Hoarding Ogre

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hoarding Ogre

Creature — Ogre

Whenever Hoarding Ogre attacks, roll a twenty sided die. (Remember that MTG spindowns are not well weight balanced, so please roll a die that isn't an MTG spindown)

If you roll a 1-9 | Create a Treasure token. (It's an artifact with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Gain one mana of any colour.")
If you roll 10-19 | Create two Treasure tokens.
If you roll a 20 | Create three Treasure tokens.

king-saproling on First Deck

2 months ago

This is a great list for someone new to the game! Personally I would make these swaps:

Abbot of Keral Keep -> Hoarding Ogre
Seasoned Pyromancer -> Aurelia, the Law Above
Grand Abolisher -> Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus
Diabolic Intent -> Glimmer Lens
Ogre-Head Helm -> Conjurer's Mantle
Dolmen Gate -> Aegis of the Legion
Relic of Legends -> Sword of the Animist

Last_Laugh on Director Isshin's Cut

5 months ago

Hoarding Ogre, Djeru and Hazoret, and Hellrider since it only hits one opponent are what I'd cut personally.

I'd also swap Adriana, Captain of the Guard for Skyhunter Strike Force. Same effect but 2 less mana and on an evasive creature.

Bread_my_Butter on AFR Treasure Quest

8 months ago

Yo my old account! This deck sucks. Just swap the Plundering Barbarians for two Skullport Merchants and 2 Hoarding Ogres. Then get rid of the dragons and big elementals for an extra orcus and either Froghemoths or Inferno of the Star Mounts if your budget allows. Then get rid of the artifacts in the deck as well as the two Improvised Weaponry for some Check for Traps and Power Word Kills / artifact removal.

jarncards on destroy build destroy

1 year ago

id probably start with cutting Glorious Anthem, Duelist's Heritage, Strionic Resonator, Sunforger, Navigation Orb, Defiant Strike, Deflecting Palm, Night's Whisper, Rakshasa Debaser, Shakedown Heavy, Hoarding Ogre, Imperial Recruiter, Inferno Titan, Wingmate Roc,

Combat Calligrapher will get you killed ,

Tori D'Avenant, Fury Rider is fair if you go the exalted route, idk about tokens,

maybe Tuktuk Rubblefort, you could always useUrabrask the Hidden instead

Throw in a random Tainted Strike. It probably wont be too hard to kill hit for 9 with a single creature.

IHATENAMES on Tariel wrecker of holes

1 year ago

For decent salt but fun game I'd focus run some staxy type card.

Archfiend of Depravity weep tokens decks

Sepulchral Primordial steal 3 creature at once

Molten Primordial steal 3 creatures

Tymaret, Chosen from Deathgrave hate that works well with commander to limit the randomness

Altar of Dementia free sac plus many more upsides

Syr Konrad, the Grim with cards entering and leaving graves a decent wincon

Hofri Ghostforge double use etbs with other upside

Sire Of Insanity especially in a low budget slowing down the game works well in your favor. Also a blue players nightmare

Burnished Hart ramp

Ruinous Ultimatum sorcery speed mardu Cyclonic Rift

Tragic Arrogance you choose kinda boardwipe

Command the Dreadhorde Greatness at any cost

Victimize 1 bad guy fir 2 good guys. Seems legit

Dread Return 4 mana Reanimate you can cast for free* the 2nd time.

Painful Truths draw 3

Skullclamp for all the dorks out there. Let's make them useful

Helm of Possession trade your borrowed creature for a newer model

Smothering Tithe do you pay the tax?

Leonin Arbiter did you pay that tax

Wayfarer's Bauble ramp

Ruthless Technomancer ramp reanimation

Hoarding Ogre budget ramp

Persist reanimation

Fracture flexible removal

Stinging Study good with commander

Archon of Emeria 1 spell per turn

Rule of Law 1 spell per turn

Any of the Fleshbag Marauder effects

Visions of Ruin ramp kinda but mostly removal

Thrilling Discovery card draw

Echo Chamber fun card

Spreading Plague neat includes not great

Grave Betrayal steal creatures

These are just a few ideas. You'll have to mess with it from there.

Another deck to take ideas from

Rolska on Isshin Twin Triggers

2 years ago

I've been finding that with the use of Hoarding Ogre, the goblin created by Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip, Sword of the Animist, Aerial Surveyor, and Shiny Impetus (used to buff a creature that I want to continuously attack with anyways in order to fix mana or defensively), along with one of the copy generators such as the Delina, Wild Mage. Flamerush Rider, or Reflection of Kiki-Jiki  Flip that I have an embarrassment of treasure tokens by turn 4 or 5. It seems like I can get away with drawing into one or two big guys in order to really solidify a lead. I'm also just into big bombs a not so guilty pleasure!

That being said I forgot to mention Fireflux Squad. As far as I can tell we can actually sac the tokens generated by Captain's Claws, Myriad copies from Warchief Giant (not in your deck last I checked but in your maybeboard) and Herald of the Host, Goblins created by Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, Flamerush Rider and Delina to dig through our decks to throw out a non-token creature that won't exile or die at the end of combat. I'm going to test this card out. I think it may be something of a sleeper. Unless I completely misunderstand its effects it'll be like a second, less strict Winota, Joiner of Forces cheating out some of those bombs.

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