Liege of the Hollows

Creature — Spirit

When Liege of the Hollows is put into a graveyard from play, each player may pay any amount of mana. Then each player puts into play a number of 1/1 green Squirrel creature tokens equal to the amount of mana he or she paid this way.

enpc on Belbe Hugs

11 months ago

Build the deck around recurring Liege of the Hollows so everyone gets squirrels. Then do things to screw with tokens.

Immortalys on Thantis' Creature Donation Station

1 year ago

Amazing deck! I did not realise there was someone before me with this idea, and I love how your deck is looking. Cards to consider for your Maybeboard: Acorn Catapult, Death by Dragons, Elephant Resurgence, Kamahl's Summons, Plague of Vermin, Tempt with Vengeance, Artifact Mutation, Dowsing Dagger  Flip, Curse of Disturbance, Liege of the Hollows, Sawtusk Demolisher, Akroan Horse, Hungry Lynx, Life of the Party, Sleeper Agent, Tahngarth, First Mate and lets not forget the "Hunted" cycle with Hunted Horror, Hunted Dragon and Hunted Troll

Vallaris on What'd you EXPECT faeries to do?

3 years ago

Tinnuki Thank you! I definitely will! Love seeing what others do with their decks with commanders I also use.

I totally forgot about Stolen by the Fae , have a few copies of it too. I think I might have had it in this deck way back when I first built it but took it out because the deck was running too slow. A lot of the tap lands have been replaced so I think it's time it can go back in again. Coat of Arms is a card I'm currently borrowing from my partner for my Bat Tribal deck (which badly needs it more lol), but eventually I will get a copy of that for both Bats and Faeries. :)

Kindred Dominance and Kindred Discovery would be amazing additions, hopefully they get some reprints soon! Pretty much any time lately I've been spending more on a card (anything $10-20+) I've been trying to get various desired reserve list cards knocked off the list first (which I am really glad I did for Liege of the Hollows and Deranged Hermit for a different deck because those spiked like mad recently).

Faerie Tauntings could come out to be honest, I had it in here since it was a cheap enchantment that would trigger Alela's ability and because it was on theme. Unless Vedalken Orrery is out, it really doesn't do much.

Thanks again for so many suggestions! It's quite helpful to have another pair of eyes for a fresh perspective, much appreciated!

ChaosJester on Group Hug EDH help

3 years ago

I have a group hug deck that flood players with a lot of Mana thanks to cards like New Frontiers . Few turns later, I play Liege of the Hollows . This often end up in a lot of chaos.

MagicMarc on Squirrels in legacy

3 years ago

I would think Squirrel Wrangler combined with stuff like Ramunap Excavator and ramp, or token bonused cards might make for some powerful "go wide" gameplay. With stuff like Deep Forest Hermit and Deranged Hermit. Or anthem cards like Coat of Arms and a lot of squirrel production.

Personally, an idea would be to go UG, find an infinite mana combo protected by counterspells and then kill a Liege of the Hollows on your opponent's end of turn to make an endless amount of squirrels and kill them on your turn.

If you are going to uber protect a Squirrel Mob then dropping Druid's Call on it lets you go big really fast if they have blockers.

Last idea, going RG for stuff like Squirrel Mob, Druid's Call and Goblin Bombardment or Terror of the Peaks style cards. Then just pebble them to death or smash face with your Squirrel Mob. If you go the RG route you can throw a Volcano Hellion at any creature with Druid's Call on it and probably instant win with the pebbles cards.

TheCatHerder on S.O.U.S Squirrels of unusual size

6 years ago

Neat deck, UG isn't my strong suit so i don't have any advice but any deck that runs Liege of the Hollows gets a +1 from me.

LogicShot on Quick...Kill The Hippo!!

6 years ago

Hey, love these styles of decks! The Hunted cards are neat, and actually playable without gathering much fear in these, you just need to combo them with an immediate sacrifice, something like Ashnod's Altar. Other great cards to give the whole table a boost that combo well with Ashnod's are Tempting Wurm, Liege of the Hollows and Veteran Explorer. Ghirapur Orrery helps blast out the lands and prevents needing to top deck quite as much, and Hypergenesis can be loads of fun too. Hope some of these catch your interest!

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