Khalni Heart Expedition

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Khalni Heart Expedition


Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may put a quest counter on Khalni Heart Expedition.

Remove three quest counters from Khalni Heart Expedition and sacrifice it: Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

jonjonhholt on Loam Life (PLEASE HELP)

10 months ago

Thank you so much for all the suggestions Ookafont! I love the Adventuring Gear idea especially since Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse can be cracked at instant speed. I definitely agree that Khalni Heart Expedition should be in the list but i am hoping to keep in B/G cause even though the support for the archetype isnt quite there yet im hoping in a few sets thisll start to look like a real list :)

Ookafont on Loam Life (PLEASE HELP)

10 months ago

So firstly. I like the graveyard land style, but I would recommend going more for a Landfall style deck. Usually that isn't B/G but there are some interesting opportunities. Firstly I would recommend Khalni Heart Expedition. very good for landfall. Also Adventuring Gear gives a lot of good heavy hitting power especially with multiple lands a turn. and its colorless which fits multicolor well. Also this is a bit more crazy but you have a lot of land searching with Terramorphic Expanse etc. so maybe a little bit of other colors? Red would be pretty good for Akoum Hellhound or Plated Geopede and Manamorphose. Also I'm not sure Crypt Rats is Ideal here without it being more of a black devotion deck. And I'm not fully sure what Generous Ent really does for you? maybe try Sporemound Also I think Reclaim the Wastes or even Explore over Yavimaya Elder simply out of mana value. I think the land graveyard game just doesn't have super strong support in pauper, but I am interested to see what you can do with it.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Landfall Champions

1 year ago

Cool idea! I love landfall builds :) I have a couple of thoughts as you're continuing to build and test. I would consider adding in Search for Tomorrow. Being able to suspend it turn 1 is nice, and the land enetering untapped can be a huge boost. Sakura-Tribe Elder is also fantastic for landfall. It can chump block and be sacrificed before damage to get a land.

On the flashier side, Lotus Cobra could get out of hand with Khalni Heart Expedition and Harrow and help fuel your Clay Champions even more.

For the sideboard, I would run Courser of Kruphix over Grazing Gladehart. They have the same CMC, but Courser lets you play lands from the top of your library and is out of bolt range. The extra in its cost shouldn't be a problem because you're so heavily into green already. Also, take a look at Jaddi Offshoot as a one-drop life gain option.

I hope you find some of that useful! Good luck with the build!

multimedia on Muldrotha Snow: The Frozen Forest

1 year ago

Hey, well done with such a low budget, The Undead Forest is a cool deck name. Interesting deck idea for your first Commander deck with Muldrotha, but why snow? Weathered Runestone completely shuts down Muldrotha.

Marit Lage's Slumber, Jorn, God of Winter  Flip, Priest of the Haunted Edge, Blood on the Snow, Ice-Fang Coatl these are some reasons to play snow with Muldrotha. Iceberg Cancrix can repeatable self-mill and that's a good effect with Muldrotha. Pilfering Hawk can be repeatable loot which gets cards into your graveyard. Unfortunately, this isn't many cards.

Draugr Necromancer is a good card with snow, but it doesn't have much interaction with Muldrotha. Dead of Winter is another good card with snow, but Muldrotha is not a snow creature. Narfi, Betrayer King is fine, able to reanimate itself with snow, but he's support for snow not really a reason to play snow.

Some advice to consider is to play nonsnow cards that can put snow-covered permanents (lands) onto the battlefield to meet the snow requirement for snow cards without playing lots of unnecessary snow creatures. The best way to get snow permanents is with snow-covered lands. You really don't need lots of other subpar snow creatures here.

All these creatures could be cut to improve your deck.

Instead of playing lots of lesser snow creatures, play just the better snow creatures here?

Use other deck slots for cards that can search for and get snow-covered lands onto the battlefield?

Consider adding some spells that are not permanents that can search for and put snow-covered lands onto the battlefield?

Cards that can get snow-covered lands into your hand as well as get cards into your graveyard can be helpful with Muldrotha.

Could also add some snow mana rocks and mana dorks?

Land ramp for snow-covered lands and mana from mana rocks is more ramp which also helps to cast 6 mana Muldrotha as well as having more mana to cast permanents from your graveyard when you control Muldrotha.

Example of a budget more refined creature base with snow.

Good luck with your deck.

Juicy_J82 on landfall

1 year ago

I was trying to envision a scenario where this could go mono-green for you like you mentioned. Probably something like the following for the mana:

Out: 2 Cinder Glade, 3 Mountain, 3 Plains, 1 Sacred Foundry In: 5 Forest, 2 Brokers Hideout, 1 Cabaretti Courtyard, 1 Riveteers Overlook

Thoughts on the rest of the deck are as follows:

Out: 1 Ancient Greenwarden, 2 Fearless Fledgling, 1 Moraug, 1 Omnath, 2 Prowling Felidar, 1 Dormant Grove In: 1 Lotus Cobra, 1-2 Life from the Loam, X Ramunap Excavator, X Oracle of Mul Daya (recent reprint should be cheaper), 2-3 Khalni Heart Expedition if the other suggestions aren't available, X Harmonize as needed to help get through the deck.

Dete on Borborygmos Enraged EDH

2 years ago

le podria Field of the Dead cambiando una basica o Cinder Glade por q no tiene tantas basicas.

si le ponemos Vesuva podriai ponerle tmb Dark Depths+ otra pa copiar Thespian's Stage, en volada pa hacer mas mana rapido ponerle tierras locus.

The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale en volada pa mantener al resto mas piola.

Ash Barrens, Crop Rotation, Expedition Map, Elvish Reclaimer, Evolution Charm, Realms Uncharted son todos buenos pa el enfoque en tierras y 4 son buenos pa buscar las de arriba.

Druid Class, Khalni Heart Expedition,, Azusa's Many Journeys  Flip, Rites of Flourishing, Summer Bloom, cualquiera es buena pa esto.

ponerle otra copia del kruphix podria estar weno Augur of Autumn/Wayward Swordtooth

Scute Swarm hmm es muy weno jajaja,Tireless Provisioner, Veteran Explorer en volada son buenos tmb. Splendid Reclamation+ScapeshiftThe Mending of Dominaria, dependiendo q tanrapido lo queri hacer.

Dosan the Falling Leaf/Vexing Shusher/City of Solitude/Defense Grid pa tener un poco de defensa contra counters y otras cosas.

en mi opinion sacaria: Glint-Horn Buccaneer (mas q nada por q no me gusta mucho noma),Living Twister, sacaria 1 o 2 de cualquiera de los encantamientos q cuestan 5/6, Bag of Holding en volada tmb, Dragon Mage, Krosan Grip y/o java

podrias poner cartas con cycling o retrace, tmb Rites of Spring esta wena pa ponerla y Treasure Map  Flip le puede dar un poco de mas seleccion de cartas. hmmm le dejaria igual Mulch y añadiria Winding Way por lo mismo.

Maxcoh on Yeva - Mono Green

2 years ago

Some New Additions, not going to say what was removed but in most cases the cards that came out were underperforming cards that were either just big threats like Dungrove Elder or worse versions of cards that got added such as Garruk's Horde:

Elvish Mystic - I tried to not put in just a 1/1 mana dork for as long as I could but honestly there's no reason not too. Especially now with the extra card draw/play from the top of the deck it is not a dead card late so it becomes so much better.

Outland Liberator  Flip - So this actually is something that I thought would be good to talk about. Krosan Grip was actually the card that came out here. In a sense, I'm trading split second for the fact that it's a creature card so that I can cast it off the top of the deck or as an instant. It's also cool because the werewolf cards from the new Innistrad pair SUPER well with Yeva since you can just pass your turn a lot of the time to flip them and then cast your creatures on their turns. I'll keep an eye out for other of the new wolves that would fit in well (or maybe even some old ones depending).

Tireless Tracker - So yeah. Card is just nuts. Card draw engine that turns itself into a threat. I added A LOT of more ramp in this version as well so this guy can benefit a lot from some of the other new cards. This also gives me the idea to look at some other landfall cards in the future as well, right now it's just this and Baru, Fist of Krosa that really benefit but we'll see.

Vizier of the Menagerie - Yeah so this is just a 4 CMC Garruk's Horde. Not much else to say. Also doesn't make you reveal which is also pretty nice.

Kodama's Reach, Nature's Lore, Skyshroud Claim, Khalni Heart Expedition - These all fill into the "really good ramp spells" category so yeah they all came in. Kodama's might be on the chopping block if I need to cut a ramp spell first, or maybe Ranger's Path.

Lifecrafter's Bestiary - One of those "just belongs in green creature deck cards". Turns things into card draw for extra mana, smooths out your draws just by existing. Great card.

Thought Vessel - Just honestly a small good mana rock with minor benefit. Just testing this out, could also be replaced pretty easily.

Helix Pinnacle - Probably the card I'm most excited about trying in the deck. With all these untap land effects, mana doubling, instant speed cards, this seems like a reallllllly good way to win. It's cheap, efficient and you can definitely pump out 100 mana in a turn cycle with this deck.

Autumn's Veil - Worse Veil of Summer is probably still worth it.

Hunter's Insight - This is maybe good card draw? Honestly just checking on it, probably at this point it could just get taken out but we'll see.

Thoughts about the deck: The deck now functions how I think it should pretty consistently. You ramp and then hold up mana to play threats and draw a bunch of cards. Newer cards added a lot of depth and trickiness to the deck and I'm going to continue in that direction.

Next steps - Craterhoof Behemoth and Avenger of Zendikar are cards I'm looking at just because that just ends the game. Tooth and Nail in addition to those two maybe but I'll have to get and test them first to see how it plays.

KBK7101 on Phylath Landphall (Budget)

2 years ago

Khalni Heart Expedition, Myriad Landscape and Blighted Woodland are some lands you might want to look into. Skyshroud Claim and Summer Bloom have great synergy here, too.

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