Mizzium Meddler

Creature — Vedalken Wizard

Flash (You may cast this spell at any time you could cast an instant.)

When Mizzium Meddler enters the battlefield, you may change a target of target spell or ability to Mizzium Meddler.

lagotripha on Counter/Flash Pezzent! (10/12 euro/$)

2 years ago

Solid list. There are some great cards worth looking at which give this kind of list a lot of versatility- and a lot of the rares from Nightpack Ambusher era are cheap. Spectral Sailor, Mizzium Meddler, Lutri, the Spellchaser, Nimble Obstructionist, Faerie Vandal, Quickling, Wildborn Preserver, Vile Redeemer.

With Cathar Commando/Hushwing Gryff/Containment Priest, you could probably string together a strong w/u or w/g list. I remember messing around with Mantle of Leadership for this in the past. Sigrid, God-Favored+Niambi, Esteemed Speaker point to a legendary tribal option if budget legendaries show up for the archetype.

Omniscience_is_life on Discussion: Adding colors to your …

2 years ago

Gattison Ankle Shanker and Ponyback Brigade say hello!

I be most happy with more multicolor Vedalken--we've seen Skatewing Spy (a mono-blue Vedalken from the Simic Combine) and Mizzium Meddler (a mono-blue Vedalken from the Izzet League). Unfair! Plus all the mono-blue Vedalken from Esper... just the worst

lagotripha on Flashy sparkly dumpster fire

3 years ago

Hi, I love making budget brews for FNM magic. Several pieces of advice -

Playing almost monocolour works wonders - Reliability wins matches, a lot of expensive cards are expensive because they let you have that reliability while doing more explosive stuff. Small things like Mystic Snake being easier to cast than frilled adds up. Here, I'd look at playing almost entirely blue cards for the first 3 turns and reserving double green costs for cards you don't mind delaying a 3-4 turns, and adjusting mana accordingly.

Second, old spells are powerful, new creatures are powerful. If you find two that work well together, you usually have something good enough to win FNM. Cunning Nightbonder or Coralhelm Chronicler didn't make a splash in standard, but you find a strong synergy in older cards and you are off to the races. Flickering your mystic snake is cool - and new interactions appear with every card printed.

For 'draw go' I'd look at what cards from tournament decks that rotated are cheap and match that style and browse.

Dumb cheese like midnight clock/Ominous seas looks a lot less dumb once you include old cards - proliferate effects, better counterspells, more 'discard and draw a new hand' effects, more 'when you draw' effects. I'd probably dig into black and run a bunch of duress effects alongside Dark Deal to make it work, but thats personal preference. Throne of Geth could work too, as you already have an artifact in clock. If you want a green/blue shell that it couls slot right into, look at turbofog (which should have a good matchups rn).

Finally Sideboard aggressively and include slots in the mainboard for sideboard cards. Make a list of the kind of decks that are popular, and put answers mainboard, then more answers sideboard. If you don't expect to see a matchup, dont't bother including cards to win it. Mainboarding Reality Shift is a great choice in a meta running lumimancer. Just look at what is cheap in sideboards for tournament decks if you are stuck for ideas - even in other formats. Tormod's Crypt sill still work if you don't have relic.

Finally, and most importantly, fun. Look at the parts of magic you enjoy the most. For a draw-go style, its all about interacting with your opponent - seeing if you can stick a Mizzium Meddler or Notion Thief . Look for cards that do that and set you up to do that, and go have fun. Don't be scared to put them in as a 1-of if they only sort of work. You can iron out kinks in testing, but if the heart of the deck isn't fun for you, it'll be far more tricky to add that back in.

rjife on Blinded by the Darkness | Dimir Rogues

3 years ago

I think this deck has a lot of potential! I may be biased on my liking of counterspells, but I do feel that Nimble Obstructionist would be great in this deck because of its versatility, and Merfolk Trickster or perhaps a Mizzium Meddler instead of the Crafty Cutpurse. also, the Lochmere Serpent seems a little too high on the curve for an aggro deck, possibly a Notion Thief would work better.

lagotripha on Pioneer Flash

4 years ago

I like the idea.

There is an interesting option for this list- Dictate of Kruphix / Faerie Vandal . Howling mine decks were a thing with a similar 'disrupt while you kill them' engine a long while ago.

Mizzium Meddler is an interesting sideboard tech if boggles style enchantments or hammer gets popular. Shambleshark is cute but rarely effective. Vile Redeemer is an interesting answer to wipes.

Good luck with the brew.

lonesentinel on In response...permanent-ly!

5 years ago

Thanks for the review WizardOfTheNorthernCoast! Looks good! I got some tips from the discussion on your deckpage. Unexpected Results is definitely on-theme but it could stop the Surge wincon. Seems like you put in more passive draw compared to my ETB/on-cast draw. I guess I could try that for another time. Would you ever get more than 7 cards and have to discard though?

  • I put the Conjurer's Closet and Minion Reflector because I have alot of ETB effects, so these help me to 'recycle' them. I think its fine to cast them on the mainphase or flash them in with Orrery/ Leyline/ Alchemist Refuge. The Reflector requires me to pay each time so i'll be cutting it out.

  • I'll be cutting Beast Whisperer first since GP works with the conjurer's closet. The Whisperer can be copied to give me insane draw though, so I need to test it out. And I almost forgot, the commander herself is a draw engine.

  • Primal Surge says 'may' so that incident with the Leviathan stopping the wincon wouldnt happen!

  • the Murkfiend Liege was meant to be my alternate Seedborn Muse but would only work if I had more manadorks. Having 6 manadorks, probably this isnt a reliable way to get flash mana.

  • I actually opt to remove Mwonvuli Beast Tracker because it has only 5 targets now/

  • swapping Wood Elves for Farhaven Elf because the only value land I get from the latter is Breeding Pool . Being able to search for any basic means I can get more islands online for Scourge of Fleets

  • shelving Gyre Sage for now as it takes awhile to get online, while Karametra's Acolyte is probably more reliable for ramp

  • I kinda like the Coatl / Mizzium Meddler / Voidmage Husher / Void Grafter though. Part of the theme of flashing

  • the Diluvian Primordial could work many things. Maybe I cast a wheel, or flash the Primordial in response to use an opponent's Counterspell. hahah

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