bow of Nylea would make Jegantha illegal as a companion, but otherwise it would have been a great fit. I like the idea of Nylea, God of the Hunt as yet another way to give my deathtouch creatures trample (a combination I love!) but without having to pay extra mana for it. She doesn't have deathtouch herself though, while Rhonas does. She's also not always a creature, which can be an upside but can also be a downside, especially when Odric is out and she can't share her indestructible keyword with my other creatures, which is always turned on with Rhonas. Definitely worth considering though. I will add Nylea to the maybe board. Thanks for the feedback!

griffstick on infinite rats

1 year ago

If you are looking to remain in mono black, change Nylea, God of the Hunt for Cover of Darkness.

mclaughlin2408 on Elf Deck (Black and Green)

1 year ago

I recently added 2x Nylea, God of the Hunt, 4x Lys Alana Huntmaster , and 2x Joraga Warcaller. Seems like the deck is still playing very fast and still having no problem getting everything out and setup by turn 5 easily. I am working on a sideboard to include some creatures who can block filying, destory artifacts/enchanments, and a few other things as well if needed. I will get that post in the next day or 2 as well.

jags on Elf Deck (Black and Green)

1 year ago

Nylea, God of the Hunt Stonehoof Chieftain End-Raze Forerunners is still my preferred or Rancor can never go wrong with it but yes deff need that play set of Collected Company will help you could play Harmonize or Glimpse of Nature these are what I know off the top of my head

Sleepysherlock on Saskia Fun-Fected Super Summer BLAST (Big n' WIDE)

1 year ago

Garruk, Cursed Huntsman, Regrowth, Goblin Anarchomancer, Decimate, Hull Breach, Klothys, God of Destiny, Cindervines, Xenagos, God of Revels, Return of the Wildspeaker, The Great Henge, Conduit of Worlds, Graveyard Trespasser  Flip, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip, Masked Vandal, Shalai, Voice of Plenty, Akroma's Will, Inscription of Abundance, Dromoka's Command, Austere Command, Binding the Old Gods, Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip, Legion's Landing  Flip, Assassin's Trophy, Deadly Dispute, Big Score, Hostile Negotiations, Plumb the Forbidden, White Sun's Twilight, Skullclamp, Blood for Bones, Victimize, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Tyvar's Stand, Temur Battle Rage, Domri, Anarch of Bolas, Domri, Chaos Bringer, Mage Slayer, Embercleave, Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma, Hydra Omnivore, Ilharg, the Raze-Boar, Nylea, God of the Hunt, Kessig Wolf Run, Skarrg, the Rage Pits, Putrefy, Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, Staff of Compleation, Ashnod's Altar, Night's Whisper, Anoint with Affliction, Malakir Rebirth  Flip, Black Sun's Twilight, Infectious Bite, Mythos of Nethroi, Tainted Strike, Noxious Revival, Glissa Sunslayer, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Soul Shatter, Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip, Yawgmoth's Vile Offering, Rakdos Charm, Despark, Faithless Looting, Reconstruct History, Fracture, Blind Obedience, Thirsting Roots, Migloz, Maze Crusher, Apocalypse Hydra, Destined / Lead, Armed / Dangerous, Unearth, Taunting Elf,

Michigone on Trigger Warning

1 year ago

Feels like the deck does a lot of drawing of cards, but most games I don't have a ton of cards in hand. My commander is pretty efficient at playing cards, and Venser's Journal often doesn't gain me much life, and I usually am not running into max hand size issues. So I originally thought Wizard Class would be a good fit, because it keeps my max hand size mod, and benefits me when I draw cards, which is where this deck really seems to be leaning currently. But my big threats are often chump blockable, and so I thought some sort of evasion enabler would be a good idea. As of the moment of typing this, I realize Nylea, God of the Hunt and Kodama of the West Tree might actually be great in this deck. But I have decided for the time being to lean into the card draw mechanic and so I removed Venser's Journal and I'm adding Diviner's Wand. I think this makes sense as there is a mana sink for me to draw cards as well as giving a creature evasion. Plus, with it on a creature that gets a +1/+1 counter from card draw, this seems like it could get really big really fast.

Balinor5 on

2 years ago

Since you're going more green than colorless in this deck, you may want to replace the Ancient Stirrings with Once Upon a Time, since you could whiff on the Stirrings.

I think a couple copies of Sylvan Scrying would be your best bet to get the lands you need. Since Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth is Legendary and you'll be able to find lands, I think two copies would be plenty, especially if you work in Sylvan Scrying. Since you are running green, I'd consider replacing two copies of Yavimaya with 2 copies of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. The Boseiju's are great since they have that channel ability.

You have a lot of "play extra land" abilities... too much IMO. The Arboreal Grazers are great early game, but are dead cards later. Unless you run a single copy of Assault Formation. That wouldn't affect your other creatures, but it kind of takes the deck in a different direction. However, if you have tons of mana, you could really boost your creatures through that last ability.

I think you need to find the right balance though playtesting for your Grazers/Azuza/Explore.

I'm not a fan of Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip for what it does. If you have the $$$ Green Sun's Zenith is way better. You'd probably only need to run 1-2 of those, since they recycle themselves, and you can replace the other two copies with Regrowth for renewal or Heroic Intervention for protection.

Lastly, I think you should try to find a way to fit in one or two copies of World Breaker. He does so much work, and if you're dumping lots of lands, you can bring him back from the graveyard.

Not sure what the right answer on your 4x Amulet of Vigor. They are key to get the deck going fast, but later on they are dead cards. Maybe bring it down to 3 copies or even two and try to work in a copy of Bow of Nylea (great all around support card all 4 modes are good for you, and the static ability is amazing with all your trample) and maybe Nylea, God of the Hunt.

Hope this helps give some ideas... The short of it, is that I think you may have too much "play an extra land" and need to watch the potential for late dead cards. Otherwise, it looks great. Primeval Titan is perfect in a deck like this.

JoosetheMuice on Gnoming on that green mana

2 years ago

Okay comments after yesterday! I would still cut: Glorious Sunrise and Early Harvest as I don't see a ton of value in them here.

Good adds could be: Worldspine Wurm Hammer of Nazahn Treeshaker Chimera World Breaker Nylea, God of the Hunt

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