Nirkana Revenant

Creature — Vampire Shade

Whenever you tap a Swamp for mana, add an additional .

: This gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Manipulator of Life (Totals)

3 months ago

This deck seems very .... confused. On one hand you have swamp synergies, on the other sacrifice synergies, and then you have weird cards like Elder Brain that don't fit into either. I'd suggest picking one of the two theme's and sticking to it.

Cards I would suggest cutting:

Withercrown (just not a good card)

Crypt Incursion (Too situational, its going to be dead a lot of the time)

Xathrid Gorgon (Too slow)

Visara the Dreadful (Removal magnet + too slow)

Consume Spirit (There are better mana sinks than this)

Corrupt (Needs too many swamps to be worth the mana)

Liliana's Shade (Also just not a good card)

Elder Brain (just a weird card in general and too inconsistent)

Cards I would suggest adding:

Abhorrent Overlord (Makes a buch of creatures for your sacrifice triggers)

Pontiff of Blight, Thrull Parasite, Basilica Screecher (More extort cards that synergize very well with K'rrik)

Exsanguinate (Better mana sink than consume spirit)

Nirkana Revenant (Another mana doubler for swamps)

Vein Ripper (Very good for this kind of deck, but it just came out and is currently pricey so I'd wait to buy this one)

Bitterblossom, Dreadhorde Invasion (make a creature every turn for your sacrifice outlets)

Viscera Seer the classic free sacrifice outlet. Also see Woe Strider

Ayara, First of Locthwain (Free creature with K'rrik out and pings opponents every time a black creature enters which usually happens a lot with sac decks)

Profet93 on Visions of Erebos

4 months ago

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse - Offsets commander lifeloss, great against blue/draw decks. Deathtouch is nice. Synergy with Peer into the Abyss (which also goes well with underworld dreams).

MAYBE Heartstone? - I'm unsure if this works with your commander only if he's a creature or even if he's just an enchantment.

Cabal Coffers - Ramp. Cabal Stronghold is more budget.

Deserted Temple - Untap coffers + politics

MAYBE Rings of Brighthearth - Copy commander ability without paying life. Also Coffers + Deserted temple + rings = . Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Makes you need less swamps but is not budget (or needed, but helpful).

Imp's Mischief - "Counter" counterspells while redirecting targeted removal, extra turns and draw.

Necropotence - Draw

I am unsure what your wincon is, beatdown? You lose a lot of life with your commander's ability. Perhaps a The Meathook Massacre could help as a wipe + lifegain effect?

Diabolic Tutor/Beseech the Queen/Beseech the Mirror. Tutors are black's biggest strength, utilize it for consistency.

Alhammarret's Archive - Extra draw

Black's 3rd biggest strength is massive mana. Aside from coffers, Crypt Ghast, Nirkana Revenant, Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power

Once you determine your wincon, you can start to mold the deck to achieving that goal.

EDIT: Removed the non-budget options

GeminiSpartanX on Volrath, Voltron Reanimator

5 months ago

Profet93- Both Bubbling Muck and Jet Medallion were in the previous iteration of the deck which focused solely on ramping out big guys, but were cut in this version to add the reanimation spells. The medallion not helping me cast about half of the beefy creatures is why it got cut in favor of the myr, although the myr is the weakest ramp piece in the deck. Muck was great, but often didn't help out until turn 4-5 once my swamp count was high enough to make a difference. I may cut some of the pricier ramp like Nirkana Revenant, but I've reached the point with this deck that many of the cards have proven themselves great in a variety of situations, so cutting has become very difficult for me (hence asking for outside opinions).

Emmy isn't in there solely because I don't own one yet, but if it gets reprinted any time soon I'll be putting it in there for sure! Suggestions for cuts would be much appreciated.

Necramus on Killing with (Konrad)

5 months ago

Profet93 Thanks for the love, and great suggestions! Glad you've enjoyed my take on Konrad. I agree on Priest of Forgotten Gods, as it seems to always prove to be a card that just kinda ends up sitting there. I'm thinking I'll sub in Contamination or Imp's Mischief per your suggestion. I don't love Nirkana Revenant as, for me, at 6 mana it really just feels like a win more card. Like I should already be winning if I'm in a position to cast this, unlike something like Grave Titan that can be part of a combo or actually comes down as a legitimate threat. Several of these cards you suggested I've never seen before, like Contamination. I don't love Infernal Darkness, especially sitting right next to Contamination, as I think it's strictly worse. The only worry I have with Contamination is it shutting off my own Coffers, but that's a pretty niche scenario and will likely still put me in a better position. I've had Lightning Greaves in the main before. I may add them back in, at some point. At worst, they say "pay 2 mana and make your opponent waste removal on this card or in response to playing this card." Nim Deathmantle I had not even considered, but I definitely am now. You've given me some great stuff to think about. I genuinely appreciate you! Definitely going to be looking at my list and seeing what I can squeeze in. Just ordered Contamination and Imp's Mischief. So, thanks again!

Profet93 on Killing with (Konrad)

5 months ago

Given that you already run bitterblossom, Ophiomancer and reassembling skeleton, have you considered adding Contamination or even Infernal Darkness to your denial package?

Given you already run Grave titan and ashnod's altar, have you considered adding Nim Deathmantle for the combo?

Moreover, since you deck is fairly contingent upon having your commander out, would you consider some protection in the form of Lightning Greaves or my personal favorite, Imp's Mischief (which "counters" counterspells and redirects targeted removal, draw and extra turns?)

Deserted Temple - Untap coffers and political tool

Lastly, I would swap out Priest of Forgotten Gods, potentially for Nirkana Revenant for additional redundancy of crypt ghast. Priest just isn't impactful enough and it has too many requirements.

I love your low avg cmc, great work! Looking forward to hearing your thought process.

legendofa on infinite rats

1 year ago

So it is Dragon tribal, be cautious about Patriarch's Bidding. I think it has a place in this deck until proven otherwise, but make sure you get at least as much value out of it as Atarka-deck does.

What I see here is a bunch of high-mana dragons, and I assume the mana dorks to support it will be in there, too. Crippling Fear has potential to be an all-star. I don't think you need more fear, since your commander grants fear and you have pretty good stall capacity until Marrow-Gnawer comes out. I'm not sure what ramp to recommend if you're at your budget limit, but Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Crypt Ghast, and Nirkana Revenant are all cards to keep in mind.

Tur on Hidden Power - Mono-Color - …

1 year ago

Hello everyone! This will be a forum post for a "Commander - Hidden Power" series. My goal is to show relatively inexpensive cards which are often overlooked by commander players in semi-competitive and casual play. (This post is not designed for competitive play.) If you enjoy the topic, please upvote the post or provide positive feedback and I will consider creating similar posts.

The powerful cards I plan on discussing are mono-color cards which are strong with big mana in commander.

I will provide one card per mono-color identity. These cards will not include x-spells nor multi-color identity spells. (I.e. no Torment of Hailfire nor Zacama, Primal Calamity)

It is obvious that big mana is a huge part of semi-competitive play. Whether it is from ramping through creatures, artifacts, enchantments, instants, sorceries, or lands. Big mana is pretty fun. Mana doubling effects from lands are especially useful. In this article, I'll be focusing on mana doubling from lands, but other ways to generate big mana are always possible

Here are some common big mana effects for each mono-color identity:

This is not an all inclusive list as Mana Flare, Heartbeat of Spring, Keeper of Progenitus, Sword of Feast and Famine, et cetera would work just as well. In each mono-color identity the artifacts Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, and Extraplanar Lens can be used, however the black and green color identities have an advantage for mono-color double mana effects. Furthermore, green contains cards such as Seedborn Muse, Awakening, and Wilderness Reclamation which allow for more interactions.

Well, let us begin in WUBRG order!

White: Sacred Mesa

This card is relatively unused. According to EDHREC, Sacred Mesa is played in 1511/849227 (0%) decklists and is under one dollar. You'd be surpized how powerful this card is with double mana. Imagine making some number of pegasus at instant speed as either blockers or attackers for your next turn. (The upkeep cost can be paid by making a summoning sick pegasus during your turn.) Not to mention power and toughness buffing effects are ideal with Sacred Mesa, examples include Dictate of Heliod, Cathars' Crusade, Caged Sun, or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.

It is often compared to Luminarch Ascension because they have similar effects. Yes, it makes a 4/4 angel instead of a 1/1 pegasus.

However, Luminarch Ascension has many downsides:

  • You have to have four quest counters to use the ability. (That is, you have to not lose life during an opponents turn four times.) This creates a huge target on your life total and you'll see it surely chip away.
  • Bounce effects, such as Cyclonic Rift really mess it up. Welcome back to square one!
  • Common cards, such as Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider prevent quest counters from even occurring. Vampire Hexmage or Hex Parasite are also options to remove the counters.

Sacred Mesa is way more versatile and does not have such downsides. Not to mention is it only three mana, ideal for Sun Titan recursion.

Blue: Compulsion

It is very rare to see this wonderful card. According to EDHREC, Compulsion is played in 1000/945324 (0%) decklists and is under one dollar. Having an activated draw ability with very little downside on a blue enchantment is insane. Ideal when paired with Teferi's Ageless Insight or Thought Reflection. There are a few cards which have a similar effect, such as Triskaidekaphile or Kefnet the Mindful without having to discard a card, but having a two mana activation is much more versatile. I suppose that an argument could be made with Training Grounds, but that is too much just to make the Kefnet the Mindful ability more cost effective. Furthermore, discarding a specific card like Echo of Eons, Wonder, or a shuffle Eldrazi such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth has some nice synergy. (In fact, it should be played in most bant enchantress decks, such as the commander Tuvasa the Sunlit. Replenish for life!)

Black: Chainer, Dementia Master

This is a wonderful card, but a little pricey compared to the previous two cards. According to EDHREC, Chainer, Dementia Master is played in 6344/983251 (1%) decklists and is approximately ten dollars. Yes, we all know that you can abuse Chainer, Dementia Master with Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Kokusho, the Evening Star with sacrifice outlets such as Phyrexian Altar. Suppose we don't want to abuse this card into the ground is it still just good card? Yes. We can fill up or graveyard with Buried Alive or Entomb and get back a creature card, or we can grab a creature card from an opponents graveyard. It can also be used to interrupt graveyard combos, such as Aristocrats by using the ability on an opponents Butcher Ghoul with the undying trigger on the stack.

Red: Scourge of Kher Ridges

An extremely powerful and undervalued card. According to EDHREC, Scourge of Kher Ridges is played in 1005/912333 (0%) decklists and is under three dollars. If you're able to untap with Sourge of Kher Ridges and double mana, your opponents are going to have a rough time. As you can put multiple activations on the stack, it provides you with a very high on-board presence. Even within a response to removal. I've heard players complain that Scourge of Kher Ridges dies too quick to removal and my answer is "from your opponents perspective it needs to die before you're able to untap". Ideal with lifelink (and deathtouch) equipment such as Basilisk Collar or Shadowspear.

Green: Kamahl, Fist of Krosa

Typically unseen in play. According to EDHREC, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is played in 4786/880991 (1%) decklists and is approximately five dollars. It is odd how unused Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is compared to Ezuri, Renegade Leader when they basically have the same effect. Overrun as an activated ability which is stackable multiple times. I agree that Ezuri, Renegade Leader is better in elf tribal decks, however Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is great in most big mana decks. Ideal for wide aggro. Tall aggro will gain the benefit of trample. If you don't have extra creatures you can animate your lands as 1/1 attackers, correction 7/7 attackers. (Pretty interesting because these attackers get around Cyclonic Rift, they're lands.) You can also get some payback by animating your opponents lands in response to a creature board wipe. (From that reasoning it can be paired with cards such as Ascendant Evincar and Crovax, Ascendant Hero to destroy opponents lands through animation.)

All in all, these are relatively unused cards which have a lot hidden power with big mana. If your deck is mono-colored and designed for big mana spells or abilities, think about giving these cards a chance. See if they work well for you and your playgroup.

1hko on mono-black flicker

2 years ago

Crypt Ghast is illegal in this deck because it has White in its colour identity. Maybe go for Nirkana Revenant instead.

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