Marble Diamond

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Marble Diamond


Marble Diamond enters the battlefield tapped.

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Noire_Samhain on War of Worship

4 weeks ago

If there's one thing I'd suggest- you might like some ramp to do more in a turn. Some budget/semi-budget ideas are Marble Diamond, Heraldic Banner, Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Commander's Sphere, Fellwar Stone, Mind Stone, Pristine Talisman, or Wayfarer's Bauble.

eliakimras on Equipped Samurai

11 months ago

Since your deck is a fast one, consider running lands that don't enter the battlefield tapped:

You might also want to run some utility lands:

Also, since speed is the name of the game for Voltron decks, consider those swaps in your ramp package:

Tinnuki on St. Celestine's Tithe Authority

11 months ago

BakingIsPunk13: No problem. Just a couple things I noticed that I thought I'd point out. Commander's Sphere is not something I'd put in a mono color deck. In my opinion, there's better options for mono-colored mana ramp that I'd rather include, stuff like Marble Diamond or the about-to-be-reprinted Pearl Medallion. Not to mention THE most important card in EDH: Sol Ring!

Why is Altar of Dementia here? Is the plan to sacrifice a bunch of angels to mill someone out? I'd think if you have that much power on the board, you should be able to win the old-fashioned way, no?

Unless I'm missing something, I'm not quite sure what Crucible of Worlds is doing in here. In the context of your deck alone, all it does is allow you to re-use Fabled Passage. Was there another use? General note about lands, since so many of your angels are a high mana cost, I'd definitely look into increasing your land count, even with ramp artifacts.

Some other random cards you might like:
Monologue Tax : Since you have Smothering Tithe
Swiftfoot Boots: Since you have Lightning Greaves
Moonsilver Spear + Seraphic Greatsword
Return to Dust + Disenchant
Door of Destinies
Luminarch Ascension
Path to Exile + Generous Gift
Mana Tithe + Rebuff the Wicked

Side note, you don't need to include Brisela, Voice of Nightmares  Meld  Meld as its own creature, since you have the two halves of it in the creature list. After that, I'm only seeing 97 cards + Giada. Might want to double check your list ;)

NV_1980 on Tenacious F

1 year ago

Some ideas:

Hope this helped; have fun with the deck.

Dencoan on Spirit Squad building

1 year ago

For Ramp:



Iehovah on Angel Deck

1 year ago

Try putting in more low cost ramp, cards like Arcane Signet, Marble Diamond, Heraldic Banner, and Oketra's Monument. This would allow you to play your deck faster

thefiresoflurve on Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafted

1 year ago

Hey, there!

Thanks for the detailed description of what advice you're looking for and how the combos work; really helps me figure out what's what. :)

Your number of ramp artifacts look almost perfect. I run 6 in my Esper combo deck, but you can definitely go up to 11 here since they synergize with your commander and theme. Only two changes I'd make here:

  1. Cut Fire Diamond / Marble Diamond / Charcoal Diamond for Talisman of Hierarchy. If you find the deck really fun and decide to downgrade your wallet a little more: Talisman of Conviction and Talisman of Indulgence can replace the other two Diamonds.

  2. I'm really not sure about Gilded Lotus in a tricolor deck, since the mana has to be the same color, but if it works for you, then go for it. I'd prefer to replace this with a cheaper mana rock like Coalition Relic so that you can get your 3 colors set up faster.

As far as the best way to balance artifacts to creatures, that kind of depends on how the specific deck plays, and your specific playgroup. It looks to me like you've done a good job in that respect here, though, especially since you have a lot of ways of making creature tokens.

For getting combos faster: Basically, the more $$$ you dump into expensive tutors and mana rocks, the faster you get. : ) Doing the Diamond -> Talisman mana rock upgrade I suggested above will help a bit, since the Talismans come into play untapped. I can reliably try to combo on turn 6-8 with my Esper deck, but a lot of people wouldn't consider that competitive since I don't run any of the really expensive 0 drop mana rocks or overpriced tutors (Imperial Seal comes to mind...), but it works for my playgroup to give everyone a decent game and shot at winning.

Happy trails!

ThroughTheBlaze on Giada, Font of Hope

1 year ago

airsoftsniper91 Coincidentally enough, I was planning to do an update on this later today. A couple of the cards in the deck were swapped this weekend. We did some more testing of the deck this weekend as well. It worked significantly better than the previous times due to getting more mana and ramp. The wins that I did manage to get were via combat with the Angel tokens and the compounding +1/+1 counters from Giada. Additionally, I do have some cards on their way from CardKingdom. My intended plan was to replace as follows (I may have already replaced some of these this weekend, and just forgot. That will be in the update I put together later today): Treasure Chest -> Bishop of Wings; Arcane Signet -> Emeria, The Sky Ruin; Marble Diamond -> Near-Death Experience; Everflowing Chalice -> Thespian's Stage; Plains -> Vesuva

The following are also on my "buy when possible" list: Authority of the Consuls, Sephara, Sky's Blade, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Emeria Angel, Guardian Seraph, and Angel of Condemnation. I am adding all of your recommendations to my "buy when possible" list, and will make updates as I go.

Considering the life gain is required for making the Angel tokens, Angel of Grace, Angel's Grace, and Near-Death Experience are counter productive. These may end up being the replaced cards instead of Treasure Chest and Plains, and then I just won't add Near-Death Experience at all. At the very least, they are on the list to be replaced.

Do you have any thoughts, suggestions, concerns, recommendations with the current plan until I can get more of the cards from my list? Thank you for the input!

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