Mox Opal

Legendary Artifact

Metalcraft — : Add one mana of any colour. Activate this ability only if you control three or more artifacts.

jethstriker on Why Do Some Players Keep …

3 months ago

"As far as the rule existing, I see no mechanical reason for it to exist."

The mechanical purpose of legend is to create a drawback so that card designers can create more powerful cards than ordinary. Can you imagine facing against multiple Ragavan, Nimble Pilferers or Mox Opals at a single given time in a non-singleton format.

However, most of the reason the drawback from being legendary is reduced, I believe, is because of:

-the rise of EDH as the main format. The legend rule doesn't matter in a singleton format.

-the power creep of design as time goes by. Non-legendaries most of the time now rivals the power level of legends, again making the supposed drawback pointless.

SufferFromEDHD on Petulant Petitioners

4 months ago

Urza's Saga & Mox Opal if possible.

Expedition Map you are running quality utility lands.

Ipnu Rivulet on theme.

nuperokaso on Help me Man the Lux Cannons!

7 months ago

Back when Scars of Mirrodin was in Standard, I had very similar deck: UG Proliferate . I will explain how my deck worked:

  • The central card of my deck was the Everflowing Chalice. Without it I simply don't have enough mana to play the cards and abilities. As such, I played 4 Trinket Mage, 4 Ancient Stirrings to find them (literally the reason why I played those two cards) and 3 Voltaic Key to untap them for more mana. For me, it was absolutely imperative to find the Chalice, so I believe you should be playing more Trinket Mage.
  • In my original build, I tried Semblance Anvil and Throne of Geth, but removed them as they cause card disadvantage. I had lot of mana, so I preferred expensive artifacts such as Contagion Engine that stay on board rather than cheap one-shot effects such as Ichor Wellspring.
  • Tezzeret's Gambit was phenomenal - it both provides another Proliferate I was missing, and it draws cards, so you won't run out of steam later in the game. The phyrexian mana worked great - at the start of the game, I am willing to pay life, because I need speed. At the end of the game, you have little life but extra mana is good. It's million times better than the Trigon of Thought you are playing.
  • I also played Prototype Portal, but it's actually a weak card. I started with 4, then went down until I played 1. It's slow - basically any game where you have mana and time to activate it three times to get to +1 card out of it was won anyway... However, there's a reason I play one - it enables you to go to stars should the game be locked. Imprinting Voltaic Key enables you to make a copy of Key, which will then untap the Portal. Withing five turns, you have thousands of mana and Keys, which enable repeated activation of all your artifacts.
  • Sphere of the Suns is not best, but a reasonable play. I may have made a mistake to play 0. You don't want to draw multiple, but 1-2 may be a good call. It speeds you up and we both know the deck is slow. Mox Opal would be better if it weren't expensive.
  • Voltaic Key is another really powerful card - it doubles your Everflowing Chalice mana, enables multiple activations of Contagion Clasp, Contagion Engine, Lux Cannon and Tumble Magnet. You can use the Key to untap Elixir of Immortality in response to it's activation to activate it multiple times and gain more life.
  • Tumble Magnet was the "removal" in my deck. Not very good, but made the opponent's equipment useless.
  • Golem Foundry was the win-condition of my deck, but it was simply horrible. I didn't want to play Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and the like, because it I get to 15 mana, I win anyway. If I don't get to that mana, Emrakul is a dead card.
  • Finally I played Necropede, with 2-3 probably a better choice than 1. They provide early blocking against aggro decks, capable of destroying two creatures for just 2 mana. Just proliferate. However, unlike other removal spells, this won't be dead if opponent has nothing on board. If you ever score a hit, you can proliferate your opponent to death.

I had a lot of fun with the deck. It was cheap (Contagion Engine cost 50 cents back then), unique, and you had permanently things to do - placing counters was 50% of the game time. It had problems if the opponent played Planeswalkers such as Elspeth Tirel, burn spells or +1/+1 counters (since they cancel the -1/-1 counters and then you can't proliferate to kill enemy creatures).

DreadKhan on Tempered Steel/Starlight Spectacular

8 months ago

It's too bad that stuff like Mox Opal and Lotus Petal are pricey, these would make it easier to flip Erayo by speeding the deck up. Whenever I look at an Artifact deck I can't help but wonder if Vault Skirge and Cranial Plating fit in, even without any black.

NV_1980 on Dragons At A Rivcount *PRIMER*

8 months ago

Thank you for the great feedback Profet93; much appreciated! I think you're mixing up Mox Amber with Mox Opal; but that's ok :) On second glance, Amber also doesn't help me to summon Rivaz faster and that's what I would like to use it for, if possible. Therefore it's probably more useful to include Chrome Mox instead. I'll give this some more thought.

Chromatic Lantern is not necessarily in here to get Rivaz out faster; it's mostly in here for mana-fixing purposes and boy has it delivered on that front in the games I've played with this deck.

I agree with your comments on Crucible of Fire. It IS winmore in here, but I just really like the flavor it adds. It also allows me to win with just a few dragons on the board in metas involving lots of creature-removal, so for now I will keep it in the mainboard.

Imp's Mischief is great, but up to quite recently very expensive. Apparently that has changed :) I'll give it some thought. Thanks again.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

9 months ago


I will post this comment then make the changes as specified in the list.

I have been studying a lot of cEDH meta, and found a lot of cards that I haven’t been using that are really great in Unesh. After a lot of consideration I have decided to pull the trigger on this revision.

  • Replace Mystic Sanctuary with Otawara, Soaring City. Mystic Sanctuary is used to retrieve interaction and put it on the top of your deck. This is anti-deck thinning which feels really bad in this deck. Instead, lets have the interaction printed on the land itself. What is great about Otawara is that this interaction is an ability, not a spell. So it can be used even while cards like Grand Abolisher are on the field. You can remove the abolisher and then interact with your opponent.
  • Replace Extraplanar Lens with Urza's Saga. The lens feels clunky. Sure it combos with Palinchron, but this combo requires lands to be on the field. Sacrificing a land has anti synergy with this. If the lens gets removed, you are out the double mana AND a land. It feels bad too often which is why it is getting cut. There are still 5 other combo pieces in the deck that you WILL see. You can even tutor for High Tide if you have to. Urza’s Saga is one of the best lands in the format and it isn’t hard to see why. More deck thinning. If its in your opening hand you guarantee Unesh by turn 3. Moonsilver Key seems to perform really well, so keeping this in as redundancy for this effect will turn out well I think.
  • Replace 2 Islands with Mox Opal and Mox Amber. This deck has a lot of lands in it for cEDH. Although Unesh doesn’t mind being mana flooded usually, the count is still a bit high especially after adding Urza’s Saga. Fast mana in these spots feels nice. They aren’t necessarily going to get Unesh on the table faster, BUT they can effectively make your Thassa's Oracle win con cheaper. While you are rolling through your deck after Rite of Replication resolves, you can pick up these pieces to gain mana to cast Thassa’s Oracle.
  • Replace Island with Gemstone Caverns. I goldfished this change a lot and found that Unesh will almost always prefer this in your opening hand over an Island. It makes early Unesh more likely, which is the primary goal of this deck.
  • Replaced Trickbind with Mental Misstep. Mental Misstep is too good in the format. There are a lot of awesome 1 cmc cards. Sol ring, carpet of flowers, swords to plowshares, mental misstep, other 1 cmc counters, mystic remora, and more. Trickbind is a great card against the right opponent(ie Kinnan), so for me this goes in the sideboard.

Sideboard revision 0

This is my first stab at a sideboard. So constructive criticism is very welcomed. The main goals of the sideboard is to change out the interaction package to fit the pod better, and to shift to more of a midrange strat than turbo if necessary.

  • Trickbind. Great interaction with other ability centered decks.
  • Grafdigger's Cage. Unesh can play this card without consequence pretty much, and it is an effective stax piece in the meta. This card might even weasel its way in to the main board.
  • Tormod's Crypt. More graveyard hate, nothing else to explain here.
  • Flusterstorm for a spell heavy pod.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse also for a spell heavy pod.
  • Pongify for a more creature heavy pod.
  • Lotus Petal for better odds to cast Unesh first, making the deck more turbo. I think this card is possibly better than 1 or more of the mox’s, but I will leave it in sideboard for now.
  • Perplexing Chimera. If you need to grind in the midrange more this guy can be a great option. Combining him with Homeward Path can be a good combo to soft lock your opponents in the mid game while you get to the bottom of your deck.
  • Homeward Path for the above card.
  • Ledger Shredder for making the deck more midrange with another card draw engine, allowing you to more likely get the interaction you need.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

10 months ago

A controversial substitution perhaps, but deserved

Replacing Omniscience with Moonsilver Key.

Why not Omniscence?

  • Omniscence is too mana intensive in this deck. In your opening hand it is completely a dead card 90% of the time. In the 10% you have a line to play it in your opening hand, you are putting all your eggs into 1 basket. Omniscence is too high risk for the reward. If this spell doesn't resolve (and it likely won't at a cEDH table) you lose the game.
  • Even the times it does resolve in the early game, your hand doesn't always have enough steam to win outright.
  • It is important for all cEDH decks to consider how a card will function in your opening hand as well as later in the game. I'll write more about this topic in the current theory module of the guide. This inconsistency in the opening hand is what makes it bad. It is true that other cards in the deck are similar, but they aren't as mana intensive as omniscience. Omniscence in my opening hand has lost too many games.
  • Omniscence is essentially a combo by itself while Unesh is on the field. It is clunky at best because it doesn't always guarantee you get to the bottom of your deck unlike Rite of Replication. Recent powerful revisions of the deck have led to anti-synergy with this card. Example 1, removal of Long-Term Plans. Example 2, the addition of Palinchron makes infinite mana and storm more attainable than with Omniscence due to the reduced mana cost.

Why Moonsilver Key?

  • I think this card might be as much of a blindside to you as it was to me. I knew Omniscence had to go, so I started researching what I would replace it with. And I found this card. This card is the most opposite of a clunky opening hand card I could find. Rather than having a dead Omniscence in your hand, you can spend your early turns playing this card and getting an important mana rock like Jeweled Lotus & Mana Crypt or an Island.
  • The deck has been short on mana rocks. With a mana rock tutor in this slot combined with Virtue of Knowledge and fetch lands I have noticed a significant uptick in ramp reliability in my opening hands. I have been throwing around ideas like Mox Diamond, Mox Opal, and Mox Amber but none of these cards reliably solve Unesh's problems in the opening hand. I also considered Lion's Eye Diamond which seems a little too high risk IMO, because then your fate relies on the subsequent BFOF from casting Unesh. The runner-up contender was Fellwar Stone, essentially a worse Arcane Signet wouldn't be bad. It is important for Unesh to ramp out ASAP, and having a mana artifact tutor in the early game seems to help with that plan, and it thins the deck.
  • Minor point, it enjoys synergy with the adventure mode of Virtue of Knowledge.

What are your thoughts on this sub? Could I be doing better here?

Icbrgr on No Country for old Johnnys …

10 months ago

I am also butthurt over Modern horizons/universes beyond introducing cards that never touch standard... Modern is becoming the new legacy we have without the prestige of owning original magic we will simply have to accomidate spin-off products now apparently.

Modern was never a perfect format and was pleaged with problematic cards for YEARS like Simian Spirit Guide/Mox Opal/Faithless Looting.... people say competitive magic was 2 ships passing in the night well... yeah there was a lot of unfair uniteractive nonsense (that were well known kinda like how The One Ring is a known issue but the banlist says otherwise)... those cards got banned with modern horizons though... then people say "thank god we have interaction like Force of Negation now"... yeah it feels really good when used in the context of Violent Outburst and Crashing Footfalls... or getting hit with Grief with hiw that's being used... gross.

As much as I share your frustration though and absolutely hate Modern being a soft rotating format... it really isn't all bad news... I also brew my own decks and have taken them to the LGS and yes I lose... but I still felt like I had a chance (if that makes any sense).

I'd be a liar if I said I was forever done with Modern. Despite the frustration it really is the best 60 card format imo... just as before modern horizons it is not without its flaws but I do think that it could be time to shift focuse into Pioneer for me anyway.

Well cheers until Modern Horizons 3/Dr. WHO/Songebob/Diablo 5 sets release!

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