Journey of Discovery


Choose one - Search your library for up to two basic land cards, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library; or you may play up to two additional lands this turn.

Entwine (2)(Green) (Choose both if you pay the entwine cost.)

MagicMarc on Joe Land matter/ stompy gruul [need Help]

3 years ago

Hello, I have some suggestions for you. I don't know how cEDH competitive you want the deck to be but some of these are great cards:

Zendikar's Roil is an extremely baby version of Omnath, Locus of Rage and will produce elementals that will trigger the damage ability.
Springbloom Druid: It may only net you 1 land but it causes 2 landfall triggers when it ETBs.
Fertilid: Can also create 2 landfall triggers in the same turn. It's also an elemental for an Omnath trigger when it dies.
Ulvenwald Tracker: Repeatable fight activations is amazing. Especially if you get token creatures you don't mind losing.
Migration Path: Puts 2 lands into play tapped. And can cycle though for this deck that isnt any real value until very late game. Another good ramp card you may want to consider.
Myriad Landscape: Puts 2 lands into play from your library for more triggers.
Yavimaya Elder: Gets two lands into hand and can sac for a card draw.
Beast Within: Strict upgrade removal card. Would be better than your artifact/enchantment removal cards. And you don't care if someone gets a 3/3 given your decklist.
Kazuul's Fury  Flip: The new Fling!
Vastwood Surge: Can get you both mountains and forests. The kicker is nice if it happens.
Journey of Discovery: Good modal card depending on how far the game has gone.
Perilous Forays: Provides a sacrifice outlet if needed for creatures and turns token/unneeded creatures into more land.

vic on Does "Entwine" count toward CMC?

3 years ago

My opponent has a Gaddock Teeg in play. Can I cast a Journey of Discovery with Entwine?

simplyfernando on Fido Fetches Lands

4 years ago

Ghirapur Orrery for my land drop action

Journey of Discovery, also more land drop action

Summer Bloom , mondo land drop action

I am a fan of Walking Atlas (type of creatures), because why use your hand's land drop per turn, when you can use the fetch counter lands instead?

Void Attendant, is also a curious mana sink and mana ramp to consider, and blocker generator with cards exiled with fetch counters.

Rasaru on High Risk, Higher Reward

4 years ago

Again, excellent information, Profet93! Can you tell I’m still a bit “green” when it comes to deck building?

FYI – There are 2 brutal flyer decks in my playgroup. Alela, Artful Provocateur and a dragon tribal, piloted by Torbran, Thane of Red Fell. That is why I originally added cards like Predator, Flagship, Clip Wings and Whirlwind.

It's frustrating that they can just fly over everything… but if there are better cards, then let’s add them! My notes are below!

Predator, Flagship - see comment above

Emerald Medallion – I see that you’re saying here. I currently have x8 1, x2 artifact creatures and x3 others, for a total of 13, that wouldn’t benefit from this card. However, I still have 26 creatures (that includes my commander) that can use it. Is that not enough to justify the 2 cost of the artifact?

Burgeoning – You’re probably right, plus it would give me some additional budget to work with.

Prodigious Growth – I originally added this for 4 reasons (prob not good ones!) 1. I could slap it on commander for more dmg. 2. I could slap it on my larger dorks for survivability. 3. I could slap it on one of my creatures with reach to take care of some dragons without dying. 4. Card draw, based on creature toughness. I definitely like bear umbra though! Colossal Majesty – I’ve never played elves before, but it seemed while most of their power is lower than 4, their synergy allows them to build quickly. However, I def like Rishkar's Expertise more!

Clip Wings – I can see how this card can be weak, given that the opponent gets to choose which flyer gets destroyed. And obviously this only works against flyers.

Jungle Basin – Understood. Consider it out of there! Replace it with a forest?

Desert Twister – I totally understand what you’re saying here and agree. I’m just trying to stay under budget!

Tranquility – Understood. What would you replace it with?

Whirlwind – see comment above

Journey of Discovery – Replacement options?

Nature's Spiral - Eternal Witness,

Regrowth is strictly better. - I can see why after reading the text!

Overrun - Roger that!

Gaea's Bounty – I see that it’s like Journey of Discovery. Replacement options?

Rude Awakening/Sylvan Awakening – I don’t think I get the “combo” you’re talking about. Are you just saying that you wouldn’t have to tap the lands for mana, but attack with them because you could use cradle to produce mana?

Rasaru on Profet93

4 years ago

Again, excellent information, Profet93! Can you tell I’m still a bit “green” when it comes to deck building?

Rasaru on High Risk, Higher Reward

4 years ago

Again, excellent information, Profet93! Can you tell I’m still a bit “green” when it comes to deck building?

Rasaru on High Risk, Higher Reward

4 years ago

Again, excellent information, Profet93! Can you tell I’m still a bit “green” when it comes to deck building?

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