Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant

Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Praetor

Whenever you cast an artifact, instant, or sorcery spell, copy that spell. You may choose new targets for the copy. This ability triggers only once each turn. (A copy of a permanent spell becomes a token.)

Whenever an opponent casts an artifact, instant, or sorcery spell, counter that spell. This ability triggers only once each turn.

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Gitaxian Raptor
Atmosphere Surgeon
Chrome Prowler
Quicksilver Fisher
Ichor Synthesizer
Eye of Malcator

Mortlocke on The Song of Phyresis

5 months ago


I'm still waiting for my copy of Phyrexian Censor to arrive in the mail, but I feel like this card is a great inclusion in the deck that only now i've finally been able to be certain about after finally getting out of the house and playing a few games. It definitely fits thematically, and will absolutely be trouble if Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant is on the battlefield beside it. Now opponents will have to jump through an additional hoop when they decide to cast a spell to pitch to Jin's counter ability and attempt to cast what they really want to cast. Wow, I almost feel bad for my future opponents when they face that wonderful synergy. Hah, filthy heretics. Thanks again for the suggestion, I'm definitely going to list that synergy as one of the deck's core combos.

DemonDragonJ on Why Are So Many Recent …

7 months ago

Also, rather than make a new thread to discuss the "once per turn" restriction, I would like to say that that restriction makes perfect sense on Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant and Erayo's Essence  Flip, but makes no sense on Whispering Wizard, so does anyone here have any guesses as to why WotC put that restriction on that card?

Ghool on Kira the Thief

8 months ago

Sceptre of Eternal Glory is nice, use it in two other decks. Throne of Eldraine pretty good too speaking of mana and draw.

Mind Stone I run in pretty much every other deck, great card and most likely getting added.

There's a few high cost cards I'm not getting enough out of such as Archetype of Imagination and Stormtide Leviathan for example that will most likely be removed. The aforementioned Shadowspear has been weak since hexproof has not really been an issue. Don't need both Bident of Thassa and Coastal Piracy so one could be replaced.

Added Capsize and Jace, Ingenious Mind-Mage a few days ago. I believe they'll be nice additions.

Come December I hope to be updating this thing and it already plays quite well right now. If you have any ideas for cards that might work well besides ramp please list them. I was looking at cards like Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant, but the mana cost seven is higher than I want (been working on reducing the mana cost of my decks). Things that steal or drastically slow down opponents are great.

UltimateRoxas40 on Hinata, the Morning Star [Spellslinger Primer]

9 months ago

KongMing Ooh, I love the idea of adding Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant. This deck already feels mean, and this would be the icing on the cake haha. Being able to copy any of my X spells would be fantastic, or even something like Soulfire Eruption. I'll have to find a way to include him.

As for the bounce lands, that's also a good suggestion. I generally don't like using them unless I'm anticipating some land/landfall shenanigans, but that would cut down on the mana cost to set up the Reality Spasm loop. I'll keep them in mind.

Thanks for looking at the deck and the suggestions!

KongMing on Hinata, the Morning Star [Spellslinger Primer]

10 months ago

I recommend Boros Garrison, Azorius Chancery, and Izzet Boilerworks for better ramping with untap shenanigans like Reality Spasm.

Also, it's very high CMC, but with your reduction, you might be able to cast Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant and then cast and copy a spell like Aurelia's Fury to finish up the game. Jin is nice because he not only copies your big endgame spells, but also protects them against opposing interaction.

MrNoCards on Jin-Steal Yo Girl-Gitaxias

11 months ago

Hello NV_1980, Thank you for your input regarding my deck; I appreciate it. Although I would like to have Kira, Great Glass-Spinner as a backup for Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant, it may not be the best choice since Kira has the potential to counter my spells and abilities. I have yet to have a chance to play this deck, as it heavily relies on the opponent's actions. So, I am not sure if Kira will actually cause me problems. With that being said, I am adding Kira, Great Glass-Spinner to the maybeboard; since Kira, Great Glass-Spinner is a fantastic card, and I appreciate you pointing it out (I forgot this little ball of joy existed).

Gilver on Tetsuo Rageblade

1 year ago

haydensmith423 Looks nice!

I would cut Bloodthirster. It doesn't untap Tetsuo and is a wasted slot for 6 mana imo. You already have enough extra combat cards. Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant is also too expensive, yes the payoff is great but you would be better off to run something like Propaganda for more protection from go-wide decks, after all, you are not running lots of creatures and are going to be open for attackers. I am also not sure about Kaldra Compleat, sounds good on paper but has an high equipment cost and 7 CMC. You could slot in Blackblade Reforged, which can make him real strong.

Chandra's Ignition is a must-have card, can finish off opponnents when tetsuo has infect or you can end up gaining lots of life if he has lifelink.

Also have a look at Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar. Why not hurt the whole table if you are at it?

Another crucial card you are missing in this deck is Hammer of Nazahn. Not only does tetsuo gain indestructibe, but you ignore equipment costs. It is a huuuge advantage.

You can also go infinite with Sword of Hearth and Home if you have Akki Battle Squad out, it is a great equipment and one of the cheaper "Sword of X and Y" cards.

Inevitable Betrayal is also one of those suspend casts which you can cast for "free". It is a fun card so definitely include it if you find the space. Imagine stealing a Blightsteel Colossus from someone or an Eldrazi.

I am also not sure if Sword of Truth and Justice is a good idea to run in this deck. The card gives you protection from red, which makes it unable to be equiped with cards like Embercleave. The payoff is decent, can make tetsuo pretty beefy in the long run.

Finally, Jhoira, Ageless Innovator and Pact Weapon are nice to haves in this deck. Cheat out equipment and cheat death. Also maybe cut Solemn Simulacrum and slot in Sword of the Animist. You are playing an equipment deck so why not go for an equipment for ramp instead.

You can check out my list if you feel like it, would appreciate your opinion! I went for cheap equipments and try to win through commander damage and/or infect. Not really that much different from your list. If you have questions, feel free to hit me up :D.


iRidetheTvan on Thassa Blink

1 year ago

Show and Tell or Flood of Tears serve as extra ways to cheat big things in. I also run Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant because two copies of Expropriate or extra turns is better than one.

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