Jade Mage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jade Mage

Creature — Human Shaman

{2}{G}: Put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token onto the battlefield.

DreadKhan on Ghave It All I Got

8 months ago

Not sure if you're looking for any new ideas, but since I thought of a few I thought I'd mention, in case you can find them! Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and One with the Kami would be very good in here, and are very good together. If you also have something like Pawn of Ulamog or Sifter of Skulls you can turn any sacrificed non-token creature into a colourless mana (as well as a token creature). Pitiless Plunderer and Chatterfang, Squirrel General are both very good together and very good with your Commander. Jade Mage can make Saprolings for only 2G, and Ant Queen can make a 1/1 insect for only 1G. Skullclamp is really good value if you have a lot of 1 toughness tokens, paying 1 and killing your token to draw 2 feels great. Welcoming Vampire is a nifty option if you can make a token on each opponent's turn, as is Bennie Bracks, Zoologist. Soltari Champion is a neat anthem that is really hard to block, and Soltari Visionary is a handy way to cripple any Enchantment heavy decks, because very few decks can block Shadow creatures. With your counter theme you might use Incubation Druid, it's great value if you can cheaply get a counter on it. Ordeal of Nylea is good ramp if you can cheat some counters to speed it up.

Coward_Token on Phyrexia: All Will Be One …

1 year ago

Tyvar's flavor being about beatdown while his passive and +1 leading themselves to tap abilities is kinda off

Kinda annoyed if Nissa dies, if only because Vivian and mono-green Garuk are mechanically indistinguishable.

Rhuk: For Mirrodin!-tribal I guess.

Not a fan of the mechanical eyestalks that Serum Sovereign and Jace (and Ajani in one version) have, looks too sci-fi

Hoping against hope that Ertai, the Corrupted gets a non-Secret Lair reprint, he's neat.

IDK if they could have skipped creating Mites and just kept going with Germs

Staff of the Storyteller: I've been down on recent white draw enginge attempts, but this is pretty good if you got a deck where the token is relevant so you're not just paying 2+1 mana to draw your first car

Mesmerizing Dose: Kinda misleading art?

Vanish into Eternity: I hope they're not killing of too many cool planes.

Capricious Hellraiser: Not bad EDH mono-red Dragon tribal if you include some rummaging.

Me as usual complaining that things aren't more pushed: Kinzu seems overall worse than Hofri Ghostforge, even if her tokens are basically 4/1s in EDH. I hope there's some cool "corrupted" cards for her to take advantage of.

Annoyed by Mite Overseer because AFAIK white still doesn't have straightforward weenie makers that are as efficient as green's Jade Mage & Ant Queen

Kinda find Atraxa disapointing, her ETB would have been neat as just a stand-alone sorcery

I wish Staff of Compleation cost 1 less life on all of its tap abilities, not as easily abuseable as Staff of Domination anyway.

Roar of Resistance's triggered ability could just cost to make politicking smoother

Clever Concealment: Booo, when are we getting a straightforward Heroic Intervention color shift? (Don't talk to me about Grand Crescendo or And They Shall Know No Fear, they are not the same.)

Otharri: Yeah this is much more appropritate for the color combination than Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas, but unlike the rest of the original experience commanders there's still not a lot of ways to get multiple counters quickly

Necrogen Rotpriest: with e.g. Goliath Hatchery in mind, I don't see why this couldn't just give out Toxic 1 as an anthem.

Resistance Reuinted: Kinda sad that you can basically counter the anti-board wipe part by removing the targeted creature.

planetchaser on Nemata

1 year ago

from what we played recently i think you need more consistent saproling generation for example Sporemound for landfall tokens, Evolution Sage also for landfall tokens and proliferating all the spore counters on the other creatures because waiting for three turns is a bit of a stretch, and maybe even Jade Mage or Sprout Swarm if you have open mana before the start of your turn. You may also want to invest in sacrifice payoffs like Zulaport Cutthroat or Poison-Tip Archer, who both work like Slimefoot, the Stowaway but without the saproling generation if the idea is to feed Nemata, Primeval Warden

IHATENAMES on slimefoot saprolings

1 year ago

I'm unsure what direction you are planning as you seem to spread out a bit. Here is my suggestion though.

Focus on aristocrats and tokens(preferably saprolings))

Token doubler Parallel Lives Second Harvest Doubling Season

Token Makers Bramble SovereignFungal Plots Tendershoot Dryad Fungal Sprouting Golgari Germination Jade Mage Sprout Swarm Saproling Symbiosis Korozda Guildmage

Free Sac outlets are essential Viscera Seer Carrion Feeder

Ramp Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip Circle of Dreams Druid Cryptolith Rite Ashaya, Soul of the Wild Rishkar, Peema Renegade and kinda Gala Greeters

Saprolings synergies if you want Psychotrope Thallid

Toski, Bearer of Secrets maybe for additional card draw

Wincon ideas Aristocrats like Blood Artist Overwhelming Stampede Pathbreaker Ibex Yedora, Grave Gardener combo. I don't remember what the other pieces are atm. Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth + Life and Limb + way to profit off of every land dying or at least get ahead.

My golgarideck

zachz on thrun the last troll

1 year ago

I'd second that you have a shortage of creatures in the deck. Right now an average card draw would be 16% creature, counting Batterbone. This limits a lot of options when 33 cards (15 artifacts, 4 instants, 10 enchantments, and 4 sorceries) in your deck require a creature you control.

There is a lot of mana ramp and card draw in this deck, which is great! Running low on cards midway through a game kills the momentum. But the odds are that you will draw cards that augment your creatures, more than you will draw an actual creature.

Additionally, you have three cards that deal with flying creatures, not counting the five fight cards. This feels low to me but you will know your competitors better.

For card suggestions, I would look into cards that summon creatures as a side-effect. Dreampod Druid, Fists of Ironwood, Fungal Sprouting, Jade Mage, Sporemound come to mind. These are just examples that bring in Saprolings, but your 33 cards that augment creatures would easily beef up the tiny 1/1 tokens.

zachz on No ability bears

1 year ago

If you want more no-ability creatures out fast, you could try Jade Mage or Khalni Garden, or late game Avenger of Zendikar.

If you are focusing on bears as a tribal deck, I am always for recommending Coat of Arms, as it increases exponentially with number of same subtype on the field.

Elemental Bond would be great seeing as your creatures will have counters, petroglyph buffs, or Ruxa buffs, and will always be coming out with 3 power.

king-saproling on Mana Burn

2 years ago

You might like these:

Personally I would cut these:

  • Spectral Searchlight (doesn't get Yurlok out faster)
  • Greenweaver Druid (doesn't get Yurlok out faster)
  • Dictate of the Twin Gods (does not amplify Yurlok's effect)
  • Blaze (not very impactful unless you are already in a strong position, in which case it is not needed)
  • Flameblast Dragon (same as Blaze)
  • Xantcha, Sleeper Agent (helps your opponents while hosing your strategy)
  • Howling Mine (helps opponents)
  • Koth of the Hammer (slow)
  • Klothys, God of Destiny (slow)
  • Thought Vessel (doesn't produce colored mana)
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