

This is green.

Suspend 3— (Rather than cast this card from your hand, you may pay and exile this with four time counters. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When the last is removed, cast this without paying its mana cost.)

Starting with you, each player may put an artifact, creature, enchantment, or land card from their hand onto the battlefield. Repeat this process until no one puts a card onto the battlefield.

Metroid_Hybrid on Interaction between Gaea's Will and …

1 year ago

No, because you still don't have a way to cast Hypergenesis..

Look a how Living End decks do it, that is, through things like Violent Outburst.

Puzzle_Master12 on Interaction between Gaea's Will and …

1 year ago

If Hypergenesis is in my graveyard and I cast Gaea's Will can I cast hypergenesis from my graveyard?

Caerwyn on Hypergenesis + Cloudblazer/Goblin Dark-Dwellers

1 year ago

Tiggers wait to go on the stack until after Hypergenesis finishes resolving. Here is the ruling text specific to Hypergenesis, found on the Gatherer page for Hypergenesis:

Anything that triggers during the resolution of this will wait to be put on the stack until everything is put onto the battlefield and resolution is complete. The player whose turn it is will put all of their triggered abilities on the stack in any order, then each other player in turn order will do the same. (The last ability put on the stack will be the first one that resolves.)

Question 1, Cloudblazer - The draw card trigger will be put on the stack after Hypergenesis finishes resolving, so you will not be able to draw cards during resolution of Hypergenesis (this is how all triggered abilities work--triggered abilities do not resolve during other abilities, even if the other ability contains the triggering effect.

Question 2, Goblin Dark-Dwellers: The final stage of an instant/sorcery's resolution is putting the spell into the graveyard (see Rule 608.2m below).

Targets are chosen when an ability is put on the stack. Because Hypergenesis resolves first, and the last stage of resolution is going to the graveyard and its mana cost is less than 3 (it is zero), it will be in the graveyard at the time Goblin Dark-Dwellers' ability goes on the stack. As such, you can choose Hypergenesis as the target for Goblin Dark-Dwellers' triggered ability.

608.2m As the final part of an instant or sorcery spell’s resolution, the spell is put into its owner’s graveyard. As the final part of an ability’s resolution, the ability is removed from the stack and ceases to exist.

BruhYouFarted on Hypergenesis + Cloudblazer/Goblin Dark-Dwellers

1 year ago

If I cast Hypergenesis off suspend, and choose to put into play Cloudblazer, do I draw the two cards immediately, or after Hypergenesis' affect ends? Could I play Goblin Dark-Dwellers off of Hypergenesis and still be able to target it in the graveyard when Darkdweller's ability resolves?

legendofa on Can I draw cards while …

1 year ago

Hypergenesis, or any other effect, has to resolve fully before anything else can begin to resolve. In this case, your draws will be put into the stack once everyone has passed on Hypergenesis and it finishes resolving, and you start drawing then (assuming no other triggered abilities).

(Please don't ask about Panglacial Wurm. It makes the rules angry.)

CardboardSalad on Can I draw cards while …

1 year ago

Is it possible to be drawing more cards while Hypergenesis is resolving in order to (potentially) deck out?

Example: As Hypergenesis is resolving, I put Soul of the Harvest onto the battlefield. Do subsequent creatures that enter trigger this effect, or will they all trigger after Hypergenesis finishes resolving?

Similar for Beck / Call: If I cast & resolve Beck before cascading into Hypergenesis, will creatures that enter via Hypergenesis cause me to draw cards?

xtechnetia on why is birthing pod banned

2 years ago

Combo-oriented cards are hard to get off the ban list once there. There's usually a 99% chance they're basically useless or totally broken, and Wizards (and the Modern community) is generally reluctant to gamble on the 1% chance it'll hit the sweet spot of "interesting but not broken".

Same reason cards like Bridge from Below and Hypergenesis are banned (and likely to remain so).

Oof_Magic on Banlist Open Discussion

2 years ago

SynergyBuild I checked out a video explaining the Trickery deck and I concede, that is ridiculous. I had imagined it as being just as frail as something like Treasure Hunt + Lightning Storm. But the more cascade heavy variant would be trying you with that nonsense every single turn. Trickery is on par with Hypergenesis.

I maintain that Karn was the proper ban. The ‘only exists in the format to do broken things’ is applicable to any combo deck. Decks playing Thassa's Oracle probably aren’t looking to do ‘fair’ things. If Teferi, Time Raveler also could tutor for Knowledge Pool, I don’t think that would make Pool broken. Karn was the problem. The tutor doubled as a damned combo piece! That’s silly! If you could humor me for downtown hyptheticalville, if we errata Karn’s static ability away and add Null Rod to the format, I don’t think anything gets banned.

Caerwyn I definitely agree that Oko is far from safe to plug in right now. But I see it as a card where the meta may evolve to a point that it can accept Oko. I’m simply differentiating cards I think are up for discussion at some point or not. I don’t know what it would take to make the Oko conducive to Modern and whether that says anything good about the format. Oko doesn’t strike me as a Hypergenesis, Tibalt's Trickery, Dread Return, or Summer Bloom type of ban. And there are definitely different types of bans. I see Oko like Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Splinter Twin, or Umezawa's Jitte where we look back every couple years and wonder ‘Is it safe now?’ I agree I wouldn’t have any to see his stupid face any time soon but I wasn’t exactly thrilled to be seeing Jace and Stoneforge Mystic (talk about a linear play pattern). If we unleashed entirety of the ban list, maybe a Delver Oko build would be the one challenger amid a sea of combo decks. But I don’t think Oko would be very meaningful there. Modern would immediately become degenerate and some refer to Modern as Legacy-lite already. While I think the unleashing of absurd combos would be the totality of that transformation, perhaps releasing Oko is the first step in that direction. A direction that is ultimately unhealthy for the format. Aka: Where other bans are absolute, consensus, and thoroughly unquestionable, Oko is at least up for discussion.

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