Merieke Ri Berit

Legendary Creature — Human

Merieke Ri Berit doesn't untap during your untap step.

: Gain control of target creature as long as you control Merieke Ri Berit. When Merieke Ri Berit leaves the battlefield or becomes untapped, destroy that creature. It can't be regenerated.

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Gidgetimer on Take Control

4 months ago

A note because it was mentioned that you could keep the creature "without having to keep Merieke tapped". Unlike Rubinia Soulsinger not untapping Merieke Ri Berit is not optional. Merieke simply doesn't untap. For that reason Freed from the Real is great in Merieke decks. Not only does it allow you to untap Merieke if something flashier comes along that you would like to take control of, but it also is basically "U: destroy target creature" in combination with your commander.

CamraMaan on Interaction between Merieke Ri Berit …

5 months ago

Merieke Ri Berit is in play with five other creatures, and I cast Nanogene Conversion targeting Merieke, making my other five creatures into copies of her. For the sake of argument, we'll say all of my opponents' creatures are all tapped, so when their creatures copy Merieke they can't tap to activate them in response to my shenanigans. I tap my five copies of Merieke to steal five creatures. What happens at the end of the turn when my creatures no longer copy Merieke? Does this constitute losing control of Merieke, so the stolen crits go back to their owners? Or do I just get to keep all of them, and since the Meriekes that stole them are no longer, the untap trigger will never resolve?


Gidgetimer on Does Norritt's untap ability affect …

11 months ago

Yes, when a spell or ability specifies a characteristic it only checks for that characteristic and not any others. For the first ability Merieke Ri Berit is a blue creature.

dksorc on Does Norritt's untap ability affect …

11 months ago

one of the abilities of Norritt is to untap target blue creature. Would that ability affect a gold creature that is partially blue in their casting cost, like Merieke Ri Berit

CamraMaan on Merieke Ri Berit and Karn, …

1 year ago

So I turn my opponent's Sol Ring into a creature with Karn, Silver Golem, steal it with Merieke Ri Berit, and let the turn end. I understand that Merieke needing to stay in play will continue to affect the Sol Ring, but will her untapping still destroy it, or does it have to be a creature for that to fully trigger? Thanks in advance!

falk1856 on Cool/Unique EDH Cards

1 year ago

Nice list. I'm building an old school theft deck so I think that you should include Merieke Ri Berit, Preacher and Seasinger

hiddengibbons on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Talrand’s Command

Legendary Instant

Split Second

Commanding Force-when you cast this spell, if you control a commander named “Talrand, Sky Summoner,” spells you control have split second until end of turn.

You get an emblem with “whenever you cast a non-creature spell, create X 2/2 blue drake creature tokens with flying where X is that spell’s mana value and Opponents named Richard can’t cast instants for the rest of the game.”

Make one of these spells for Merieke Ri Berit

Vessiliana on Sith Mind-Tricks -- (Esper Reanimator +Theft)

2 years ago

I have always liked the idea of Merieke Ri Berit, but the hideous art has always put me off. I will be sure to remember this deck for inspiration if they ever give her new art!

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