Nature's Claim

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nature's Claim


Destroy target artifact or enchantment. Its controller gains 4 life.

Master_J on Froggin Time!

1 month ago

OUT: Cultivator Colossus, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Fyndhorn Elves, Elves of Deep Shadow, Vampiric Tutor, Not Dead After All, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Demonic Tutor, Lightning Greaves, Greater Good

IN: Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus, Shakedown Heavy, Hunted Bonebrute, Tear Asunder, Nature's Claim, Culling Ritual, Nature's Lore, Arcane Signet, Unnatural Growth, Underground Mortuary

Trying to work out some kinks in this deck. I find myself without big boys to sac to the 'Rog sometimes. Also, upping the land count a little instead of using dorks that will die to Culling Ritual.

I may also come to regret pulling out the tutors, but I never know what to look for that will help me win immediately, so out they come for now.

JAEK on Shrine on you crazy diamond

11 months ago

Thank you for your comment and suggestions mtgplayer903, I've got an explanation for a few of my choices here:

  1. Birds of Paradise over Ornithopter of Paradise is purely a preference of mine. I adore BoP and it finds its way into all multi-colour decks that I make. OoP is a great choice too and budget friendly, but I went with the birds this time round.
  2. Eternal Witness is just a much better card than Skullwinder if I don't have to give my opponent the recursion but can get it myself with E-Wit then it's a no brainer for me personally.
  3. Riftsweeper is in the deck to retrieve Maze's End for me. I have had people blow up Maze's End a few times on me and then Bojuka Bog my graveyard, so I needed a way to make sure I could get it back from exile. Admittedly, Rift does need some support from tutors to make it properly effective at this.
  4. Nature's Claim vs Assassin's Trophy is a great suggestion. I'm not sure I have an A'sT to hand, but I will check and update that.
  5. Vindicate is in over Beast Within because I already run Generous Gift and I find that I don't really like giving my opponents a 3/3 beater to come back at me with. The sorc speed hasn't really bothered me yet, but maybe BW will come back eventually after more playtesting.
  6. Explore is dirt cheap and Exploration is a little pricey. I know it just got a reprint and I am hoping to get one soon, once I do it will be back in the list. I do use Exploration on MTGO though.
  7. Tolaria West is a great tutor for Maze's End, Maze of Ith and Reliquary Tower depending on what I need from it. I find that a card like Ash Barrens is nice, but I don't think it's quite right for my list as it stands.
  8. Gatecreeper Vine is out of the list now and Open the Gates is just a neat lil gate tutor so it'll stay in as the Gates theme is key to what I like about this deck.

eliakimras on Omnath, Locus of Douchebaggery

11 months ago

I play Obuun, Landfall Ancestor, and I came to realize the best removal in landfall is the one that can be used on myself to net more landfall triggers:

  • Ghost Quarter is a Strip Mine that can be used on your own lands. Since you run a heavy recursion + extra land drops package, you can recur both in no time.
  • Dire-Strain Rampage is another one. Unless instant speed removal is crazily needed, I would run it over Nature's Claim, for it can net you four landfall triggers and two lands in the graveyard, and has the extra benefit on being double-use removal whenever needed, even if milled or discarded.

If you don't mind lands entering the battlefield tapped, you might consider Riveteers Overlook, Cabaretti Courtyard and Brokers Hideout. They are easy double landfall triggers that immediately set themselves up for recursion. There also are Obscura Storefront and Maestros Theater, but I believe the green ones are the most important, since they can lead on turn 1 to guarantee a green spell on turn 2 without losing tempo.

  • I since removed Command Tower, Exotic Orchard and lands like that, because I need my lands to either fetch others, be fetched or have an amazing utility (like Field of the Dead), and my deck runs smooth like butter ever since :-)

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • you have practically no ways to reliably put -1/-1 counters onto your opponents board, which is going to make it very hard to enact any kind of plan. I would suggest considering cards like Grind / Dust, Fume Spitter, Black Sun's Zenith, Skinrender etc.

  • Blue is doing almost nothing for you in this brew, and considering your relatively fragile manabase, i’d suggest ditching it entirely and just going with 2 colours.

  • Nature's Claim is a very weak mainboard card as against a lot of decks it won’t be able to do anything. Chromatic Star also serves no real purpose here other than marginally thinning your deck.

I have my own competitive Hapatra deck here if you wanted some inspiration. I imagine its a bit too expensive for your liking, but might help give you some good ideas on where to take your own brew

Helnas on Omnath locus of mana (opinions needed)

1 year ago

i see no synergy in your deck. you got some ramp artifact, ramp sorceries, ramp creatures, ramp enchantments, but nothing really synergizes. if you put all ramp into 1 of those, your deck gets alot better.

id say go for creatures, so you can end with a nice overrun effect. So grab all the 1 mana elfs that produce mana, your missing Boreal Druid, Joraga Treespeaker. Then get Priest of Titania, taps for all elfs.

For removal, run creatures aswell, id get Foundation Breaker, Druid of Purification, Bane of Progress, Haywire Mite, Reclamation Sage, Voracious Hydra, Acidic Slime, Duplicant, Kogla, the Titan Ape, Meteor Golem, Terastodon, Woodfall Primus, Ulvenwald Tracker

For draw, run creatures aswell (your starting to see a synergie?) Beast Whisperer, Voice of Many, Toski, Bearer of Secrets, Augur of Autumn

for ramp you have the mana dorks, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Fertilid, Wood Elves Elvish Pioneer, Primeval Herald, Skyshroud Ranger, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

For bombs, id run creatures that already have trample, Defiler of Vigor, Neverwinter Hydra, Ochre Jelly, Kalonian Hydra, Aberrant, Craterhoof Behemoth and a tutor: Fierce Empath

some other cards i would consider Champion of Lambholt (makes your creatures unblockable, Saryth, the Viper's Fang hexproof untapped, deathtouch when attacking (insanely powerfull with big trample creature).

non creatures i would run: Lifecrafter's Bestiary, Skullclamp, Return of the Wildspeaker, Inspiring Call, Harmonize, Rishkar's Expertise maybe a few things like Fade from History, Beast Within, Nature's Claim, Collector Ouphe is also really strong since you will be running creatures

Sure, the mana doubling can be fun, but is it really needed? your commander is gonna be 1-2 punching people, doubling your mana is gonna waste a turn, and you cant do alot with the mana other then empty your hand, and then you get boardwiped and your sent back to your childhood. Id cut them, and just get more consistency out of your deck

enpc on Slivers Commander Primer (looking for help)

1 year ago

There area few things that stand out for the deck.

The first is that you don't have much low ot the ground ramp. I get that you're running a sliver deck, however with the addition of cards like Birds of Paradise, Noble Hierarch and Ignoble Hierarch it helps to get some early game (and flexible for a 5 colour deck) mana down. Your land base isn't terrible, but I would look at adding a few more shocks if you can (focus on the X/G ones, so in this case Temple Garden) and potentially one or two of the tri-colour fetchable lands. Then adding Three Visits means even more value can be had.

Another thing that stands out is that you don't have a lof card draw. Your commander gives slivers cascade sure, but since a lot of the rest of the deck is control you don't typically want to cascade into removal that you may want to hold up, or especially counterspells. I would look tor try adding a bit more raw card advantage and especially pieces that let you get waht you need (i.e. a few more tutors). I would also recommend Green Sun's Zenith - you have a lot of powerful slivers that it can get, but it can also get gemhide/manaweft sliver so this helps with your ramp consistency.

Lastly, your control suite is quite high costed. For only having 4 counters, Cryptic Command is a very blue heavy card and would potentially server better as something cheaper. Stuff like Anguished Unmaking is also generally going to be better than Mortify, but I would also look at Swords to Plowshares and then removal like Nature's Claim, or even Return to Nature. They're slightly less catch-all, but 2 cmc removal is much more playable than 3 cmc removal.

Balaam__ on Tails from the Crypt

1 year ago

Thanks for posting, legendofa. Chamber Sentry is here mostly to make sure we have fuel to throw at the combo engine. I was leery just 4x Wild Cantor may not be enough, like if they’re buried at the bottom of the deck or something. I do really like Crashing Drawbridge though. I’m going to add that to the maybeboard—I’m not sure it’s worth removing Suppression Field for, but then again I could always kill my own Enchantment with Nature's Claim

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