Knight of Sursi

Creature — Human Knight

Flying, flanking (Whenever a creature without flanking blocks this creature, this blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.)

Suspend 3— (Rather than cast this card from your hand, you may pay and exile it with three time counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When the last is removed, cast it without paying its mana cost. It has haste.)

carpecanum on The Alicorn

3 years ago

Hmmm. 3 "Equenauts", Knight of Sursi , Wingsteed Rider and 3 or 4 others. But the base type is always human and or knight. Those speciesist bastards don't even mention how they "happen" to be able to fly.

LivingThing on Avacyn: Hope Eternal

4 years ago

so, after rigorous playtesting, I have come up with some cards to cut and add that will hopefully msk the deck better:


  • Alabaster Kirin This does absolutely nothing, has no prison effects, and is kinda useless here

  • Baird, Steward of Argive His prison effect is okay, but you can definitely slot in better options for not too much more money

  • Knight of Sursi Once again, just a vanilla card that doesn't do anything except get a small body on the battlefield, which isnt very good in commander, even if it is indestructible

  • Misthoof Kirin Only really okay in a morph deck, this is kinda useless here

  • Oreskos Explorer just a worse Land Tax

  • Segovian Angel a 1/1 with vigilance has to swing 120 times to win. just a terrible card all around.

  • Silver Knight Kinda bad, doesn't really do much .

  • Shepherd of the Lost this would be good if it have every other creature it's abilities, but alas, it's kinda terrible, especially because I'm smelling a voltron sub-theme around Avacyn

  • White Knight Unless your in a very black heavy meta, this is just bad, and is barley passable even if you have said meta

  • Journey to Nowhere a worse Pacifism

  • All your lands except basic plains. You need more utility lands, not just non-basics that do nothing

  • Wing Shards This one is debatable, although I don't see you casting a bunch of spells and having the mana to cast this, due to the lack of ramp you have.

  • Armillary Sphere bad ramp

  • Traveler's Amulet bad ramp

  • Orazca Relic have fun waiting 5 turns to get blessing and then only drawing one card

  • Take Vengeance crappy removal

  • Bishop of Wings I don't see this deck supporting an angel tribal

Potential Add-Ins

Thanks so much for reading my list, and I hope this has been some help to you. My main problem with this deck was it ran too much inefficient removal and bad creatures, but once these are added in, I think the deck should be a lot for mean. Have a great day! =)

jpsuchecki on Light up the knight

5 years ago

Good_knight Well I really don't know what you have so that makes things harder. I can offer some suggestions but that kind of depends on your meta. What is your playgroup like or are you talking about local game store? Do you play 1v1 or more?

If your 1v1 I suggest more spot removal. This should help you buy time to get your engine online. There are a ton of cheap options as white and black are good for this. If you have a local game store near buy, you might be able to do get these pretty easy. Afterlife, Swords to Plowshares, Blazing Hope, Crib Swap, Mortify, Profane Procession (this would be a good card for this deck even when you move beyond it simple trickets). Unmake, Walk the Plank, Go for the Throat. You get the idea.

Ok so some ideas for improving your creature pool. I tried to keep this pretty cheap. Dauntless Bodyguard, Chieftain en-Dal, Fiendslayer Paladin, Kinsbaile Cavalier, Knight of Dusk (A great cheap card for this deck. Just make sure you always have the mana up to destroy. Since it can be played at instant speed you can kill their creature after blockers are declared and damage is done. This is one of the reasons you should wait until second main to play nonessential spells. Lightwielder Paladin, Knight of Sursi, Mirror Entity, Pentarch Paladin.

Some enchantments to help out: Glorious Anthem, Behind the Scenes, Archetype of Courage, Archetype of Finality, Brave the Sands, Intimidation, Knighthood.

Artifacts and lands: Whip of Erebos, Fellwar Stone, Rupture Spire, Path of Ancestry Unclaimed Territory . If you want to splurge a little bit get an Isochron Scepter and put something like Go for the Throat on it.

This are just suggestions. Take all or some. On August 10th the new preconstructed Commander decks come out. In the past these have been pretty awesome for right out of the box. You can always tailor make them. They are normally worth well over the MSRP.

Also don't let the prices here scare you too much. They are just a generalization. You could go to tcgplayer and get better values. Even after you choose, they can optimize your cart to get a lower value.

fahcup on Boros Flanking Knights

6 years ago

I've done some playtesting with this and against it, I have some suggestions.Right now its biggest issue is not having a strong early game. 2/2's are ripe for removal, and every modern deck will have a fetchland sitting waiting to cast Path to Exile or Fatal Push whatever creature you get out there first. I like Knight of Sursi as a turn one play, but it still doesn't get you anything on the board. I'd recommend a one drop creature. Dauntless Bodyguard stays in tribal and is pretty nice, but is more of a later turn benefit with his ability. Deftblade Elite may work well in attracting targets for an aggro deck, since he has a built in Lure. Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip comes to mind as well.. Knight of the White Orchid is a pretty standard modern card, and you can always use ramp. I'm not a fan of Suq'Ata Lancer, I'd look more into ways of getting you bigger drop guys out there. I'd add some card draw Dragon Mantle helps with that and devotion.

Good build, the stacking flanking looks like it can add up quickly. I'm curious if the banding mechanic works well with flanking. Stinks that Jabari's Banner and Telim'Tor are banned in modern. Maybe this could work better as a legacy deck?

0b1ivi0nwa1k3r on The Legion of Eternity

6 years ago

Love the idea cant wait for the finished product!!

Most of the cards fit besides Liliana of the Dark Realms (i would put Ajani Goldmane, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Elspeth Tirel, or Elspeth, Knight-Errant since they buff creatures and your deck is very creature heavy).

Where is Black Knight and White Knight!!??

I would think about adding:Ghostly Prison, Arrogant Bloodlord, Haakon, Stromgald Scourge, and Knight of Sursi

I hope this helps!!

galacticpony on Outflanked!

7 years ago

The art on Knight of Sursi is amazing - my fav card in this deck.OUTFLANKED

lagotripha on Pseudo Swans (Cascade Swans)

7 years ago

Most of the swans decks I've seen run Dakmor Salvage to stabilise the combo- you can dredge it from the swan's triggered draw, so it makes the combo go infinite without a huge land count. This frees up some slots to move stuff like Knight of Sursi, Shade of Trokair, Shivan Sand-Mage, and Patrician's Scorn.

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