Jungle Wayfinder

Creature — Elf Warrior

When Jungle Wayfinder enters the battlefield, each player may search their library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into their hand, then shuffle their library.

Shaffe_House on This Land is my Land

2 years ago

cards like Windrider Eel fit the land fall deck architype, but I feel have too low impact on a game of commander. Like lets play best case scenario you get like 3 or 4 land fall triggers, cool now this thing is a big old 10/10. Either Ouch, or it gets blocked by like a 1/1 flyer. I feel like there could be cards that better impact the board state.

Other Cards that you could consider cutting

  1. Borderland Ranger , Jungle Wayfinder => Farhaven Elf , Wood Elves (just strictly better)
  2. Burnished Hart , Dryad Greenseeker , Solemn Simulacrum are not bad, but I think you can do better in green
  3. Embodiment of Insight I like where you headspace is at here but they only create them for a turn. If they were permanently 3/3 I'd be 100% for it.
  4. Hungering Hydra => Hydroid Krasis
  5. Silkwing Scout => Embodiment of Spring (One mana cheaper overall), and I don't think the body is relevant

Other Cards that you could consider adding

  1. Lore Weaver , if you have a Ley Weaver that draws a card on etb that is pretty cool. Also Lore Weaver is a mana sink which with all the lands you are producing is a good thing.

Omniscience_is_life on

3 years ago

My suggestion of cards to take out: Jungle Wayfinder, Chromatic Lantern, Viashino Sandsprinter, Yasova Dragonclaw, and Elvish Warrior. And add Chrome Mox, Mox Opal, Mox Diamond, Demonic Tutor, and Vampiric Tutor. I like the use of Brutal Hordechief, it's a great card :)

Orange+ on Johan and Friends

3 years ago


Since i'd rather have less efficient land fecthing creatures (ETB effects) than more efficient land fetching sorceries, Im making the following update:

OUT: Sakura-Tribe Elder, Explosive Vegetation, Kodama's Reach, Skyshroud Claim, Sylvan Scrying

IN: Jungle Wayfinder, Ondu Giant, Wild Wanderer, Civic Wayfinder, District Guide

Snickles@EDH_only on Most underrated commander of all time

4 years ago

edit: just realized that you had Otherworld Atlas, I just missed it. Seasons Past?

Jungle Wayfinder, Ghirapur Orrery, and Weird Harvest aslo fit the aforementioned "helping" theme, and Sage of Ancient Lore  Flip acts as an anti-control card that doubles as a backup general.

BahGringo on Najeela - Warrior Princess

5 years ago

The above comments are great ideas. your color pie is really skewed so your deck needs to be reworked. in a normal deck you would want the land section and the spell section to look similar you are running a lot of blue lands but few blue cards. Normally this means you should swap some lands around to level it out but given Najeela's ability needs blue, you need to add some blue spells instead.

Given the budget the lands you have and the above lands are about as good as you can get. When rotation hits shock lands are going to go on sale so it might be a good time to pick them up if you want. some other lands not mentioned which you might want to look into are the vivid set great for mana fixing in the early game and for extra combat fixing in the late. Terramorphic Expanse , Evolving Wilds , and Ash Barrens are great simple searches that you can never go wrong with.

I personally prefer Lairs over the tap trilands. A land coming into play tapped can set you back a turn. Lairs can be used the turn they come into play and should be the last land you play from your hand. They can be a little clumsy if your next draw is a land though.

Review your current cards to make sure they're something you really want, given the number of mana symbols in their casting cost. Kresh the Bloodbraided might seem like a really good card but he has three mana symbols in his casting cost. The more mana symbols a spell has the harder it is to mana fix for it.

When you have the fixing and ramp power of green I'd avoid mana rocks over ramp spells you might consider swapping Commander's Sphere out for something like Harvest Season . In-fact you need to run harvest season the ability to grab every basic land in your deck is great mana fixing.

Look into cards with my personal favorite is Sylvan Reclamation exile two threats and if you don't have the mana to cast it get a land instead.

Civic Wayfinder and Jungle Wayfinder hey look warriors and land searching two for one.

Bring to Light having land roblems search for a ramp spell. opponent about to swing in with an eldrazi next turn; bring to light removal. Want to search for and cast a creature you don't have the mana colors for bring it to light.

Sword of the Animist multiple combats means multiple searches.

Hope these tips, tricks and cards help you with your mana fixing let me know if there's another part of the deck you want help working on, and have fun!

hkhssweiss on Google Ghave and The Search Engine of Doom

5 years ago

Here might be a few janky cards: Old-Growth Dryads, Veteran Explorer, Natural Balance, Borderland Explorer, Jungle Wayfinder, and Wave of Vitriol.

You can also consider running Mindslaver to force someone to tutor while you have Ob Nixilis on the field and kill themselves LOL!