Library of Lat-Nam


An opponent chooses one - You draw three cards at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep; or you search your library for a card, put that card into your hand, then shuffle your library.

halanvaina on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

1 week ago

All right I updated the deck more over the past while.

Added Feldon's Cane to try to keep a grip on the late game. Took out Book Burning since it seemed to have too little impact on the game, at least compared to other things in the list. Took out Mogg Bombers for Lavaborn Muse for repeatable damage. Still going to keep the two beaters in the deck, but Took out Butcher Orgg for Kamahl, Pit Fighter. The fact he can tap to do a lighting bolt is better than the former. Another addition is Devastating Dreams as the finisher. Cards like Jayemdae Tome and (hopefully) Browbeat will draw me enough cards, and might even luck out & shuffle my graveyard into my libary afterward.

While I do agree with opponents choosing two different options a terrible idea most of the time, the thing is with damage and fairly low cmc means that eventually your opponent will just have to do what I want. It's not like Library of Lat-Nam, where its too expensive to play too much, and it's always going to be the far worse option. Least the way I see it. Also I'm going to replace Dwarven Ruins with Balduvian Trading Post when i can. Thing that sucks is I already ordered the cards before these recent revisions. So I guess I'll live with it until I see one. Same goes for the most of the other replacements.

0rc on Cheapskate Talrand (Competitive, Budget $75!!)

1 year ago

SufferFromEDHD, while I appreciate the feedback, this deck explicitly does NOT dig for Oracle—in fact it avoids it so much that if we accidentally draw it, we use specialized cantrips/slowtrips to tuck it back in! (See Library of Lat-Nam and Dream Cache.) While most of your recommendations are a bit off base due to price point (this is an extreme budget deck) or relevance in this particular build, I appreciate that you apparently have knowledge of some obscure cards I am Interested in incorporating into jank elsewhere :)

plasmapython on ⟳ Deckcycle | Gavi Primer

4 years ago

I really like this deck and was coming up with a similar brew, the thing about a deck like this is that Escape Protocol, Astral Slide and Astral Drift, and New Perspectives are more so your commander than what you have in the command zone. I see that you are using tutors to get over this hurdle, but I was wondering if you had considered any of the more Gavi Unique tutors as I would like to know your opinion on them. Long-Term Plans is a tutor that is usually pretty slow, but given you can draw that many cards in one rotation around the table, is it worth it? Another one is I considered was Drift of Phantasms for a 3 drop transmute spell. Library of Lat-Nam lacks Mana efficiency, but given this deck needs card draw and tutors, could it be worth it? Finally Archmage Ascension is a hard to get off the ground ultimate tutor but with Gavi already trying to do it's requirement, I think it may also be worth consideration.

I love this deck and appreciate any input on my suggestions. I look forward to seeing how you adjust it in the future.

ibstudent2200 on Rites Makes Right

7 years ago

I'd actually suggest adding Spell Burst and Capsize over Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise, given how absolutely disgusting both those cards become in the lategame (or if you have the experience counters). All four of these cards are better than Brilliant Plan, Library of Lat-Nam, Petals of Insight, and Jace's Ingenuity, though.

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