Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer

Legendary Creature — Elemental

Protection from planeswalkers and from Wizards ((Remember the acronym debt.) This can't be damaged, enchanted, equipped, blocked or targeted by planeswalkers and by Wizards. Planeswalkers and Wizards attached to this immediately falls off.)

Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer's power and toughness are each equal to the number of lands you control.

Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, create a 3/3 green Badger creature token.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Awakened Skyclave
Giant Badger
Rysorian Badger
Garden of Freyalise
Colossal Badger
Argothian Opportunist

GingerLife117 on Horde of Notions

5 months ago

It could probably use a little more card draw......I do have a Mulldrifter and the cluestones can draw if I sacrifice them....the one that would help the most is the Vanquisher's Banner....I also really want to run all of the Omnaths and an Animar, Soul of Elements and maybe a Maelstrom Wanderer but it doesn't necessarily need a wanderer.....Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer would also go good in it but also doesn't need need it....and any of the Titanias would go better in it than greensleeves

Zobeth on Omnath 9.22.2022 preEdit

5 months ago

Some new cards to consider after you become a multi million dollar engineer

Lands: All of the New Capenna sac lands. Obscura Storefront, Maestros Theater, Riveteers Overlook, Cabaretti Courtyard, Brokers Hideout. These will trigger landfalls 2x and let you search for the colors you need.

Instants/Sorceries Entish Restoration - If you have Omnath in play you hit 3 of his triggers in just one card Awaken the Woods - Pay X mana to make that many land creatures. Seems pretty good for landfall

Enchantments/Artifacts Conduit of Worlds - You can play lands from graveyard and if you are in a bind, cast spells from there too. Spelunking - Lands come in untapped Back to Basics - Ruins peoples lands if they arent playing basics

Creatures Nissa, Resurgent Animist - Pricey but another mana generator Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer - Another Token Generator Rootpath Purifier - Niche card but allows you to search for any land in your library

Benwatts14 on Frog and Blonde Real Estate

1 year ago

Love this build +1 from me! I just finished the first draft of my own version (though they’re very similar.) It’s on my page and I’d love to know your thoughts on it. I thought the card was awesome since it was first spoiled but I got distracted by other cards and never got around to building it (New Etali being the main culprit). I think mine leans a little heavier in the ramp section. I also saw your note about Cultivator Colossus and am having the same issue trying to find a spot for it in my deck. I used it as a finisher in my Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer deck and it can absolutely end a game

Swebb87 on Attack phase - interaction & …

1 year ago

Sorry for the long question: in a game recently played, there were 3 of us left. Will describe what happened in turn order etc

Player 1 declared attacks on player 2 for lethal combat damage (player 2 had no blockers) and declared attack on player 3 (the creature attacking was Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer equipped with Staff of Titania and made unlockable with a Suspicious Bookcase.

Player 2 declared no response to the attack, player 3 then cast an Abrade targeting the Staff of Titania which would have saved their life, in response to the Abrade, player 2 cast Counterspell ensuring that the damage was enough to be lethal, thus player 1 won the game.

The question is: is what player 2 did legal? Had they technically died after declaring no blocks or do they stay in the game as a legal participant until the combat phase has finished?

Profet93 on Lands are your friends.

1 year ago

Well, it really depends how you wanna go and win. There a lot of different ideas.

You can use genesis wave for a large amount to put a haste outlet (Concordant Crossroads, Akroma's Memorial), on board and swing witheverything.

Adding tooth and nail will allow you to easily search for avenger + craterhoof.

Regal Force in place of craterhoof to draw a bunch (usually much safer than attempting to win on the spot via combat). Regal force really shines in a deck that makes more tokens. Aside from scute swarm, Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer works for making tokens upon lands entering in addition to Rampaging Baloths. Not even saying to add either of them, just giving you ideas of how you can play your deck.

Rude Awakening - While not incredibly powerful as other mono green cards, it acts as ramp with cradle, a wincon (swing lands) and a mana ritual. Without cradle, I wouldnt add it. Even if you had cradle, it isn't a sure thing. Just another idea.

Once you have an idea of how you want the deck to be built (Ex: Going tall with big creatures, going wide with small creatures, etc...), how you want to win, we can figure out the ramp draw and utility. You need to provide me/others with an idea how you want the deck to function as we can provide ideas that help you reach that goal. Otherwise, its just people like me giving suggestions which will probably help, but not be entirely synergistic with each other.

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