

Search your library for any three cards and reveal them. Target opponent chooses one. Put that card into your hand and the rest into your graveyard. Then shuffle your library.

TheCardPool on Octavia

4 months ago

Rasaru I understand what you mean with the tutors if your play group doesn’t use them. In the event you do add them, they really help with getting Quiet Speculation and combo-ing with Temporal Mastery. As for overloading rift, it is actually hard to do in this deck. Most games will end with me having 6-7 lands in play because you need very little mana in your opening hand to get the deck to work. A 1 or 2 land hand is still viable with my build. Consuming Tide is still a must though because it does so much work.

I’m not the biggest fan of the equipments but feel free to run them if you like them. I get why they’re in the deck.

I haven’t had to worry about decking but I can see an issue if an opponent is using a mill or wheels deck. You could always tech in a Thassa's Oracle.

As for your tutor targets for Intuition, it depends on the board state and timing of the game. If there’s an archenemy the player you pick could give you the card you want while filling your grave. More often than not you’ll be able to choose 3 of a similar card to get a version to your hand. If Demilich hasn’t been a part of the game yet I will usually select it as 1 of the 3.

Also, kuddos on Curate, I’m removing Telling Time for it right now!

TheCardPool on Canned Calamari (Octavia EDH)

4 months ago

Rasaru that’s awesome! You can make it a few ways but I prefer the animate lands as a sub theme. It ups the creature count and it allows for more instants and sorceries.

Just be mindful that this deck plays with a super low mana curve. This is why it’s only running 34 lands. You might have also guessed, this deck is a bit heavier on the stack. Like animating a land, casting spells, and combo-ing out attacks and blocks.

Also you can make this a super budget build and it will still perform well. You do not need to include Intuition or a Mana Drain unless you really want too.

RangerOfPower on 7-Drop Tribal

6 months ago

king-saproling I've actually tested Street Wraith and Gitaxian Probe and wasn't really a fan. These cards don't really give me confidence if a starting hand is keepable or not. With my luck, they turn into the worst card I could cantrip into and end up bricking my hand haha.

If I can find more room for ramp Farseek would be the first include. Dark Ritual is close too, but I think Sacrifice would be a better fit as a ritual for this deck. For Unmarked Grave and Persist, there just aren't enough good non-legendary 7 drops (bummer, I know). And I just straight up can't afford Intuition.

But all that said, Dance of the Dead seems like a fantastic include. I don't know how I missed this one before but this is exactly the type of card this deck needs.

And I was skeptical about Mesmeric Orb since unlike all the other selfmill effects in the deck, it doesn't help find lands. But the sheer volume of cards it mills might outweigh the downside of not replacing itself with a land. I'm definitely gonna test this one out.

Thanks for the ideas!

king-saproling on 7-Drop Tribal

6 months ago

Also Mesmeric Orb might be neat here

king-saproling on 7-Drop Tribal

6 months ago

This is a really neat deck! What do you think of these? Gitaxian Probe, Street Wraith, Dark Ritual, Farseek, Intuition, Dance of the Dead, Unmarked Grave, Persist

Azoth2099 on Kess, Graveyard Farm Mage - JJG

7 months ago

Yep, it's a good deck for sure lol.

I guess my only real questions/statements are as follows:

Is there any reason you're not running Entomb? I can understand not running things like Displacer Kitten or Storm-Kiln Artist, but Entomb is a 2nd 1-card wincon alongside Demonic Consultation with this Commander since you're running Intuition. I'd ask the same for Deflecting Swat, especially since it was also reprinted recently.

Consider Tolarian Winds over Thrill of Possibility! It usually draws more cards, is better for Underworld Breach & can be pitched to Force of Will & Force of Negation. Value! Merchant Scroll - being able to Tutor up the almighty Intuition - should probably be tested as well of you haven't already done so.

Azoth2099 on Chun - li countless tokens

7 months ago


Ohh yeah man, Crystal Shard is great here for sure. As many economically feasible ways to reset Chun-Li as possible is a must here, certainly. Unsummon, Vapor Snag, Fading Hope, Rescue, Curfew, Chain of Vapor, Alchemist's Retrieval, Unsubstantiate, Familiar's Ruse, Geistwave, Call to Heel, Snapback & of course Capsize (so much utility here) are all worth a thought here imo, seeing as how they are also instants that can easily be recurred via the Commander's ability.

Other less synergistic synergies like Vedalken Mastermind, Waterfront Bouncer, Trusted advisors, Shrieking Drake, Faerie Impostor, Seal of Removal, Turbulent Dreams, Aether Spellbomb, Otawara, Soaring City & Sanctum of Eternity could potentially help the deck push through to victory as well!

And then there's Intuition, which is obviously just insane lol.


7 months ago


Hey man, thanks for checking out my list!

So this particular iteration is definitely pretty light on rituals as you can see, instead opting for an abundance of low-cost mana rocks along with a few ways to quickly get Dockside Extortionist into your hand - namely Gamble, Imperial Recruiter & Recruiter of the Guard. The curve of the deck is fairly low, and you shouldn't run into too many problems if you play your cards right (lol), but I can definitely see how the lack of rituals could be seen as problematic if we're talking about going fast af. The main reason that I chose to opt for rocks over rituals is the fact that Narset's ability is centered around the combat phase, and it's just more difficult to squeeze value out of rituals in that context than mana rocks, especially since the rocks can also be cast from the graveyard. I do think that something like Storm-Kiln Artist deserves consideration here, though. I've actually been trying to find space for that guy for a few weeks if you have any suggestions on what to cut. If I'm going to slot him in, though, I'd almost rather slot in Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip so that I can combo with Sensei's Divining Top & Elsha of the Infinite for more sweet, sweet resilience.

Getting to the decks wincons, It's admittedly relying on Intuition to an extreme degree to set up a win by Tutoring up Underworld Breach, Sevinne's Reclamation & Brain Freeze. This strategy relies on the pilot having Lion's Eye Diamond on the board prior, but considering Narset can snatch other people's Tutors from their Graveyards and cast them for free as well as your own, this is actually quite a bit more feasible than it seems at a glance. Remembering that everyone's Graveyards are pretty much yours for the taking is super important here.

Mana Geyser is a timeless banger, but I struggle to find justification for it beyond 2-color builds. There's just not enough room for it compared to other essentials in most 3-color lists within that I've built, unless I'm able to either cast it at instant speed or for a heavily reduced cost, preferably both. My standards for rituals in general may have been ruined by Dark Ritual & Culling the Weak, though...Once you go , ya know...

All of my lists undergo constant editions, though, and I'm sure this one will be no different. I can actually feel the next version brewing in my mind right now lol, thanks for your feedback!

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