Herd Baloth

Creature — Beast

Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on this, you may create a 4/4 green Beast creature token.

kouzios on Token Time

1 year ago

Going to list a bunch of cards you probably don't want in your deck for fun

Shalai, Voice of Plenty, decent protection and mana sink

Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea, you only have like 3-4 hits for the untap so meh

Akroma's Will killer card, and it's instant speed

The Weatherseed Treaty is... cute? one less land than kodama's reach, but it then makes a token, then it gives a creature like +2/+2... Ok not amazing, but it does give trample too?

Congregation at Dawn cute tutor

Angel of Grace is a lot of mana to hold up when your opponent will likely just combo for an alt win con but it's also based

Rosie Cotton of South Lane doesn't do a ton for you but it's cute. And it combos with Herd Baloth or Scurry Oak if you're into that.

Farmer Cotton not flash unfortunately, but it is an X token creator and it makes food too which is cute?

The Battle of Bywater is also cute, although you don't care about food, and your alternatives give you other benefit like having a side castable in the graveyard

Broodhatch Nantuko cute blocker, otherwise trash. Same with similar card Druid's Call

Mosswort Bridge feels decent when you know for sure your commander has that 10 power condition satisfied.

Traverse the Outlands based card, can be sad when your big creature is removed in response, but it's based so...

Strionic Resonator is honestly decent, you have a decent number of triggered abilities. I guess Lithoform Engine is also valid there

SaberTech on An Open Palm Counter-Strike

1 year ago

Mikaeus, the Lunarch might have a little more synergy with your deck than Victory's Envoy since you can keep making him into a bigger beater with Bright-Palm and you can use his tap abilities more often alongside Drumbellower.

And since you don't seem to be avoiding infinite combos, Scurry Oak and Herd Baloth combo with Cathars' Crusade can produce as many tokens as you want. You could also swap out either Renata, Called to the Hunt or Good-Fortune Unicorn for a Ivy Lane Denizen, which can also combo with the Oak and Baloth.

If you don't want to add more infinite combos to the deck but still want some strong plays, it might be worth checking out Iridescent Hornbeetle. It can produce a very strong board very quickly in conjunction with Cathars' Crusade or Mikaeus, the Lunarch.

Delphen7 on What is the order of …

1 year ago

For future reference, you can link cards by wrapping them in double brackets (These guys [ ] ). Ivy Lane Denizen, Volo, Guide to Monsters, Herd Baloth.

Volo says cast, so he'll trigger when you move Herd Baloth from your hand onto the stack, creating the token copy on the stack (assuming it doesn't share any creature types). This token copy will enter the battlefield from there, which will trigger Ivy Lane Denizen. Once you've placed your counter, the original Herd Baloth will enter the battlefield; triggering Ivy Lane Denizen.

Abres_Tenelles on Tinmonkey

2 years ago

Noice! Herd Baloth & Scurry Oak fit perfectly with Ivy Lane Denizen & Juniper Order Ranger and shouldn't cost too much. ^_^

Chief_Warlock_Engineer_of_Skavenblight on +1/+1 deck

2 years ago

What about an Ivy Lane Denizen with Scurry Oak or Herd Baloth to make infinite Tokens and a infinitely big creature. I see you run Craterhoof Behemoth but not a single token creater.Maybe some more Tutors would also help like Shared Summons which puts these to pieces at instant speed into your hand? Eventhough Shared Summons is a bit low powered considering that you run such a powerful Manabase. So maybe Worldly Tutor, Summoner's Pact or Survival of the Fittest instead? I'd probably cut Abundance, Triumph of the Hordes, The Great Aurora (since you only run 32 lands) and Managorger Hydra, since you run Forgotten Ancient already which is a strictly better version of Managorger Hydra. Also in terms of carddraw it seems like you could have some more. Maybe a Return of the Wildspeaker or Greater Good to be able to use these big creatures to keep on drawing into fuel. Maybe consider dropping the fight effects like Khalni Ambush  Flip and Smell Fear. They seem rather inconvenient without deathtouch even if they can easily be used as target removal, but i guess drawing into a wincon is worth more than getting rid of a creature?

Necrosis24 on What are some combos that …

2 years ago

Soul Warden + Herd Baloth+Archangel of Thune

Infinitely large creatures and infinite life which amounts to nothing if the loop isn��t broken.

Midnight Reaper has caused me grief because I have forgotten it was in play and went for a Thrilling Encore + Ashnod's Altar type of play.


2 years ago

I'm bad at card substitutions, so I'm going to toss a bunch of card suggestions at you and wish you good luck.
Gavony Township is a neat land that puts +1/+1 counters that your deck might like.
Hopeful Initiate lets you turn +1/+1 counters into removal, I dumped one into my Mikaeus, the Lunarch deck and I have high hopes for it. Same for Sigarda's Summons(but for different reasons).
Champion of Lambholt is super cool if you can get enough +1/+1 counters on her. Less blockers? Yes please.
Hamza, Guardian of Arashin seems pretty cool. Kind of like a GW Animar, Soul of Elements. I don't know if your deck has enough of a creature focus to make Hamza a good pay-off for you, but in theory it could be good.
Archangel of Thune does something very similar to your commander, but the price tag (~$21 USD) is a bit much. (and it goes infinite with Scurry Oak or Herd Baloth and an ETB lifegain card) It could be very strong in your deck.
Felidar Retreat is a lot like Retreat to Kazandu but it gives counters to everyone. Yeah, it's not the best for triggering Trelasarra's ability (unless you have an ETB lifegain out) but it could still be a viable option for your deck.
Devoted Druid is super cool in +1/+1 counter decks if you can feed it counters to cancel out the -1/-1 counters you're going to be putting on it.

Arsalino007 on Chatterfang

2 years ago

I have some questions and some suggestions for you, since i play chatterfang alot myself:

First, you have many not so cheap cards but you have one of the not so good tutors with Diabolic Tutor, why using a cheap 4 mana tutor when you can have a 2 mana tutor Demonic Tutor.

What is the purpose of Nyxbloom Ancient in your deck? he is a 7 mana sink and it can only shine when you pull and play Cryptolith Rite. The chance to perfectly combo those cards is small and not worth it. In my opinion Nyxbloom Ancient is not good in this deck and only worth it if you have many mana dorks and not depends you to pull and play one card.

Why would you use Nevinyrral's Disk? you have many high value enchantments that you would destroy, same with Gaze of Granite, don't destroy your own enchantments. I think Rune-Scarred Demon is too much mana for what it does, it only gives you ETB one tutor and a 6/6 flying body, no synergie with tokens or lifegain/drain etc. for So much mana you can cast 1 Demonic tutor (2 mana) and a Falkenrath Noble for example.

Herd Baloth is a 5 mana useless 4/4 body without Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest or Ivy Lane Denizen to combo. You make yourself jump through so many hoops.

What i like are cards like Asceticism this is good protection, Attrition is indeed a good card for this deck and Fecundity very nice card draw for this deck.

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