Nemesis Mask

Artifact — Equipment

All creatures able to block equipped creature do so.

Equip (3) ((3): Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This card enters the battlefield unattached and stays in play if the creature leaves the battlefield.)

Belfore on Marwyn Elfs

2 months ago

Well you seem to be lacking in flying defense. You could also use some recursion since your token production is only 8 cards I would personally drop the Arboreal Alliance since you are not producing that many tokens. And I know it is a way to use all the mana you can produce but you need some more reusable uses for the mana.

I spent most of this weekend testing your deck against some of mine which are also go wide strategies. And what I kept running into was that your ability to get damage through was struggling. I think you need to get some more sources of trample or bypassing defenders. Another problem I was having was you would be top decking to quickly.I felt it just kept running out of steam.

I personally would drop Arbor Elf for Argothian Elder. It may cost more mana but it would let you untap Nykthos without Yavimaya in play, drop Quirion Ranger for Seeker of Skybreak just a bit less hassle for untapping a creature. even though she gets an interesting trick when you have Ashaya out. I would also drop Woodland Bellower for the Skyshroud Poacher just because it is easier to reuse. Elvish Guidance can have its uses but I think Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is still a bit more useful, for your mana outlet I would absolutely keep Staff of Domination over Thousand-Year Elixir. I am surprised you dropped both Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen and Jagged-Scar Archers since those were your only real answers to flying maybe consider Raking Canopy or Gravity Well to help against flying heavy decks. Mobilize and Vitalize are a little too weak for the card slots I think. I think a couple of more useful options would actually be Taunting Elf, Nemesis Mask, and/or Tempting Licid of those 3 taunting elf is weakest. But what those would allow you to do is get your pumped up elves through with minimal losses and minimal investment for the finishing blow.

I do have more thoughts if you want but as always feedback on what you are aiming for always helps (EG: Going tall, going wide, elf ball, kill through combat, or focusing on I win effects (I don't like I win effects))

nhhale on If an attacking creature is …

4 months ago

Suppose I equip Nemesis Mask to a creature and attack with it. My opponent declares all their creatures as blockers and I can choose how to assign the damage dealt by my attacking creature among their blockers. Suppose my attacking creature is Rona, Tolarian Obliterator  Flip and I want as many of my opponents creatures as possible to deal damage to her. Do all blocking creatures deal damage to her regardless of how I choose to assign attacking damage? Or do only the creatures I assign attacking damage to deal damage to Rona? If the ladder is the answer, could I distribute the 5 damage among 5 creatures even if 1 damage is not lethal for some or all of those blockers?

Sheldaconda on Gentle Giant's Embrace

5 months ago


There are a few things in the deck such as Alpha Authority, Trailblazer's Boots, and Silent Arbiter that reduce the amount of blockers against Wilson, Refined Grizzly to ensure combat damage goes through. I can see how Nemesis Mask + Deathtouch = Boardwipes, but I want to do more playtesting with the little-to-no-blocker cards first before I add Nemesis Mask.

When I read Quietus Spike to my GF, she said that it was nuts lol. I'll find a spot for it right now.

Thanks for your suggestions!

carpecanum on Gentle Giant's Embrace

5 months ago

Nemesis Mask maybe? Completely terrifying with Basilisk Collar

Quietus Spike is great with Trample and its another Deathtouch. Its just stupid with Double Strike

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

9 months ago

enter image description here

This is a very appealing card at pretty much any time I have a boardstate, or when Nemesis Mask is out, but is the cost too high?

carpecanum on Toski and the Gang

1 year ago

Maybe Nemesis Mask to double the chance of getting a Lure effect out. Wrap in Vigor to protect against a board wipe, or Heroic Intervention if you have one.

carpecanum on Green/Black toxic/proliferate need recommendations

1 year ago

Look at cards like Nemesis Mask or Lure. One good hit can kill with Poison counters and if nothing is blocked you can end the game or set up for a proliferate win.

It would take a bit of a rebuild but I always have fun running Sapling of Colfenor as a commander. Throw in a few "must block" cards and then nothing will be blocked except him for the rest of the game. All those little Toxic weenies hit every round. Gift of the Deity is great with Golgari colors and Indestructible.

carpecanum on Krenko generator

1 year ago

The two cards that show up RED are from joke sets and are illegal. That damn Goblin Tutor murdered me one game...

To protect your guys when they attack I like to use Bedlam or Bubble Matrix if I outnumber my opponents. Nemesis Mask also works.

Basilisk Collar is usually put in a deck like this to combo with a Goblin Sharpshooter

Scavenged Blade isn't much use here. Trade it out for Swiftfoot Boots or something that lets you untap creatures (Krenko).

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