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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature can't be blocked except by Walls.

thefiresoflurve on WIP Control Deck

1 year ago

Hey, there!

First, what's your budget like? 'til I know that, I'll keep suggestions "standard".

Second: Cuts.

Sleep + River's Rebuke - not really an EDH card, since you usually have more than one opponent.

Martial Law - similarly, this is just one creature, and there are bound to be so many more problems than just one on the field at a time.

Invisibility - There are better sources of evasion (getting damage through to other players). Also, getting damage through is something Augustin isn't the best at, so that might not make for a strong win-con.

Robe of Mirrors isn't bad to protect your commander, but for 1 more mana you can use Curator's Ward (because Augustin reduces it) and then get 2 cards if someone uses a boardwipe later. I call that a deal. Diplomatic Immunity is another equally costed option as well, if you find your playgroup runs an obnoxious amount of enchantment removal, since it itself is also untargetable.

Consulate Crackdown - Kind of mediocre for what it does. For just one more mana, you can instead run Farewell or Austere Command, which both produce a much better effect.

Some things traditionally run in Augustin are used to basically slow the game to a crawl, and others are used to tax your opponents while this is going on to create advantages for you while you draw into your win conditions: Cursed Totem, Hushbringer, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Vryn Wingmare, Containment Priest, Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip, Hushwing Gryff, Silent Arbiter, Ethersworn Canonist, Wandering Archaic  Flip, Smothering Tithe, Rhystic Study, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Sphere of Resistance, Torpor Orb, Damping Sphere, Static Orb, Karn's Sylex, Meekstone, Crawlspace... not quite an exhaustive list, but it's a really good start, and gets the point across.

There are some weird cards that you can use as win conditions to go with the "stax" style, like Azor's Elocutors.

If you're interested, has some more suggestions as well - in my opinion, it's not a terrible place to start as a new player, although I'd encourage you to switch it up as you and your wallet like from what's listed there. can also be a really good tool if you like to go full nerd and search for alternative cards with similar effects to really expensive cards - I've stumbled across a few hidden gems over time by using it.

Hope that helps, and Happy building!

DemMeowsephs on A CLAWsome SHELLebration of Crab

3 years ago

Hey there! Voltron is indeed a load of fun (check out my Voltron deck, yes shameless plugs), and I may just have some suggestions for you that I have found in my Voltron journey!

Flooremoji on Here fishy fishy

3 years ago

Lets see...

As far as counterspells go, there are a bunch of better ones than the ones you are playing. Counterspell is better than Cancel I would reccomend not playing any 'soft' counterspells above 2 mana, so somthing like Dissolve or Dream Fracture would be better.

Reach Through Mists is also underwhelming, maybe try Deep Analysis or Serum Visions. Skyblinder Staff or Whispersilk Cloak seem a bit better than Invisibility, but if you like it Cloak of Mists does a slightly better job.

Most of your creatures that are just big are underwhelming, I'd reccomend looking into some creatures that do a bit more like Dreamscape Artist or your Mnemonic Wall.

T_Dog345 on T_Dog345

4 years ago

Alright, let's see if maybe this will help. I'm really new to everything on here sorry. //Lands 2 Dismal Backwater 1 Dimir Guildgate 2 Submerged Boneyard 4 Evolving Wilds 2 Desert of the Mindful 1 Arcane Lighthouse 1 Reliquary Tower 1 Temple of the False God

//Spells 4 Duress 2 Ghoulcaller's Chant 3 Macabre Waltz 3 Sleep 4 Slip Through Space 2 Taigam's Scheming 4 Tome Scour 4 Lich's Caress 4 Sovereign's Bite 4 Resourceful Return 3 March of the Returned 1 In Garruk's Wake 1 Army of the Damned 1 Dutiful Return 1 Decompose 1 Worst Fears 1 Rise of the Dark Realms 4 Hubris 4 Countermand 1 Tezzeret's Touch 1 Paranoid Delusions 1 Coerced Confession 2 Mind Sculpt 1 Compelling Argument 1 Index 1 Redirect 1 Dream Twist 2 Gift of Tusks 2 Rewind 3 Thought Scour 2 Psychic Spiral 1 Gigadrowse 4 Negate 1 Overwhelming Denial 1 Dramatic Reversal 1 Impulse 2 Cremate 3 Crypt Incursion 2 Grim Harvest 1 Scarab Feast 1 Grim Return 1 Gravepurge 1 Dark Ritual 4 Font of Return 3 Death's Approach 2 Cast into Darkness 1 Triskaidekaphobia 1 Grave Betrayal 1 Endless Ranks of the Dead 3 Invisibility 2 Curiosity 4 Curse of the Bloody Tome 3 Illusory Wrappings 3 Ice Over 1 Chronic Flooding 1 Navigator's Ruin 1 Chant of the Skifsang 3 Bone Saw 3 Millstone 3 Tormod's Crypt 2 Trepanation Blade 1 Ghoulcaller's Bell 1 Masterwork of Ingenuity 1 Sol Ring 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Illusionist's Bracers 1 Codex Shredder 1 Profane Memento 1 Loxodon Warhammer 1 Bonehoard 1 Trusty Machete 1 Mirari 1 Argentum Armor

//Creatures 1 Archetype of Finality 1 Overeager Apprentice 1 Agent of Erebos 1 Butcher Ghoul 1 Risen Executioner 1 Dutiful Attendant 1 Sly Requisitioner 1 Sepulchral Primordial 2 Zombie Assassin 1 Nightmare 1 Marshmist Titan 3 Graven Abomination 4 Workshop Assistant 4 Guardians of Meletis 2 Phyrexian Revoker 2 Ornithopter 1 Juggernaut 2 Veilborn Ghoul 2 Minotaur Abomination 4 Undead Servant 3 Gravedigger 2 Mogis's Marauder 2 Bogstomper 4 Walking Corpse 3 Corpse Hauler 4 Gravewaker 2 Returned Phalanx 3 Faerie Miscreant 1 Master of Predicaments 2 Benthic Giant 1 Stormtide Leviathan 4 Screeching Skaab 2 Seer of the Last Tomorrow 1 Floating-Dream Zubera 3 Fog Bank 1 Possessed Skaab 3 Armored Skaab 2 Murmuring Phantasm 1 Wall of Frost 4 Doorkeeper 1 Clever Impersonator 1 Jace's Mindseeker 1 Oculus 1 Mindshrieker 1 Willbreaker 1 Spellweaver Eternal 1 Wall of Mist 1 Sultai Skullkeeper 1 Diregraf Captain

WumpusEATSu on Zur the Charming Warden

6 years ago

Things to consider replacing with the items on the Maybe Board: 2 lands Traveler's Amulet Empress Galina and Leyline of Singularity Invisibility Portcullis, as this usually does more harm than good anyway Pacifism Braingeyser

jozef on Animar Big Stuff

6 years ago

Some suggestions to consider: take out Manalith, Opaline Unicorn, Embodiment of Spring, and Gruul Keyrune, replace with Gruul Signet, Simic Signet, and Izzet Signet, and Sol Ring. For flying, Wonder provides a similar effect to Archetype of Imagination, and is a little harder to deal with. You will want to add more lands to this deck in order to cast your big creatures on time. I would say 35-38 lands, and cut some of your sorceries for ramp spells like Rampant Growth, Farseek,Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Explosive Vegetation, or Skyshroud Claim. Thassa, God of the Sea is a more reliable way to make creatures unblockable than Invisibility or Way of the Thief. I always include a copy of Decimate in any deck that can play it. The same goes for Cyclonic Rift and Chaos Warp. Lastly, a few creatures that you could upgrade your deck with: Sakura-Tribe Elder, Joraga Treespeaker, Sylvan Caryatid, Courser of Kruphix, Genesis, Avenger of Zendikar, Prime Speaker Zegana, and Progenitor Mimic.

TheMadRocketeer on Mind Aids

6 years ago

I like this. Consuming Aberration plus a loaded up Isochron Scepter or two make a wicked combo against aggro decks with low land counts. If you found room for Flight or Invisibility, the Consuming Aberration will be evasive on top of growing into a huge beatstick. Cards like Drain Life can help buy you extra turns against aggro while you're getting set up.

TheMadRocketeer on What do you call that? A Goblipede?

6 years ago

Thanks Cajek. I imagine if you get an Aberration down and start swinging a Scepter or two, things would swing your way quickly. Wicked combo against aggro decks with low land counts. And if you found room for Flight or Invisibility, the Aberration will be a huge evasive beatstick. Cards like Drain Life abound in black and can buy you those extra turns against aggro to get set up and outclass them.

I've not finished my ideas for the Sideboard yet, but the 3 cards identified so far (Blood Moon, Elixir of Immortality, and Shattering Blow) would be pretty helpful in this matchup. I've given no thought yet on what they would swap in for, though.

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