Marble Titan

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Marble Titan

Creature — Giant

Creatures with power 3 or greater don't untap during their controllers' untap steps.

SufferFromEDHD on Masako EDH

1 year ago

Marble Titan if you want a second copy of Meekstone.

plakjekaas on Win Conditions / Near-whining Musings

2 years ago

So do you play other formats, where you should be building your deck with winning in mind?

My (re-)introduction to magic was mostly FNM with a group of people that were grinding preliminary pro tour qualifiers every other week. When other friends found out, they asked me to join their kitchen table gatherings, and after a few weeks of terribly unbalanced matches with different format magic decks, EDH was suggested as the way forward, and I had no idea how I could enjoy 100 card singleton. How do you get the cards you need? My first deck was bad, I didn't enjoy playing it, it was too easy to counter, and then I finally let go of the idea of needing to win, because every time I came close, I got ganged up on. My decks now are usually built to make a noticeable impact on the game, usually not game-winning, but almost impossible to not be impacted by. I'm talking Blind Obedience + Meekstone + Marble Titan. The Great Aurora. I'm sketching up a deck that uses Karma and Stern Judge with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. I don't need to win, seeing people in disarray over my mere presence is enough for me to enjoy.

However, I do have one or two cEDH decks that can just piece together a win out of nowhere if uninteracted with. It's more akin to the competitive environment where I got into magic, and the people I play those against, are ex-tournament grinders who got separated from their goals due to the pandemic and needed to occupy their mind in a way that was both casual multiplayer for the setting, and optimal lines of play as the way they enjoy magic the most. Both can be fun, but in different ways, and if it's not your own deck, if you're dependant on the others to finish the right tutor chains and such, it's easy to miss out on the enjoyment those decks can bring.

plakjekaas on Pattern Recognition #201 - Kismet

3 years ago

An important aspect of creatures entering tapped is that it shuts down basically any combo with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker . That's why I like Authority of the Consuls especially. Even though it only hits creatures, the lifegain and the lack of surprise blockers and hasty attackers just grants you so much time to execute your own game plan. It's a great deal for just 1 mana. I even sideboarded it in standard. It saved you effectively 6 life against active Hazoret the Fervent . It made summoning sick creatures unable to crew vehicles. Gideon, Ally of Zendikar didn't protect himself half as good anymore. I'm a big fan. I even have a mono white commander deck that uses these effects combined with Meekstone , Marble Titan , Juntu Stakes and Crackdown to disable most creatures forever. Combined with Heliod, God of the Sun , granting your team Vigilance, as the commander, combat will be easy for you. Just make sure that the effect is asymmetrical, that's the best about Kismet .

plakjekaas on Are there any old cards …

3 years ago

Heliod, God of Tanning

Commander / EDH plakjekaas


This deck uses Meekstone , Crackdown and Marble Titan in combination with Authority of the Consuls , Blind Obedience and Thalia, Heretic Cathar -like effects to neutralise most creatures, keeping them tapped down if they have power 3 or greater. This works especially well with Heliod, God of the Sun , because he gives your team vigilance, making sure your creatures are still able to attack.

carpecanum on Mono-White Keyword Banding

3 years ago

Protection from creatures would be useful even if its not shared with your boss ability (although I see you have Concerted Effort there). Commander Eesha

Basalt Golem or Marble Titan for fun

Joe_Ken_ on Arcades' Walls with Feet

4 years ago

Mentor of the Meek is a good source of extra card draw for the deck since all your walls will pretty much trigger the ability.

Elspeth, Sun's Champion is a great source of extra bodies and is another board wipe that will not bother your walls.

I use Sight of the Scalelords in my version of Arcades to give that boost and vigilance for every combat.

I also put High Alert in my version since Arcades eats a lot of removal on the board.

Wall of Stolen Identity is a good creature to get some creature abilities from your opponents.

The Birth of Meletis would be good since it’ll grab you a land and then make a 0/4

Mnemonic Wall is great since it’ll get you back a good instant or sorcery card.

I’d normally find that Fog Bank and Guard Gomazoa made really good creatures to leave back as blockers.

Marble Titan and Meekstone are great against opponents running big creature decks.

Wall of Reverence is actually not bad just to gain a little bit of life during your upkeep can go a long way. Angelic Chorus will make it so your walls will enter and then gain you a nice chunk of life.

Solidarity is another tower defense like effect for your creatures.

Angelic Shield is a small boost and can help save Arcades from one removal spell or board wipe.

carpecanum on Cards of the Imperium

4 years ago

Things like Meekstone, Marble Titan etc are hilarious because your vehicles untap as artifacts on your upkeep.

I love Ghitu War Cry to pump unblocked creatures.

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