Irencrag Pyromancer

Creature — Human Wizard

Whenever you draw your second card each turn, Irencrag Pyromancer deals 3 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

keizerbuns on Nadu and Bill, a Busted Duo

3 weeks ago

Thanks for commenting Excalibur478!

I agree that I should be running more lands, I’m just not sure what to cut yet to add them. Maybe Stump Stomp  Flip can be cut.

I don’t know about adding more damage spells though. I think I have a decent amount of direct damage spells and abilities with Irencrag Pyromancer and Mishra's Command, and the versatility of Bushwhack being able to grab a land to trigger Bill or target a creature to trigger Nadu is just too good.

Thanks again, I appreciate the suggestions!

9-lives on Aikido Archetype

1 year ago

Okay. So I think I'm kind of cheating on my archewtype with Irencrag Pyromancer. I really need it though. It kinda makes sense in the archetype, at least in my own experience. Dunno.

9-lives on Aikido Archetype

1 year ago

Serene Master would work very well! Not to mention it's a badass monk card! Monks and Wizards are my favorite creature type. One reason I want to get rid of Hindering Light is that I don't want to draw on my opponent's turn, as Irencrag Pyromancer wouldn't work in that case. I'm thinking about replacing Hindering Light with just 2x Counterspell and 2x Mana Leak.

9-lives on Aikido Archetype

1 year ago

Thanks, Barbarian_Sun_Pope! Boros Fury-Shield is very aikido and very nice! I'm not going to have a huge presence on the board, unlike some token or aggro decks, but regardless Semester's End is good. I would add Boros Fury-Shield instead of Harm's Way, but the MV cost is much more, and all of the cards I've used for this deck, besides Irencrag Pyromancer, I already own. Thank you for taking the time to recommend cards that fit my archetype!

9-lives on Question about cards that utilize …

1 year ago

The Question with that list is, wallisface, how the heck am I going to win? You can't counter your way into winning if you don't get at their life points. That's why I'm running Ionize and Essence Backlash. Especially the latter would be great against big creatures. And, every single one of my wizards benefits from Harmonic Prodigy, so I don't understand what you mean by my deck not having much use from it. Since I'm running budget, and already have Clone, I'd rather run that than Control Magic. I already own all of the cards in my deck except for having to buy Irencrag Pyromancer. The only non-budget things in my deck are the lands. Also, the aikido archetype requires that I do damage whenever I counter. That's basically what aikido does. I deleted my planeswalker and the fatespinner. 75 cards is as low as I'll go now.

9-lives on Question about cards that utilize …

1 year ago

Are there any cards that utilize card draw, especially beyond simple "if you draw your second card' into multiple cards which would be like a rule of "if you draw a card this turn' or 'if you draw x cards this turn'? I'm looking for damaging people by drawing cards of my own. The only card I can find that would help and is a wizard is Irencrag Pyromancer. I don't mind if they're wizards or not, but if they are and they have a triggered ability clause, that would be even better.

I already have Archmage Emeritus and Deliberate and Opt, which are given boosts by Harmonic Prodigy.

KBK7101 on Rule 0 - Urza and …

1 year ago

My previous idea of running Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner and Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir has been sabotaged by the release of The Brother's War. In it's a place, a partner deck of Mishra, Excavation Prodigy and Urza, Powerstone Prodigy has the gears in my brain turning!

I'd like to keep it at about pre-con levels of power and would love suggestions.

So far, cards like Irencrag Pyromancer and others that care about second card draws per turn are key, as are artifacts that have some sort of graveyard recursion like Artificer's Dragon or Metalwork Colossus.

I've also never built a deck to fit in with pre-con levels of power. Any recommendations on how to gauge this? Is it a synergy thing or is it a card rarity ratio thing?

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