Myriad Landscape

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Myriad Landscape


Myriad Landscape enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add .

, , Sacrifice Myriad Landscape: Search your library for up to two basic land cards that share a land type, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

Asgeren on Swamp Land

3 weeks ago

I love the idea of a black landfall deck :D some lands you might like Evolving Wilds Riveteers Overlook Terramorphic Expanse - for extra triggers. Also these might be of interest for your landfall purpose Terrain Generator Myriad Landscape Walking Atlas Everglades Maestros Theater Obscura Storefront Tiller Engine Retreat to Hagra Scaretiller Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus Navigation Orb Hithlain Rope - hope you can find something helpful!

Belfore on Hail Caesar - Token Generator

1 month ago

Hey sorry for the short first post did it right before sleep. And thanks Crow_Umbra for getting that Isshin info to Merk-A-Do. I have a few other suggestions that I think will help the deck. Personally I would consider dropping both Public Thoroughfare and Exotic Orchard for something like Vault of the Archangel or maybe Westvale Abbey  Flip for one of those 2 and Myriad Landscape for the other. The reason being that even though you are 3 colors the Orchard could potentially only tap for a green or blue which is little to no use to you. As for the Thoroughfare it both enters the battlefield tapped and you have to pay something to it which will slow you down just a bit more, and that could cost you a precious turn.

I am also confused as to why you have Krenko, Mob Boss in there. Don't get me wrong great commander for goblins but not too sure he would stay in play long enough for you to utilize him very well. You might consider Myrel, Shield of Argive or Teysa, Orzhov Scion

Profet93 on Beats by Xenagos ( Xenagos, God of Revels )

2 months ago

MattMan1982 I'm gonna throw a bunch of ideas at you, some are better than others, just wanna see if anything interests you. I'm not gonna provide any creature suggestions yet. Yours are always solid and I want your thoughts on these cards first.

None of these are needed but definitely are helpful assuming you can fit them into the mana base

Bonders' Enclave - Draw

Cragcrown Pathway  Flip/Spire Garden - Color Fixing

Blighted Woodland/Myriad Landscape - "Ramp"

Raging Ravine/Dread Statuary - Manlands. Nice to use with Greater Good or if you run out of creatures. The Dread Statuary is a personal favorite of mine for that reason

Rancor - Reuseable buff, trample enabler. I like using rancor on selvala and buff with commander for lots of mana should need be

Sylvan Library - Great to set up your draw and ensure you get your land drops. Given you only run 34 lands, that can potentially be an issue, especially given the relatively high avg cmc of the deck.

Skullclamp - Should you ever find yourself needing more draw, this can be an option. It's nice because if they want to use spot removal, they need to do so prior to combat, as you equip it. So if they do, you can pump a different creature and target that opponent.

Momentous Fall - Draw, used in response to removal to gain value. Beware of the blue player though

Return of the Wildspeaker > Garruk PW - Can be used in response to removal so you don't get 2 for 1ed. It's easier to cast and has an additional mode. While the PW has the option to make a token should you need a creature, I don't believe it's impactful enough

Berserk - Super fun! Politics, finisher, all for 1 mana. seriously underrated.

Green Sun's Zenith - Tutor

Decimate - 4 for 1. I see no way for you to deal with a maze of ith. Strip mine can be also used.

Profet93 on

2 months ago

I don't see a lot of draw in here, how about a Momentous Fall or a Shamanic Revelation? For something more on theme although symmetrical, Horn of Greed. Greater Good is also a great option. It's a sac outlet to prevent theft, exile and can net you a ton of cards.

Castle Garenbrig - Simple ramp

Fetchlands like Fabled Passage, Terramorphic Expanse and even Myriad Landscape are potentially worth considering. Especially given you run crucible and ramunap. You run a lot of basic forests. Have you considering swapping some of them out to create additional utility in the mana base? Sadly a lot of the more powerful lands are expensive but there might be some that are worth considering depending on what you're looking for.

Potential Cut - Questing Beast. I don't see how it's purpose in the deck. Is it a meta call for a PW deck?

GangstaFranksta on Arcades, the Strategist's Army

3 months ago

You should think about adding The Pride of Hull Clade because he is good but also cool. But I think you would benefit a lot from improving your mana base. I suggest it should look more like this:



8x Plains, 8 Island, 4 Forest


Adarkar Wastes, Brushland, Yavimaya Coast

Scry Lands

Temple of Mystery, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Plenty

Tri Color

Brokers Hideout, Seaside Citadel, Bant Panorama

Any Color

Command Tower, Exotic Orchard

If you wanted you could also add the gain 1 life lands: Tranquil Cove, Blossoming Sands, and Thornwood Falls. You may also consider adding Krosan Verge or Myriad Landscape just to help ramp.

It would also be really beneficial to have at least a Sol Ring and an Arcane Signet.


Remove Verity Circle. Seems like there are a lot of possibilities where it is just sitting on the field not providing any value. And it isn't even a creature so it can't block. You could replace this with one of the mana artifacts I mentioned earlier or like a Swords to Plowshares, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Path to Exile (I kind of think you need some more removal lol, but you could replace Verity Circle with whatever you wanted.)

Remove Alive / Well. Just straight up not worth. Replace with one of the cards I have mentioned.

Other than that I think this is a really good deck. I think you could use most of my suggestions and keep it close to $100.

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