Locust Miser

Creature — Rat Shaman

Each opponent's maximum hand size is reduced by two.

SufferFromEDHD on

3 months ago

Thanks d00d!

Hall of the Bandit Lord Urborg fixes this. The infect/poison strategy NEEDS haste. On that thought: Lightning Greaves.

Blinkmoth Nexus this is very narrow but it can speed up the Inkmoth win. It can carry auras/equipment.

Bojuka Bog free removal.

Locust Miser neat tax + tribal.

Mirror of the Forebears/Mirage Mirror solid clones.

Imp's Mischief staple in mono black.

Koskun Falls color pie bending blast from the past.

luizfpa on Skitter Budget Rats

5 months ago

The deck looks good for casual play, though you should consider removing most or all of the Rat Colonies. Since you do not have most of the high-sinergy cards, such as Thrumming Stone, maybe your deck would benefit from more of the utility rats and rats with deathtouch or other form of evasion. For exemple, if I were you, I'd include Tangled Colony as it turns Crypt Rats (already in your deck) into a really uneven boardwipe.

Also, it is important to remember that any shapeshifter with "changeling" is also a rat and there are some good black ones with deathtouch or unblockable.

If you want to up the discard angle, you may include Locust Miser and Nezumi Bone-Reader. This last one goes great together with cards such as Syr Konrad, the Grim. Keeping the oponent's hands in check is a good way to build your boardstate without disruption.

Finally, the deck could benefit of more anthem effects, such as Bad Moon or Coat of Arms, and enchantment removal, such as Debt to the Kami or Bone Shards. Unfortunatelly, black does not have reliable ways for dealing with artifacts.

Immortalys on New hubs to be added

1 year ago

So about a Card Draw tag, how about "Dedicated Draw"? It's both specific enough that you would know that your deck has to be dedicated to drawing cards, but also broad enough to include different kinds of drawing cards styles. It also has alliteration which makes it sound more like a specific existing strategy than just an overall descriptor of drawing cards.

Second point, and this one might be a little too narrow/unintuitive, but maybe "Hand Size Matters" as a seperate tag from Dedicated Draw? There are cards that give you unlimited hand size ofcourse, but also cards that care about the amount of cards in your hand (Alrund, God of the Cosmos  Flip, Meishin, the Mind Cage) and maybe if WotC prints new cards like Gnat Miser and Locust Miser that could be included as well

KCisSICKnasty on A Powerful Rat

1 year ago

Done and done. You've talked me into it. A colony for a piper. xD

Gray Merchant of Asphodel (or Old Greg) is in here just as a win con. Granted it was moreso lethal with the Relentless Rats I originally was going to run, he's still a lot of life and a lot of damage late game. That being said, he's always on the chop block when I make decisions. lmao! He'll be cut eventually.

Erebos, God of the Dead has just been a good guy to me in any black deck I run, even if just to put a full stop to any life gain. He's also a pretty mean creature what with the indestructible. Tbh, I always try to run the mono-color Theros gods when I can just because you get a lot of value out of them being on the board. Same with Sheoldred, Whispering One. I find a hard time taking them out. I was close to putting in Grave Titan too for the same reason. xD Mono-Black has so many good cards.

Lastly, Locust Miser was in the deck as well actually! Both are great and will probably make it back in at some point or another once I do more playtesting.


SufferFromEDHD on A Powerful Rat

1 year ago

I saw you cut Gnat Miser. How come? Such a brutal common. If that is not strong enough have you considered Locust Miser?

sub780lime on Damia

3 years ago

I'd love to know more what you see the lane of the deck to be. That would help provide more strategic recommendations. Looking at the list, I see a lot of 'good stuff' cards, but not always seeing how they all are intended to work together. That could just be me. There is the Laboratory Maniac and you do have a few ways to increase or multiple your draws...

While I'm not recommending specific ones of these cards, I see Damia, Sage of Stone and try to build around with cards that are impacted by the number of cards in your hand and building that number up. In my own build once upon a time, I aimed to draw more where I could and hold onto those cards. You have a Thought Vessel and Reliquary Tower, but also having a free Spellbook might be in order.

I see the snow-covered lands, but not much interaction with them. A Scrying Sheets or Sunstone seem in order.

There are many ways to be a little hand hate bear if you want. Noetic Scales can be fun in this way or Locust Miser. Narset, Parter of Veils plays in well to this too.

As far as cards in your hand interaction, I'll throw out a bunch, but with no particular synergy in mind aside from cards in hand. You might have enough green for Phosphorescent Feast. If your constantly overfilling your hand, Scroll Rack would give you some major filtering. Credit Voucher also does this, but isn't repeatable. Jushi Apprentice  Flip is one way you can overfill your hand in Damia. Sea Gate Restoration  Flip can come in as an untapped land, but if you are rolling in mana, it can fill that hand even more. You are also ramping really hard and just one of the draw X spells probably has a place here. There are, of course, a number of cards that have power/toughness equal to your cards in hand if you wanted to go that route. Ominous Seas is a card you'll trigger a lot in Damia.

No Cyclonic Rift? Some form of graveyard hate is probably warranted, even if just, especially dropping a swamp for Bojuka Bog. You've got 3 sorcery tutors, but I'd slot one out for Vampiric Tutor.

I've been thinking about rebuilding Damia myself as mill deck now that there is so much more support for it.

Balaam__ on Mono-Black Rat Swarm

3 years ago

Locust Miser and Gnat Miser are just vile when combined with Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek (or Duress).

Balaam__ on Rats off to ya!

3 years ago

Locust Miser or Gnat Miser might be worth considering. It would shift the focus of the deck, which might be counterproductive unless you committed fully to it. Maybe lean towards an 8-rack style build. Toss in The Rack and Shrieking Affliction and now the pressure’s on for the opponent.

Im just throwing out ideas; I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the direction you have it heading now. Rats can do a few different things in this game, it’s worth exploring though.

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