Llanowar Mentor

Creature — Elf Spellshaper

, , Discard a card: Create a 1/1 green Elf Druid creature token named Llanowar Elves. It has ": Gain ."

BishopAtavist on Abzan Graveyard Recursion Help

1 year ago

Well, I cut Zuran Orb, World Shaper, Sanguine Bond, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Dawn of Hope, and Demon of Loathing, in favor of Plaguecrafter, Body Launderer, Karmic Guide, Viscera Seer, Blood Artist, and another dredge card. Llanowar Mentor is in there as well, but I don't remember what I cut to slot him in. Still not sold on him since he's kind of a dead card if I don't get him early in the game.

I need to get over the "competitive scale". I know my deck works better with these changes, but the competitive scale doesn't quite agree. Oh well haha

Thanks again for all these very thoughtful suggestions. I had to kill some darlings, but so it goes.

BishopAtavist on Abzan Graveyard Recursion Help

1 year ago

bushido_man96 I was on the fence about Dawn of Hope, and Pact Weapon has been in and out of this deck. I think replacing both of those with something better is a good call. I envisioned Pact Weapon being equipped to Nethroi, negating any of the life-loss from the card draw with his Lifelink.

That is an interesting perspective about cutting the lifegain sub-theme entirely. Gray Merchant of Asphodel was in the original build and I had/have a pretty decent devotion to black. So I added Sanguine Bond to capitalize on that. But I could definitely be open to replacing those cards with some more exciting creatures at lower CMC if you think that would be wise?

multimedia I had Llanowar Elves in the deck, but I decided to pull the mana dorks in favor of cards that put lands (which are harder to remove) onto the battlefield. Like Sakura-Tribe Elder. I will definitely consider Llanowar Mentor though! Creating multiple token mana dorks and being an additional discard outlet for dredge cards seems like a no brainer. Llanowar Wastes and Necroblossom Snarl also seem like good adds! I had considered adding more green sources since most of my ideal early card plays (Fauna Shaman, Ramunap Excavator, and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove) require green mana.

Thanks again for those suggestions!

multimedia on Abzan Graveyard Recursion Help

1 year ago

One drop mana dorks, most are budget, is good ramp with Nethroi because they can also be a nonHuman creature to mutate.

Avacyn's Pilgrim is a Human, but I would still play it. Mana dorks are also excellent fodder for Dread Return flashback. If you were to play these green one drop mana dorks then you would want to adjust your deck's budget manabase to make it easier to make green mana turn one. Llanowar Wastes, Exotic Orchard, Necroblossom Snarl and more basic Forests. I honestly think it's worth adjusting the manabase to play these mana dorks.

Llanowar Mentor can repeatedly create a Elf mana dork for ramp or fodder by discarding a dredge card or any other creature to help to setup Nethroi. Having other discard outlets for dredge cards is important to keep being able to dredge. Fauna Shaman is great, but can't count on always having Fauna.

123456789101112131415161718 on Elf ball

2 years ago

Love the deck +1!

Some advice;

First, tyvar kell is technically golgari, so it's illegal unless your playgroup is chill with it.

Secondly, I think you should try and move away from the some of your Planeswalkers, into more elves. Nissa, Who Shakes the World and Nissa, Voice of Zendikar have very little synergy with your deck, and should be replaced with elves like Dwynen's Elite and Lys Alana Huntmaster.

Some of your creatures also seem to be less powerful then you would otherwise want, such as Llanowar Mentor, Joraga Treespeaker, andKaysa. I would add Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Wolverine Riders, and Canopy Tactician in their place.

Elf decks generally tend to run less than 30 lands, as there's more than enough ramp to compensate. I'd recommend taking out Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, Myriad Landscape, and 2 forests, and adding cards like Crop Rotation, Skyshroud Claim, Herald's Horn, and Lightning Greaves.

In my elf deck, I don't particularly like ramp cards that make lands hit the battlefield tapped, as I find them too slow. I don't know how fast you want your deck, but I'd recommend taking out at least Explosive Vegetation, and adding something like Harrow.

My ezuri deck is Ezuri's Exuberant Elfball Extravaganza, if you need any ideas for other elves to slot in.

RambIe on Should I Put Circle of …

2 years ago

Circle of Dreams Druid is a fantastic card, but looking at the deck you have linked i think it would harm more then it would help.
mostly because of the color demand to cast in a deck that lacks color control.
based on what you have built i would suggest considering Llanowar Mentor
EDIT: And i wouls suggest cutting a Mountain to make room for Llanowar Mentor becouse 39 lands would still be plenty and your demand for red is pretty low

marciothehero on Ravnica Cube v12

3 years ago


Simic Charm -> Quandrix Command

Immolating Gyre -> Draconic Intervention

Lightning Helix -> Rip Apart

Launch the Fleet -> Venerable Warsinger

Shifting Ceratops -> Battle Mammoth

Shrine of Loyal Legions -> Mimic Vat

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord -> Daemogoth Woe-Eater

Polukranos, Unchained -> Daemogoth Titan

Mindwrack Demon -> Rank Officer

Winding Way -> Brawn

Abrupt Decay -> Drown in Filth

Grapple with the Past -> Llanowar Mentor

Archetype of Courage -> Selfless Squire

Unburial Rites -> Incarnation Technique

Stealth Mission -> Benthic Biomancer

Thrummingbird - > Fuel for the Cause

Assure / Assemble -> Selesnya Charm

Knight of Autumn -> Battle for Bretagard

Druid's Deliverance -> Pest Infestation

Wilt-Leaf Liege -> Glare of Subdual

Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge -> Veyran, Voice of Duality

Legion Warboss -> Laelia, the Blade Reforged

Ral, Storm Conduit -> Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

Experiment One -> Gyre Sage

Jadelight Ranger -> Managorger Hydra

Merfolk Branchwalker -> Incubation Druid

Sweet-Gum Recluse -> Forgotten Ancient

Sharktocrab -> Zegana, Utopian Speaker

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath -> Prime Speaker Zegana

Roalesk, Apex Hybrid -> Tanazir Quandrix

Herald of Secret Streams -> Deepglow Skate

Nightpack Ambusher -> Arachnogenesis

Life / Death -> Tivash, Gloom Summoner

Cry of the Carnarium -> Essence Pulse

Filter Lands -> Thriving Lands + 5 Color Lands

Falta G para balancear


Quandrix Command , Draconic Intervention , Rip Apart , Venerable Warsinger , Daemogoth Woe-Eater , Daemogoth Titan , Incarnation Technique , Pest Infestation , Veyran, Voice of Duality , Laelia, the Blade Reforged , Tivash, Gloom Summoner , Essence Pulse

Neotrup on do tokens have names

3 years ago

Yes and no. All tokens have names. If a spell, like Llanowar Mentor tells you the name, it will have the assigned name. If it does not, it's name will be it's subtypes:

111.4 A spell or ability that creates a token sets both its name and its subtype(s). If the spell or ability doesn't specify the name of the token, its name is the same as its subtype(s). A "Goblin Scout creature token," for example, is named "Goblin Scout" and has the creature subtypes Goblin and Scout. Once a token is on the battlefield, changing its name doesn’t change its subtype, and vice versa.

However, when you're directed to choose a card name, you are limited to cards that actually exist. This means you cannot choose Elf, as that is Elf is not a card:

201.3. If an effect instructs a player to choose a card name, the player must choose the name of a card in the Oracle card reference. (See rule 108.1.) A player may not choose the name of a token unless it's also the name of a card.

Interestingly, you are allowed to choose Illusion and then have a token generated by Summoner's Bane tap for mana, because the token does happen to share a name with half of a split card.

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