Mishra's Foundry

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mishra's Foundry


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: Mishra's Foundry becomes a 2/2 Assembly-Worker artifact creature until end of turn. It's still a land.

, : Target attacking Assembly-Worker gets +2/+2 until end of turn.

jawz on Bodyguard Discover (not quite standard)

5 months ago

After some more testing, I felt some changes are needed.

Rocco, Street Chef works way better than expected. I feel it has to be in the deck. Even with it forcing a green mana requirement in a Jeskai colors deck that's already struggling with color consistency. It's that crazy.

To try to make it fit better, I swapped out 2xEdgewall Inn and 2xMishra's Foundry with 2xPlaza of Heroes and 2 Restless lands (Restless Bivouac/Restless Anchorage). I wasn't needing the adventure recycle from the Inn in testing but I was getting reasonable color mana value from Plaza. The Foundry is stronger in a creature land role than the Restless lands. I usually find myself with little mana left open to animate a land, so Foundry worked while Restless lands are usually too expensive, but the color fixing on the Restless lands are helping. It's a tradeoff.

I also feel like more needed to be done for mana consistency. Too many mana screw hands were showing up on 23 lands. I tried out Buried Treasure and they're working. They help ramp out a 5-cost spell (especially Quintorius Kand) or mana fix for a Rocco or one of the double-color spells, and the Discover 5 on the back end also flows naturally with the deck's flow. I took out 1xGeological Appraiser and 1xVenerable Warsinger. The Appraiser is maybe the weakest card even though the Discover 3 on cast ETB is absolutely necessary. And the Warsinger is good but getting multiples out tends to stall your gameplan in ways that put you in bad situations.

Lastly, tests with Aether Channeler were giving good results. It leveled up the tempo defensive game that feeds into successfully reaching for a couple more cards/turns before things get too bleak. In tests, that was consistently exactly what the deck needed to stabilize from early disadvantages from faster opponents. I took out the Imodane's Recruiter and reduced Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch  Flip to 1x to fit a couple in. The Recruiter is explosive the turn it shows up but almost a complete blank after that. You almost always prefer to Discover into a Channeler instead of a Recruiter. Pakpatiq does struggle some by how instants need to be cast from hand to get the fun rebound tricks online, (and becomes worse with Rocco), so 2x was probably too much. But I still want access to it to get cheap virtues out.

Basshunter on Polymorphous Fun Time

8 months ago

Hi, what about Mutavault, Blinkmoth Nexus, Inkmoth Nexus or Mishra's Foundry? You can polymorph all of them...

zandl on The Iron Giant

8 months ago

Darksteel Citadel seems like a no-brainer here. Demolition Field, Crawling Barrens, Mishra's Foundry, and Blinkmoth Nexus could just as easily find homes here. I think you could easily trim Wastes for all of these and still have enough for virtually every situation. This also powers up Field of the Dead slightly.

Utility lands are where colorless shine, baby. A lot of your power comes from them.

legendofa on Fuck Around And Find Out

1 year ago

With Keruga, the Macrosage as a Companion, manland cards like Blinkmoth Nexus, Mishra's Factory, Mutavault, Faerie Conclave, Ghitu Encampment, Mishra's Foundry, and Treetop Village give you some options for the early turns.

berryjon on What is Wrong With “Generically …

1 year ago

A card that is Generically Good is a card that doesn't have to do anything to be a good inclusion in a deck. New Norn isn't something I would call Generically Good because she is highly dependent, as you said, on ETB triggers.

I agree that New Sheoldred is a problem because she doesn't have to do anything to win the game, just sit there, and her cost means there's little effort to putting her into play. (That she's practically the curve topper in mono- Control in Standard isn't helping her case.)

Another card that you can call Generically good is Mishra's Foundry, from Brother's War. It's a land, and colourless, so it can fit into any deck, provides mana, and can become a creature in a pinch - and if you have multiples, they can add onto it if it's attacking. On larger formats, compounding this with Mishra's Factory can be quite viable if you don't mind having a large component to your mana pool.

Generically Good isn't bad. Just be careful that you don't wander over the line into Generic GoodStuff, which is, as noted above, cards that tend to be auto-includes when they are even remotely viable options. Just look at what pops up in 5CGoodStuff decks to see what I mean.