Meditation Puzzle


Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color.)

You gain 8 life.

hkhssweiss on life link

5 years ago


Here might be some cards that can be helpful:

Cards suggested to cut:

The reasons the card listed above to cut is one of few reasons either they don't do much, better alternatives, or they don't further your game plan enough to make an impact. By meta I meant, the type of decks you are facing as your meta might be filled with more aggro players than if that's the case you might want to add in a Ghostly Prison for example, or if you are facing a lot of reanimation decks than adding in a Relic of Progenitus or Tormod's Crypt can be fairly helpful. Against control players than you might want to consider a lot Silence/Orim's Chant effects.

Aside from that, some non-budget friendly cards are the obvious Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Teferi's Protection, or Vedalken Orrery. Winding Canyons can also be helpful to flash out Evra or your Felidar Sovereign to sneak in that win.

Hope that helps!

BodhiQL on Infinite Mana But You Won’t Get Banned

6 years ago

Lifegain cards like Meditation Puzzle aren't very good. 32 lands is also too many lands for a 60 card deck. Somewhere around 20 is fine. I don't see your plan with the sideboard but usually you can only have 15 cards in a sideboard.

Articunno on

6 years ago

Boza those are some decent suggestions, but since this is clearly a top deck and totally clearly, using its three colors as best as it can, so if im gonna splash white, it would probably to play some of the best bombs of the format like Archangel's Light or Meditation Puzzle. Obviously adding fetches like scalding tarn would be fantastic, but who likes losing life plus they can only fetch two colors, because who uses dual lands? so obviously the best choice would be adding a full playset of Evolving Wilds to make it more competitive.

Warxuaroz on Lifekill

7 years ago

IMHO Rest for the Weary is better than Meditation Puzzle, especially since you have only nice creatures.

FUL on

7 years ago

have you considered adding something with Convocation? like Meditation Puzzle against Burn or similar deck? Or Triplicate Spirits? Be careful, anyway because Electrickery, Shrivel and Echoing Truth are commonly used in this format, you shuld add something to protect your merfolk in the side, like Lumithread Field

Warlokthegreat on

8 years ago

maybe a playset of Growing Ranks, Wake the Reflections or Meditation Puzzle would fit nicely for this deck. anything with Populate fits this deck, and i threw in Meditation Puzzle for life gain. if you splash red, War Flare synergies nicely. (sorry for splashing red)

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