Hornet Queen

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hornet Queen

Creature — Insect

Flying, deathtouch

When Hornet Queen enters the battlefield, create four 1/1 green Insect creature tokens with flying and deathtouch.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

3 weeks ago

Sakaizokan, Ravenous Colony

Legendary Creature - Insect Wall


When Sakaizokan enters the battlefield, create X 1/1 red insect creature tokens named Fire Ant. They have ": This creature deals 1 damage to any target."

Whenever you are attacked, Sakaizokan deals X damage divided as you choose among attacking creatures equal to the number of insects you control.


Dragonlair Spider, Hornet Queen, Hornet Nest, Ant Queen, Beacon of Creation, Carrion, Grist, the Hunger Tide, Amzu, Swarm's Hunger, Izoni, Thousand-Eyed, Living Hive, Broodhatch Nantuko, Nest of Scarabs, Xira, the Golden Sting

I mean are you kidding me? And this isn't even all of them, and not even all of the best ones in these colors. Not to mention all of the all of the black punishment effects, all of the red ETB damage effects or all of the green propagation effects.

Your challenge is to make another interesting Commander, and showcase several cards that would be in their deck starting precon deck.

Remember this is a precon deck, so cards should largely be between $1 and $3 each, with maybe two or three $10 max cards.

And if you look, yes I did adhere to my own rule with Beacon of Creation, Grist, the Hunger Tide and Amzu, Swarm's Hunger being the expensive ones in the list.

DemonDragonJ on Should Color Pie Breaks Be …

3 months ago

legendofa, that makes sense, but I am glad that Hornet Queen exists, since I have a copy of her in my Ghired, Conclave Exile EDH deck.

legendofa on Should Color Pie Breaks Be …

3 months ago

Hornet Queen's deathtouch is generally considered okay. It's the efficient flying power that's the problem. Green is the weakest color for flying, and almost all of its efficient flyers are part of a Dragon cycle. Virtually all of the exceptions are very old, require blue mana to be meaningful, are non-cycle Dragons, or are Time Spiral-block Insects. 6 flying power for 7 mana with offensive and defensive utility and resistance to spot removal is heavily reinforcing what should be a core weak point for green.

DemonDragonJ on Should Color Pie Breaks Be …

3 months ago

Does anyone here believe that Hornet Queen is a color pie break? It is wrong for a mono-green creature to have both flying and deathtouch?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on

4 months ago

This looks pretty cool! I'm still pondering if I should build Mama Bear, especially because I already have Goreclaw. But then again, Duskana is basically the antithesis to her. We'll see.

Some cards I'd consider for this deck are these:

Welcoming Vampire. It's not a 2/2 itself, but draws additional cards. Seems good enough.

Wild Pair. It weirdly doesn't work here if you have anthem effects, but it's insane with a deck full of 2/2s.

Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald. Draws cards and makes quite a lot of 2/2s.

Hornet Queen. It's a 2/2, but it brings 6 flying, deathtouching power. Great for defense. And just imagine casting literally anything with a Wild Pair out to get this thing in addition.

Bane of Progress. 'Nuff said ;)

Thanks to Duskana caring about base P/T, Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma actually works quite well here. If you properly stack her trigger and Duskana's, your 2/2s will become 6/6 trampling forces of nature.

Dusk / Dawn is perfect for the deck. Boardwipe? Check. Big splashy value spell? Check!

Ayula's Influence would need quite a lot of land recursion to play it here, so that's a clear maybe.

Made_Compleat on Galadriel and her Elves

7 months ago

I'd recommend cutting most of your scry synergies, as it doesn't really work in the deck. I would put in Gala Greeters, card draw like Guardian Project, and big token generation like Hornet Queen, Awaken the Woods, and Finale of Glory to trigger your commander. Wose Pathfinder is fine, but I personally prefer Arbor Elf or Elvish Mystic in my mana dork slot.

Love the deck!

wallisface on Is Leyline binding worth it?

9 months ago

Leyline Binding is very powerful, but if you think its likely to be removed, then you have to be conscious of what you’re taking. At either end of the spectrum, exiling a Hangarback Walker is permanently killing it, where as exiling a Hornet Queen is giving your opponent a chance to get a strong etb they can trigger again.

But, its more complicated than that. Leyline Binding is currently one of the absolute best forms of removal, and there’s a bunch of reasons for this. Comparing it to Spell Queller doesn’t seem fair:

  • Spell Queller existed in creature decks where it would often end up trying to exile a killspell - which means that the opponent just had to kill the Queller and you would have felt really blown-out. There’s nothing close to that kind of feel-bad outcome from Leyline Binding. Binding exists in control or grindy decks looking to buy themselves time to “win by default” - they can either protect the Binding easily, or assume that by the time its removed the game is already soo far in their favour that it doesn’t matter.

  • Queller is a whopping 3 mana, Binding is effectively 1 (or 2 in a pinch).

  • Queller, being a creature, is trivially easy to remove compared to Binding, a high-mana enchant. Added to this, as Queller was in creature-based builds, it was actively beneficial for your opponent to remove it regardless of whether a spell was under it - there’s nothing inherently beneficial to removing Binding other than getting your spell back… in fact taking time off to removal an enchantment likely plays into the control-players hands.

  • Just added to the above, a massive swath of decks have absolutely 0 ways to deal with enchantments in their mainboard. Most of these decks are unlikely to bother sideboarding-in enchantment removal either.

  • Queller being unable to remove high-powered threats like Fury, Solitude, or our friend Leyline Binding is all-too painful.

  • Queller having to remove cards when they’re cast is very different to Binding being able to remove them whenever you deem appropriate.

Now, Queller is still a fine card, I still run it in one of my decks, but it’s no Leyline Binding. Binding is super powerful because it can remove almost any threat for a single mana, is one of the hardest card-types to remove itself, and is played in decks that aim to mitigate its downsides through control and/or card-advantage.

Binding is one of the strongest removal cards, but does take some deck-building consideration… perhaps your personal build isn’t a good home for it?

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