Lava Spike

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lava Spike

Sorcery — Arcane

This deals 3 damage to target player or planeswalker.

G1ngr on Mutate, Mutate, Mutate, Mutate

9 months ago

Some minor counter-notes. Paradise Druid (less so than polly( and Pollywog Symbiote can easily combo with Migratory Greathorn and double major for fast(ish), 8 mana(over first 3/4 turns) for 6 or so lands, so you'd be up ~4 lands in most context. If I were to refine this deck I'd probably focus on that aspect, since this ideally would be a hard ramp deck into auspicious starixx and high cost other cards and ramp cards.

Auspicious starixx with double major is worth playing (play ur whole deck!)

also, while pretty complicated and kind of non-functional, Double Major with Vadrok, Apex of Thunder and a damaging spell, possibly Lightning Bolt or Lava Spike (probably lightning bold cuz cheap removal) can easily finish games or one shot depending on circumstance. The interaction here with the stack is pretty archaic, and the sources I drew from when building this were to say the least, unreliable (I was told you could infinite with Vadrok + Double major)

I do agree on moving focus away from my ramp sorc. tap lands, and tutors, since this deck could play early really well with some 1 cost instants and creatures. Also, draw is a problem for this deck as it is. If you don't pull a ramp combo or winning combo you basically just lose. I struggle to figure out how the heck draw and card management spells work, just as a being, so if you want to help more thank you.

Agatha12 on Mono Red Rush

11 months ago


I somehow managed to go 2-2 in my local tournament, 1st day playing the deck, I was very impressed with its killing power.

Goblin Guidex4 => Fanatical Firebrandx4 Fanatical is a good cheap option. However, I found that goblin 1 red mana for 2/2 KILLED other opponents. This single card actually led people to discord A LOT of cards. Which helped me. MAY look for a replacement in the future. (Ragavan, Nimble Pilfererx4, If I ever get rich)

Ghitu Lavarunnerx2 => Monastery Swiftspearx2 No explanation was really needed, it was really just a cheaper/crappier version, managed to find 2 more at the store.

Goblin Chainwhirlerx4 => Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flipx4 Goblin Chain was OKAY, there were 1/2 times where it actually did so much good. BUT, Kumano is cheaper, (does almost the same thing Chronicle 1) and also turns into a 2/2 and gives a creature a counter if you've summoned one on that turn. Which with this deck is likely to happen.

Magma Sprayx4 => Lava Spikex4 I'm not really happy about the limitations of either of these cards, But Lava Spike helped against planeswalkers and also make it easier to kill the opponent.

Its really hard for me to tell if it is a good idea to keep Tormenting Voice/Cathartic Reunion OR The Flame of Keld

I found that the Flame of Keld's draw power was enough to get me through some situations. There were moments where I wish I didn't have either a Tormenting Voice or Cathartic Reunion. This showed some flaws while facing players with counters.

as recommended by Tcbrgr Vexing Devil Or Rift Bolt would be good replacements.

Icbrgr on Mono Red Rush

11 months ago

I overall really like this list...ive been on a red deck wins kick lately and I think it looks pretty good!

I think I like Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flip or even maindecking Roiling Vortex over The Flame of Keld.

Maybe consider Dragon rage channeler over Ghitu Lavarunner... Goblin Guide over Fanatical Firebrand...

Other good cards in the Modern pool is Lava Spike, Rift Bolt, Vexing Devil...

the big expensive cards for mono red is probably Eidolon of the Great Revel.... or Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer

ToxicMCTV on Skred Red

1 year ago

It's a good list, I'd see if you can out in Monastery Swiftspear and/or Lava Spike Lightning Bolt

plakjekaas on Doubling Cube instead of Mulligans

1 year ago

And half the top 10 played lands in Modern, according to mtgGoldfish, shuffle someone's deck. Endurance is the 4th played creature of the format and shuffles a deck. Stoneforge Mystic, Primeval Titan, Indomitable Creativity, Urza's Saga, fetches are not the only way to shuffle your deck. Also, Lightning Bolt is still the most commonly played spell and the top card of the format overall. Spell Pierce is third. Unholy Heat typically doesnt need setup if it answers a turn 1 play. Turn 1 interaction is not that improbable. One deck doesn't make a format.

You said you "literally never" heard anyone complain about shuffling a commander deck. When called out, it's suddenly restricted to an established player actively complaining. So I assume you understand hyperbole as a figure of speech. Seeing how I didn't even use the word literally, I'd imagine you understand that my objectively false statement can still be used to paint a picture to strengthen the point that a lot of shuffling does slow the game down, even if you do it on an opponent's turn. If I'm fetching in response to a Lava Spike versus Burn, the time it takes to resolve the spell and pass the turn is a lot less than the time it takes a typical player to shuffle their deck.

The only redeeming quality of the format is that games usually end before turn 5 nowadays, so that even in the less probable case of actually shuffling your deck every turn, you still have time to finish all needed games.

JustJohn97 on Budget Burn

1 year ago

TapatioDorito Thanks for the suggestions! I like the idea of using Play with Fire to help scry for cards. That was actually my thought process for switching out my Monastery Swiftspear with Dragon's Rage Channeler. The suggestion by wallisface to add Seal of Fire just confirmed it haha! I may end up switching in Play with Fire for Lava Spike if I decide I want to manipulate that top card more. I think Dragon's Rage Channeler beats out Play with Fire for now because I prefer Lava Dart in the graveyard and surveil fuels Bedlam Reveler.

Temur Battle Rage and similar effects are interesting and something I hadn't considered. It would help increase combat damage, but I think it makes me more vulnerable to creature removal by piling effects onto one creature. I'll keep that in mind though!

Thanks again for the suggestions!

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Spicy Aggro

1 year ago

I'm a big fan of decks built with cards on hand! If you have access to them, how about Vexing Devil, Rift Bolt, and Lava Spike?

9-lives on Modern Benevolence

1 year ago

Great deck! I would suggest Deliberate as it's one of the best draw cards there is. Perhaps the burn card Lava Spike?

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