Izzet Locket


, Gain or .

, , Sacrifice Izzet Locket: Draw two cards.

king-saproling on Ashnod's Bakery

1 year ago

Personally I would make these swaps:

+ Goblin Engineer
+ Unstable Obelisk
+ Bloody Betrayal
+ Commander's Sphere
+ Spark Double
+ Crowded Crypt
+ Letter of Acceptance
+ Izzet Locket
+ Rakdos Locket
+ Dimir Locket
+ Whisper, Blood Liturgist

- Dreadmalkin
- Hobblefiend
- Ravenous Harpy
- Laurine, the Diversion
- Yahenni, Undying Partisan
- Angrath, the Flame-Chained
- Jace, Ingenious Mind-Mage
- Undercity Informer
- Thoughtpicker Witch
- Claws of Gix
- Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded

LinkOpensChest_wav on Command Kaza Pezzent! (25/30 Euro/$)

2 years ago

Izzet Locket isn't as good as the others, but I think you need more mana rocks to ramp and fix your mana, and it's very cheap

ScionsStillLive on Nicol Bolas, the Ravager

2 years ago

After looking at the decklist, I have some suggestions:

Cards to take out: Hellkite Punisher costs too much and is only a slightly bigger Shivan Dragon

Lathliss, Dragon Queen could work well in a more dragon-based deck, but it is unlikely to create many tokens in this deck

Liliana's Steward is too underwhelming of an ability to be used effectively. Same with Phyrexian Rager

You already have a lot of bounce spells, so Man-o'-War is not necessary and doesn't serve much else function as a creature

Boros Signet doesn't work in this deck because of commander colour identity

Mishra's Bauble is also a quite underwhelming card and not that useful

Rakdos Locket, Izzet Locket, and Mana Geode have better alternatives, as far as mana cost goes

Switcheroo also has better alternatives, ability and mana-wise

There are a few other cards that could be taken out, but I'm mainly highlighting the ones that should be taken out.

Cards to put in:

More removal like Cast Down and Terminate could replace a couple of bounce cards

Cards like In Bolas's Clutches and Control Magic could be considered if you want to have some more options for stealing creatures

The lockets and geode we took out earlier could be replaced with cards like Izzet Signet and other cheaper rocks

Try adding some more lands, 26 lands is not enough for a Commander deck. It is recommend to have around 35-38 lands, depending on your curve

Other than that, the deck seems fine. This deck has a lot of potential, if done right!

multimedia on Breeches and Malcom, Pinging Pirate Party

3 years ago

Hey, nice budget version, interesting top of the mana curve card choices. I too have been having fun with Pirate partners :)

Spectral Sailor is a one drop flying Pirate to more easily trigger Malcolm and Breeches. Best of all it's a mana sink for treasures to draw cards. Warkite Marauder is another flying Pirate and it's attack trigger has good interaction with all the pinging since you can make a creature of the defending player a 0/1 and then ping it for 1 to destroy it. Viridian Longbow is an equipment that makes a creature a pinger and the equipment is not destroyed if the equipped creature is removed. Brazen Buccaneers, Captain Vargus Wrath, Arcane Teachings could be cut for these three cards.

Spark Double is nice with partner Commanders because it gives you two choices of a legendary permanent to copy. Breeches is a good choice because then you're making all opponents exile two cards from the top of their libraries. You should consider clearing some deck space for some counterspells: Counterspell and Negate at least because frequent board wipes are the death of tribal decks in Commander and Izzet lacks creature recursion. Also nice to have more counter protection when you want to combo with Malcolm + Buccaneer or with a pinger + Malcolm. Warped Landscape, Slippery Scoundrel, Izzet Locket could be cut for these cards.

Good luck with your deck.

Kiran_M on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Spontanous Aether Overload-


Pu a lightning counter on each land target player controls. That player gets an emblem with either "Lands with lightning counters on them have ': Add one mana of any color" or an emblem with "Whenever a land you control with a lightning counter on it becomes tapped for mana, it deals 1 damage to you.""

After warning members of the Izzet League to discharge their lockets every seven hours, Daxiver realized that someone was bound to try the spontaneous aether overload...


Izzet Locket



RobsJourney on

4 years ago
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