Nadier's Nightblade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nadier's Nightblade

Creature — Elf Warrior

Whenever a token you control leaves the battlefield, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.

RiotRunner789 on Death by Tokens

1 month ago

Tainted Remedy was in because a deck like this wins after a cascade of opponent life loss triggers. This can be easily disrupted by lifegain on the opponents side. However, y'all are correct in that it doesn't advance my game plan. Chop chop.

Bloodchief Ascension is a pet card. It is also a card that has won me numerous games on its own. It would be easy enough to get 3 counters with Kambal's trigger but again, not directly tied to tokens. Good suggestion albeit a painful one.

Halo Fountain just seemed like a fun and wierd alt-win con but your right that it is slow. It also requires me to have tapped creatures.

Going to take a closer look at the aristocrats support. I cut a lot of the sac outlets earlier which was a good observation. Nadier's Nightblade and Mirkwood Bats will definitely stay but a lot of the others can go. Also, Ophiomancer and Dreadhorde Invasion don't work at the level they should without a sac outlet on the board.

Not sure about Battle Angels of Tyr just yet, since just attacking creates token copies of himself. But he'll be close to the cut list.

Part of the reasoning on the number of board wipes was the number of indestructible options for Kambal. Will cut at least one board wipe tonight.

Refering to Basshunter's commnent, I haven't put the final mana base in just yet but Forbidden Orchard will be in there. Mana bases tend to only take me 5 minutes to build. I have some effects that give tokens to my opponents but I'm leaning more heavily into Kambal's second ability. I've generally been looking at consistent token generation instead of one off effects aimed at my opponents. However, Curse of Disturbance will get another look.

Thank you for all of the comments. It definetly gets me much further to completion.

ACapo18 on The Lord of the Tokens

4 months ago

The deck looks good!

If you’re open to suggestions, some fun cards you might enjoy are Divine Visitation, Ghalta and Mavren, Cathars' Crusade, Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel, and Nadier's Nightblade. I also think a bit more draw with cards like Toski, Bearer of Secrets and Ohran Frostfang would add consistency and a power boost to the deck.

Personally I enjoy running a bit more ramp in my decks, but your curve seems low enough that it’s probably not an issue. If it does become an issue, Cultivate & Kodama's Reach are staples, and Three Visits & Nature's Lore are some slightly more efficient includes.

lhetrick13 on Ognis, the Hasty Collector

6 months ago

Spell_Slam - Thanks for the upvote and the comment/suggestions!

I had never consider Rampage of the Clans before as an offensive weapon but that has potential. This deck can generate an astonishing amount of treasure tokens in a single turn depending on the board state and that could be a finishing blow. I was considering adding in Displaced Dinosaurs for a similar effect. Mixed with Bootleggers' Stash I was thinking that could be pretty interesting!

Rhythm of the Wild is good, no doubt about it. A little more options that Fervor but no potential suicide drawbacks like Mass Hysteria. I do like Urabrask the Hidden, only drawback is the 5 CMC vs 2 or 3 for the two walls I am running. Dowsing Device  Flip I am not crazy about due to limiting its effectiveness to only a single creature. It can pump but pump is not generally what this deck needs with the amount of big dragons. Song of Totentanz is very interesting...had never thought of thought particular card. Other similar cards I considered but not that one..I will likely experiment with that!

For the mana ramp, I had considered less ramp spells for more creatures but in my experience, the only way to slow this deck down is by an early board wipe. Thus, I am willing to reduce the effectiveness of the deck with Ognis for more consistency. Ognis was more of a convenient commander that gave me access to the colors I wanted that had some synergy with the deck concept rather than being the central, pivotal piece the deck revolves around.

I had considered Xorn and Jolene, the Plunder Queen but could never find a slot for them in the deck. The abilities they provide are good but what to cut?!? Similar cards like Professional Face-Breaker and Grim Hireling not only produce treasure but also give me utility via card draw potential or removal at the expense of treasures. But you are correct, so many options!

For indirect damage, I did originally have cards like Reckless Fireweaver and Nadier's Nightblade present but again cut them to fit in other cards. I have a few copies of Mirkwood Bats and I like how it triggers on entry and leaving for both lifegain and drain...Maybe I will try to add in that for some flair!

Thank you again for taking the time to comment! Greatly appreciate the thoughts and gives me something to think about! The deck is already pretty hard to deal with and has a pretty good track record but it has been a while since I have tinkered with it :)

legendofa on Impermanence

11 months ago

jonjonhholt Thanks for the tip! So far, I don't think Marut will quite be pulling its weight at 8 mana. Nadier's Nightblade, though, is perfect. Commander Masters is surprising me with its common reprints--it seems like a good time to be in Pauper.

jonjonhholt on Impermanence

11 months ago

Commander masters is coming out in a few days and Nadier's Nightblade is getting downshifted to common, might be a sweet addition alongside Mirkwood Bats. Also idk how many treasures you are actually getting out but ive always loved the Marut dream

thesilentpyro on Chatterfang's Nuthouse of Cards

1 year ago


Potential cuts:

Strife_Delivery_Service on Blood Bending - Awaken the Avatar

1 year ago

awesome build! here's a few suggestions if you have somewhere to fit them. Blood Artist should be a staple. Nadier's Nightblade is another good one. and Ashnod's Altar for ramp if you have the cash

DawnsRayofLight on Korvold, Fae-Cursed King of Feasts

1 year ago

You might as well run Devoted Druid With Melira

Temur Sabertooth to go with Dockside

Descent into Avernus: is a super underrated card, great in grindy decks.

Nadier's Nightblade and Mayhem Devil can help with the grind (it is good to have a backup plan if the combos are a no go for whatever reason)

Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools is another great token producing and card draw PW

Black Market Connections is prime in this list (really any deck with black) (would recommend it over Ophiomancer

Fiend Artisan is another tutor that works with your list

a lot of treasure producing cards like The Reaver Cleaver, Ancient Copper Dragon, Old Gnawbone, Goldspan Dragon, Tireless Provisioner help, treasures are great in Korvold.

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