

Target creature an opponent controls deals damage equal to its power to another target creature that player controls.

9-lives on The Party Pyromaniac

18 hours ago

Yes, but if you're going for a burn deck, you will want as many burn spells as possible. Vexing Devil does this. And, it is just as useful as Monastery Swiftspear in that if they can remove a Vexing Devil, then they can remove a Monastery Swiftspear. 1 mana for 4 damage is the best burn card available. Also, the Monastery Swiftspear will at most deal 3 damage on turn 2 if you cast it on turn 1. Yes, it gets better as it goes on, but regardless you're going to have to keep her on the field. This is why I find Satyr Firedancer a fidgety card. It has to stay on the field, but it's a 1/1.

And yes! Mutiny is a rarely used card, but it's pretty good on its own. I also love Deflecting Palm as my very favorite card. No one expects it, and it really ruins some people's plans.

9-lives on The Party Pyromaniac

18 hours ago

Perhaps you would like something like Mutiny?? I love that card! Helps a lot with creature heavy decks.

Niko9 on Favorite EDH Cards

2 months ago

Oh, and it may seem a little weird but I really love targeted removal in EDH. One of my favorite things in a game is to look around the table, assess threats, and have lots of flexible answers. Cards like

Cast Out

Lightning Bolt


Path to Exile

Swift Reconfiguration

Tragic Slip

Actually, yep, Tragic Slip is definitely my pet removal spell : ) It's always the best card in my hand, it just depends on when it gets used.

I guess part of it is that when I used to play board sweepers it always felt so uninteractive. So many games became, somebody doing a combo, does anyone have Cyclonic Rift? And that's so chance dependent that it feels unfun, to me at least. I like target removal because they always have a target, so I can play enough of them to always have some answer, and then it's on me if I don't save it for the correct threat.

Beebles on Hit Me Baby! | Akiri Damage Ricochet | V-MH3

2 years ago

Hey 9-lives, thanks for your reply.

I can see why copying would not fit the aikido description. That’s an interesting detail. If you woud tell the folks that maintain this site, they might change that.

Apart from those semantic details, we seem to agree that Aikido, like the martial art, is about turning the strength of your opponents against them. My view on this deck regarding that hasn’t changed: This deck is not about turning the strength of my opponents against them.

It may run some cards that could be used for that purpose, but that doesn’t automatically mean it’s the strategy of this specific deck. Proposing that my deck is Aikido because it runs cards that are also used in Aikido decks is a deductive fallacy: all birds are animals but not all animals are birds. This deck is a different animal.

The intent of this deck is to first attack with equipped creatures to then dig for damage-based combo’s that all start with self-inflicted damage. It’s an equipment aggro deck that turns into a (self-inflicted-damage-redirection) combo deck in the late game. Nowhere in that game plan is it about making use of the strength of my opponents. It is a “stop-hitting-yourself” deck. Not an Aikido one.

Then, for your card suggestions: I like Justice Strike but as explained in the deck description, there isn’t a lot of room for instants and sorceries in this list. If I wanted another card that can trigger my combos, I would rather go for something like Sword of Fire and Ice. Mutiny I like less, because there is no synergy with my combos.

9-lives on Hit Me Baby! | Akiri Damage Ricochet | V-MH3

2 years ago

Perhaps add Justice Strike considering that you're using Guilty Conscience? Also, Mutiny might fit in? And, Aikido is very much known for using Boros Reckoner.

I would rather use the term "Tactical Redirection", as that is a generally equivalent term, and definitely covers what you are doing. IF you understand what the term aikido means, it is simply using the opponent against themselves, such as them damaging you to damage themselves, damaging creatures to damage their own creatures, and on and on. So, it covers a large base of cards. The idea that aikido is to copy is completely wrong, in the definition of aikido. In the way people used to make aikido decks, and used the term wrongly, they made creature copy/mirror cards. This is not aikido, this is simply mirroring. Only if you can control a creature and then use it to damage an oppoenent's other creatures or life total would it be aikido. Deflecting Palm is the essence of Aikido.

When you play a chess game, if you mirror your opponent, you're bound to lose. Hardly anyone has won a tournament with this type of deck. If you use aikido, and place a defensive formation, and then they lose a piece from attacking one of your pieces, and they lose a more valuable piece while you either don't lose your less valuable piece or you do. I know that each attack in chess is always losing a piece, but regardless I tried to explain it.

9-lives on Mutiny and its effficacy

2 years ago

Has anyone played with the card Mutiny? How useful is it? Is it a overall good card? I haven't seen it in any decks, but I'm fairly new to MTG.

9-lives on

2 years ago

One card I've liked for a long time, and have never seen a deck use it: Mutiny! Should I put it in here? Would it be useful?

multimedia on Pirates a'hoyyyyyyy

2 years ago

Hey, nice version, but where's Glint-Horn Buccaneer? I saw your deck in the featured decks ad.

You can improve on balancing card quality since you have some amazing cards here, but also quite a few lackluster ones that are much lower on power level compared to the others. An example is Scalding Tarn which is excellent, but not playing a dual land that Tarn can search for... Steam Vents could replace Izzet Guildgate and Volatile Fjord could replace Highland Lake. Other Izzet dual lands to add in place of some basic lands to improve color fixing from lands: Training Center, Cascade Bluffs, Sulfur Falls, Stormcarved Coast and Frostboil Snarl.

I don't think I've even seen Armillary Sphere in the same deck before that also has Mana Drain, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Jeweled Lotus, Dockside Extortionist, Goldspan Dragon, Jeska's Will and Urza's Saga. Sphere is really out of place power wise. Consider cutting Sphere for Arcane Signet? The Diamonds are also subpar, considering cutting both of them for Talisman of Creativity and Izzet Signet? These are not expensive changes, but can make a big improvements on ramp.

Another example of card quality balance are the counterspells. Mana Drain, Counterspell, Pact of Negation, Negate are great thus you don't also need to play Hornswoggle, Admiral's Order and even Lookout's Dispersal because these are not as good.

Some more one drop/two drop flying Pirates and unblockable Pirates can more easily trigger Malcolm and Breeches. Spectral Sailor, Warkite Marauder, Departed Deckhand could replace some higher mana cost Pirates such as Captain Ripley Vance, Deadeye Quartermaster, Prosperous Pirates and Sailor of Means. You have Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Dockside Extortionist, Goldspan Dragon and Corsair Captain which are all excellent thus you don't really need to play other Pirates that create treasures when they ETB because those cards are not as good.

Wonder and Anger are powerful with Pirates, but they need help to get them into your graveyard because you don't want to ever cast them. Expanding with more loot can help to draw/discard them that also adds more draw to your deck. Faithless Looting, Windfall, Mask of Memory and Frantic Search could replace Mutiny, Hornswoggle, Dowsing Dagger  Flip and Admiral's Order. These changes are also not expensive and improve card quality.

Good luck with your deck.

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