Horned Helm

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has trample.

(Green)(Green): Attach Horned Helm to target creature you control.

Equip (1) ((1): Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)

RousseausDisciple on Help with EDH Food Deck

8 months ago

The one glaring omission I see is Tireless Provisioner. That said, I do think there are a couple areas this deck could improve within budget: manabase and long game.

I think a couple of your artifacts are slow or lower-impact; Horned Helm in particular seems like it is not doing enough. I would consider cutting this card and potentially Welcome to Sweettooth or Giant's Skewer for card that recur your resources, something like Palace Siege or Oversold Cemetery or The War in Heaven.

For manabase, in particular I am looking at the fact that you have 1) a ton of lands that enter the battlefield tapped all the time, and 2) only 4 other Forests for your Gingerbread Cabin. I would suggest cutting Cinder Barrens, Foul Orchard, Jund Panorama, Akoum Refuge, Gruul Guildgate, and Golgari Guildgate for Many Partings, Cinder Glade, Sheltered Thicket, Woodland Chasm, Smoldering Marsh, and Rockfall Vale. A lot of these dual lands are cheaper right now due to the Doctor Who commander deck release, so you can pick most of them up for <$1 each.

Best of luck to you!

Alkadron on Graverobber Spider, Mrs Self Mill

3 years ago

If the goal is a giant punch, I feel like it needs more Predator's Strike and Horned Helm.

I know they're not creatures, but I don't think Pridemalkin and Elvish Herder are enough.

At the very least, if you wanna do trample and graveyard stuff, throw in Talons of Wildwood and Sylvan Might

demorome on I Am Become Boardwipe - Isao Budget Deck

4 years ago

Can't believe I missed Shinen of Life's Roar! That looks perfect for the deck. Aspect of Hydra has juicy potential which I'll keep in mind while testing, but due to the relatively high amount of artifacts included it might not be that great. Maybe I'm comparing it a little too harshly to Primal Bellow, which is just a ridiculous card. Horned Helm looks quite decent, and instant-speed equip sounds interesting, but it might be a bit of a tough fit since I think I have enough Trample-giving stuff. Overall, thanks for the suggestions! I'll try to slot them in after more testing.

EnbyGolem on I Am Become Boardwipe - Isao Budget Deck

4 years ago

Looks like a very fun and unique deck! It seems like Horned Helm, Shinen of Life's Roar, and maybe even Aspect of Hydra might be good budget cards to consider trying out.

Snowmen1 on Big slappy

4 years ago

I have some fringe card suggestions and I just want to know what you think being that you play the deck. Pretty mich everything Im suggesting would be a 1 of or a 2 of in the sideboard for reference.

Setessan Tactics seems like good sideboard removal that A can just pump your team when needed, and B can be a 2 for one kill spell of even board wipe at instant speed at the cost of being a fight spell, meaning your creature(s) can be killed in response.

Grafted Wargear , may not have a shot, but like rancor makes your one drops scary and your 3 drops even scarier. It sticks around like rancor and pumps more but costs 3 mana and doesnt give trample...not sure if its worth it. Additionally you cant attach this to hex drinker because when it gets protection from everything wargear will fall off and destroy it.

Horned Helm , something like rancor and grafted war gear. and part of the reason Im asking is because in the few games I played with stompy rancor won games, and it seems to me like even having 5 instead of 4 could let you take more games, not sure if its worth the room or the lack of things that makes rancor so good like added devotion or that it is one mana. The upside of horned helm is that you could equip it to a creature at instant speed.

Anyways let me know what think.

Alkadron on PDH Poisoned Blades

5 years ago

You're definitely leaning real hard into the +1/+1 counters and also Deathtouch thing here, which is awesome (I had two sets of these guys in the pre-release and they did work for my teammate and I).

I'm wondering if you could also dip into some First Strike or Trample tech? both interact really well with deathtouch. Horned Helm is outstanding 'cause you can move it at instant speed, and Rancor is Rancor. Jousting Lance has a steep equip cost but is pretty solid for you. Bladed Pinions isn't bad either.

Ruffigan on Pauper EDH Deck Compendium

6 years ago

Obviously Whispersilk Cloak is great. Fleetfeather Sandals and Strider Harness are both good for granting haste. Vorrac Battlehorns for trample. Sylvok Lifestaff is good in sac decks. Viridian Longbow if you have deathtouch. Neurok Stealthsuit in blue and Horned Helm in green.

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