Mirror Gallery


The "legend rule" doesn't apply.

leon_bulminot on Commander Deckbuilding Advice - A …

5 months ago

I find one rule of thumb that I TRY to follow for any EDH deck I make, especially when cutting/adding cards is a 10% rule. Does said card interact with at least 10 other cards in the deck?

Then you have to look at quality of interaction. Sure I love cards like Maskwood Nexus because it always hits that marker. But WHAT is being hit with that marker? Am I making my Eldrazi into Slivers? Am I ensuring that my Elementals with Landfall hit all of my onboard creatures? Or am I trying to make sure Indomitable Archangel is dropping indestructible on all of my board via Mycosynth Lattice or chaining off of Memnarch?

That brings us to the "why" is there interaction. Why do I want my Eldrazi to get buffed by my Slivers? That should answer itself. But, what about an enchantment deck? Would Maskwood benefit it?

Basically I try and follow the 10% rule, while answering Who, What, When, Where, Why, AND the most important question: How. And I try to have at least 2 answers for three of the six questions, but at least one answer for all 6.

Then, even after all of that, I ask the final question of "Does anything do this, but better?" Best example would be a cloning/copy deck using Mirror Gallery versus Mirror Box. A murkier version is Bonds of Mortality versus Shadowspear. Card draw versus creature bump with lifelink and trample. And required colored mana over colorless?

This is more for editing a deck BUT it definitely helps while initial building. Once you hit the 100 cards, run the 10% test. But just make sure the deck is STILL fun. If you build a deck using all the guides and rules and you have no fun playing the deck, you miss what EDH is supposed to be about.

NV_1980 on Talion deck

7 months ago

Nicely made; +1. It looks downright evil :):) Mindcrank would fit well in here, I think. I'd probably add some more tutors as these are key to find cards like Sakashima of a Thousand Faces and Mirror Box. You could potentially add Mirror Gallery as well, though that could potentially be beneficial to your opponents as well.

Abaques on Wilds of Eldraine

11 months ago

Moonshaker looks good. I don't think I like it quite as much as Craterhoof (mostly just cause it lacks haste), but still a solid card and will really help white token decks that don't have green finish the job.

Ashiok looks interesting and part of me wants to build a Talion deck with Mirror Gallery effects and just try to get 10 copies of him.

Honestly really just looking forward to an actual Magic set and having a break from Phyrexians is pretty nice too.

Redace878 on Copying Legendary creature in red

1 year ago

The options are pretty limited, Mirror Box and Mirror Gallery are the best I can come up with

Necrosis24 on Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale …

1 year ago

Myriad would indeed force you to sacrifice down to one if it is equipped to a legendary creature.

Just keep in mind commander damage only comes from your commander. Clones or token copies do not count towards commander damage. I will say Helm of the Host is great tho regardless cuz you will get more card draw triggers and you can equip for free.

KBK7101 on The Power of Angels

1 year ago

Love this idea!

Thoughts on Helm of the Host, Mirror Gallery and Mirror Box as a bit of redundancy for your gameplan?

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