Kelsien, the Plague

Legendary Creature — Human Assassin

Vigilance, haste

Kelsien, the Plague gets +1/+1 for each experience counter you have.

: Kelsien deals 1 damage to target creature you don’t control. When that creature dies this turn, you get an experience counter. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist.)

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Defiant Stand
Kenzo the Hardhearted
Flameheart Werewolf
Lurking Deadeye
Taii Wakeen, Perfect Shot

Gecko83 on 5c Experience Counters Galore

1 year ago

So I am looking for something different to play, ran across this. I read your deck strategy and win cons, and the first thing i wondered is why isn't there any utility lands in here to help. Volrath's Stronghold was the first thing to come to mind, Field of the Dead seems like a easy fit as well. Tokens for nothing seems like a win win. Kelsien, the Plague seems like an auto include in this late game he would be a huge creature for low mana cost.

Thanks for posting this I will have some fun with it still think it need some mana acceleration as well.


Ammonzy on Army of One II [Raiyuu, Storm's Edge]

2 years ago


I actually just recently removed Smoke from the decklist, it was a long time star in the original Army of One - Kelsien, the Plague deck.

However I decided to swap it out for Torpor Orb as I'm paranoid of ppl abusing artifact destroying ETBs such as Reclamation Sage, Foundation Breaker or Bane of Progress.

freezerboy on When does a non-creature artifact …

2 years ago

So if Kelsien, the Plague with the Scythe equipped did the damage to a Sol Ring that was transformed by Karn then it could come into play because it doesn't designate that it needs to be a "creature", but just a "card".

freezerboy on Off color cards help for …

2 years ago

Looking for some assistance with this deck, The Color Pie Must Die. It is an assassin themed deck, but I didn't want to rely on any gimmicks like "deathtouch" for my commander Kelsien, the Plague. The deck should be able to remove anything, but I'm struggling with how to make it more lethal. Hatred is one option, but I'm looking for some other ways to take out opponents in one shot. Even better if it is a color pie breaking ability. Thoughts?

freezerboy on king-saproling

2 years ago

As the top deck helper, figure I'd see if you were available to take a look at a deck I've been trying to get assistance on:

Breaking Pies and Breaking Necks

Trying for an off color style assassin deck that doesn't just rely on Kelsien, the Plague + deathtouch mechanics.

Phoenometroid on Licia, First Sword of the Mardu {Primer}

2 years ago

I've been working to push Licia, Sanguine Tribune for quite a while, especially more into that Mardu Philosophy I came to love. I found out VERY quickly I get a mass amount of hate from my Edgar Markov with my playgroup for how aggressive he is for sure. I do very much love playing themed or tribal based decks. I discovered that I play too many Mardu decks which thins out my card availability for keeping all the decks solid until I amass extra copies of stables. Seeing this framework and the stratagems you provide for Licia is just WOW!

Sadly I don't have many of those expensive cards to piece in now, Wheel of Fortune, Necropotence, Scrubland, Dark Confidant, Enlightened Tutor, Sensei's Divining Top or Tithe but I'm sure I can found some counterparts to use instead.

What do you think of replacing Glory-Bound Initiate with Lone Rider  Flip? Also if you have any deck builds or ideas for Kelsien, the Plague I'd love to know your feedback on that, he's another Mardu favorite of mine.

RambIe on An Afterlife Commander

2 years ago

Maybe Thraximundar
Lots of human support can be found in RUTHLESS REGIMENT

legendofa on Zombie/Mummy Commander

3 years ago

The most Egyptian mummy-styled Zombies are going to be in , thanks to Amonkhet and Hour of Devastation. has some higher-end options from those two and War of the Spark. doesn't offer much to the Mummy theme, but can help find lands if there's a Desert subtheme and has some good Zombies of its own. If he doesn't want to use , we'll put that one aside and focus on and .

Skimming for Commanders, nothing leaps out as Zombie mechanics or Egypt flavor. There are a few that are generic enough to fit with mechanic and flavor, like Kelsien, the Plague or Ravos, Soultender + partner.

In four-color, Saskia the Unyielding is potentially a mechanical hit, but again, the flavor is off. None of the partners offer more than general mechanical utility, and the flavor is loose at best.

Overall, I would recommend Saskia. If your fiance wanted to nail down the flavor and didn't mind potentially spending extra money, get an art alter to match what he's looking for.

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